Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Sungai Ramal Luar (diasaskan tahun 1984), berdasarkan peta tahun 1950 dan kini. Sebahagian besar daripadanya adalah bekas kawasan ladang Sungei Ramal Estate. Lebuhraya PLUS membelah bahagian baratnya, lalu menjadi pemisah di antara Country Heights dengan sebahagian Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) (Surveyor General, Malaya, 1950 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor 1950, Land Use, South Sheet, 1950, 1:126 720"; Mapcarta).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Kampung Sungai Ramal
Di dalam suatu surat permohonan pinjaman oleh pemilik Sungei Ramal Estate, H.R. Moullin, dinyatakan blok terawal didaftarkan pada 12 Disember 1907:-
““I have the honour to report the receipt on the 23rd June 1913 of an application from Mr:H.R.Moullin for a further loan of $25,000/- on Sungei Ramal Estate.
2. Mr:Moullin was granted a loan of $14,000/- in S.R.2066/11. I have pointed out to him that the Rules will not admit of a loan of the amount asked for, and Mr:Moullin asks that he may receive as much as the Rules will permit. A cheque for the Inspecting Officer's free, $50/- is enclosed.
3. The titles are as follows;
(a) Grant no.4401 Portion Nos.1035 & 1061 area 210 acres 2 roods 25 poles Rent $210.80 till the end of 1913 thereafter $843/- Date of Registration of Title & Conditions-Registered on 12.12.07. This grant is subject to the condition that 1/20th. of the are is to be put under permanent cultivation year by year for five years from this date hereof. (ii) The usual right of way in force for first class land (S.R.4751/05). Remarks, Charged to the British Resident of Selangor, on behalf of Government of Selangor for $14,000/ vide S.R.2066/11.
(b) Grant No.5186 Portion No.1034 14 acres 0 rood 15 poles Rent $14.30 till the end of 1916 thereafter $57/- Date of Registration of Title & Conditions - Registered 10.5.11. No special condition. Remarks - as that of para 3(a).
© Grant No.5242 Portion 1770 Area 114 acres 2 roods 10 poles Rent $114.80 till the end of 1915 thereafter $459/- Date of Registration of Title & Conditions - Registered on 10.6.11. That one half of the area is to be put under permanent cultivation within one year from 18th April 1910. Remarks - as that of para 3 (a).
(d) Grant No.5243 Portion 1776 Area 48 acres 3 roods 25 poles Rent $49/- till the end of 1915 thereafter $196/-. Date of Registration of Title & Conditions - Registered on 10.6.11. No special confition. Remarks - As that of para 3(a)
(e) Grant No.5244 Portion Nos.1777 & 1932 Area 71 acres 1 rood 15 poles Rent $71.50 till the end of 1915 thereafter $286/- Date of Registration of Title & Conditions - Registered on 10.6.11. No special condition.
4. The planted area is as follows:-
3 1/2 years : 50 acres
2 1/2 years : 82 acres
2 years : 97 acres
1 1/2 years : 149 acres
1 year : 52 acres.
5. Quality of soil appears excellent.
6. Situation is excellent; road frontage on Sungei Chuau Road, 2 miles from Kajang. Land gently undulating.
7. Trees appear well grown, except the 3 1/2 years old which might be more fairly reckoned as 3 years old.
8. Buildings are practically non-existant; the object of the loan is partly to enable permanent buildings to be erected.” - District Officer, Ulu Langat. ”
(Sumber: Arkib Negara 1957/0171341W, 14/08/1913: |"H.R. MOULLIN APPLIES FOR FURTHER LOAN OF $25,000 ON SUNGEI RAMAL ESTATE").
“District Office, Kajang, 11th January 1911. U.L.Lds 1321/20: Application from H.R.Moullin for 14 acres and 15 poles of land at Kajang.
I have the honour to seek sanction for the re-alienation to Mr.H.R.Moullin of Kajang (appln: N.794/10) of an area of 14 acres and 15 poles - Portion 1034 as shown in red on attached tracing for rubber cultivation.
2. This block was held by applicant on Mining Lease and is said to have been prospected and found non-stanniferous. All the adjoining lands are under agricultural titles and the Mines Department offer no objection to the grant of agricultural rights.
3. Portion 1035 and other adjoining blocks have been acquired by the applicant by purchase and are rapidly being planted up. Portion 1034 is accommodation land to him as it falls in the middle of his cultivation.
4. The applicant has acquired some 300 acres by purchase and been granted another 700 acres on your papers S.R.5930/10.
5. I recommend alienation on the usual terms for 1st class rubber land without road frontage.”
- Ag; District Officer, Ulu Langat.
(Sumber: Arkib Negara Malaysia ID 1957/0155585W, 13/01/1911: "SANCTION TO RE-ALIENATE TO MR. H.R. MOULLIN OF AN AREA OF 14 ACRES AND 15 POLES OF LAND AT KAJANG").
Beberapa dokumen rasmi serta laporan akhbar berkaitan Sungei Ramal Estate:-
LATAR PERISTIWA: Hilary Rougier (H.R.) Moullin (1875-1922)
Sungei Ramal Estate diambil alih oleh syarikat Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited, sekitar tahun 1915.
Antara maklumat yang diperolehi:-
H.R. Moullin adalah pengerusi syarikat, berpejabat di Reko Hill: “The second annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held on March 7 in the Registered Office of the Company, Reko Hill, Kajang, Selangor, Mr H.R. Moullin (chairman of the company) presiding.”
Pokok getah yang tertua ditanam pada tahun 1910 (3 tahun selepas pembukaan ladang): “Our oldest rubber is 1910 planting. This yielded at the rate of over 30 lbs. per acre per annum at the end of last year, which, as we have adopted a very conservative system of tapping (i.e. single cut on third circumference) is, I think, very promising for the future.”
Hasil getah dijual di Singapura: “Our rubber was mostly sold at auctions in Singapore. The net average price realised for the year was $1.07 per lb. or 2s. 6d.”
Tanaman getah diperluaskan kepada 580 ekar: “We have also decided to increase our planted area by opening up a further area of our reserve land which will bring up the planted area to approximately 580 acres.”
Keadaan ladang adalah baik: “The Government loan has now been paid off in full. I do not think that I have anything further to say except that our prospects for the future appear quite good, as we have a fine estate, well situated, clean and healthy, and with a very moderate capitalisation per acre.”
R.C.M. Kindersley adalah pengarah syarikat: “Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley, the retiring director, was re-elected. It was also decided to increase the number of directors to four and Mr. E.W. Tyler was invited to join the board. Mr. A.P. Baker, was also re-elected auditor for the current year.”
Jumlah keluasan: 658.13 ekar, 430 ekar daripadanya telah ditanam. 24.62 ekar kawasan hutan dibeli pada bulan Disember, 16.5 ekar daripadanya bakal dibuka. Purata bagi tahun 1915: 12,500 batang pokok getah telah ditoreh: “The total area of the estate is 658.13 acres of which 430 acres are under cultivation. No addition to the planted area was made during the year. A block of jungle 24.62 acres in area was purchased in December and is a valuable addition to the estate. The directors have decided to proceed with the opening up of this and a further 16 1/2 acres both contiguous to the present planted area, statement of acreages and dates of planting is appended. The general condition of the estate continues to be satisfactory and growth good. A total of 28,973 lbs. was harvested up to December 31, 1915, against an estimate of 25,000 lbs. The company's rubber was mostly sold at the auctions in Singapore and realised satisfactory prices. The estimated crop for 1916 is 65,000 lbs. The average number of trees tapped during 1915 was 12,500.”
Tenaga buruh Cina mudah diperolehi oleh kerana lokasinya berhampiran petempatan Cina. Buruh Jawa turut diambil pada bulan September untuk tinggal di dalam ladang. Rumah kongsi untuk mereka telah didirikan. Keadaan ladang baik, tiada wabak. Stor simpanan getah juga dibina: “Chinese labour has continued plentiful, the estate being exceptionally well situated in this respect. A few Javanese were engaged in September with a view to starting a resident labour force which can be increased if advisable. Health was good. The estate has been practically free from disease with the exception of a few isolated cases of fomes and white ants. A set of permanent lines for Javanese was erected and a well provided. An addition to the latex store was made. Other buildings were maintained in good order.”
(Sumber: Straits Budget, 10 March 1916, Page 5: |"SUNGEI RAMAL. Prospects for the Future Appear Quite Good").
Ringkasan laporan di atas: “At the annual meeting, at Kajang, of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd., Mr. Kindersley, the Chairman, said the profit, amounting to $14,768, was being carried forward. The all-in cost had been reduced to 46 cents. The average price was $1 07. The new issue had been largely over-subscribed, the issued capital being now $125,000. It had been decided to open up reserve land, bringing the planted area up to 580 acres.” (Pinang gazette and Straits chronicle, 9 March 1916, Page 5: |"Sungei Ramal Rubber").
“Following is the report by the directors of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., to the third annual general meeting of the company to be held on Wednesday, March 7, within the registered office of the company, Reko Hill, Kajang, F.M.S.: …”
Jumlah keluasan ladang: 669.69 ekar. 10 ekar daripadanya baru dibuka dan ditanam. Jumlah keluasan yang dah ditanam: 551 ekar, 4 ekar daripadanya rizab jalan: “The total area of the estate is 669.69 acres, of which 10 acres (approximately) contiguous to the present planted area is held under approved application No. 77/16. 121 acres were cleared and planted during the year which makes a total planted acreage of 551 acres, including 4 acres of road reserve in the estate.”
Keadaan ladang dilaporkan baik: “The general condition of the estate continues to be satisfactory and it has been practically free from disease and pests.”
Hampir keseluruhan tenaga buruh ialah buruh Cina (20 orang daripadanya tinggal di dalam estate), oleh kerana lokasinya yang berhampiran dengan perkampungan Cina (mungkin Kampung Sungai Chua?): “The whole of the tapping labour force is now Chinese, the supply of which has been good owing to the estate bring in close proximity to their village. About 20 Chinese now live on the estate. … A set of lines for Chinese was also erected and an addition made to the store. Other buildings were maintained in good order and condition.”
Banglo untuk pengurus ladang siap dibina pada bulan November: “A bungalow for the manager was completed in November.”
Tabung Peperangan (untuk membiayai peperangan di Eropah ketika itu): “A sum of $5,000 was invested in the F.M.S. Government 6 per cent. War Loan.”
C. Phillips dilantik pengurus ladang, menggantikan H.R. Moullin (pengarah): “Mr. H.R. Moullin was in charge of the estate until the end of October. Mr. C. Phillips was appointed manager and assumed his duties on November 1, when Mr. H.R. Moullin was appointed visiting agent. In accordance with the articles of association Mr H.R. Moullin (director) retires but being eligible offers himself for re-election. Mr. A.P. Baker left the country to join the Imperial Forces, and Messrs. Neill and Bell, C.A., were appointend auditors for the year 1916. They are now retiring but being eligible offer themselves for re-election.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 28 February 1917, Page 13: |"Sungei Ramal Syndicate").
Ringkasan laporan di atas: “The annual reports of the Indragiri (Sumatra) and Sungei Ramal rubber companies and an account of the annual meetings of the Titi Tin mines and Sungei Gau are given in this issue.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 1 March 1917, Page 1: |"THE WEEK'S NEWS"). “The report of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., which will be submitted at the Annual General Meeting to be held on March 7 at Kajang, shows that the nett profit for the year ended December 31, 1916, was $44,814. The crop harvested was 83,405 lb. and the average cost of production was 40. 16 cts as against 46. 16 cts for the previous year. The report recommends the payment of a final dividend of 10%, making 30% for the year, and a carry forward of $10,689.” (Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 7 March 1917, Page 298: |"The report of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd.,").
Antara maklumat yahg diperolehi:-
H.R. Moullin masih pengerusi syarikat: “The fifth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumbur, on Friday. March 15th, Mr. H. R. Moullin, Chairman of the Company, presided.”
Mr C Phillips adalah pengurus ladang: “The Estate is in excellent order and was thoroughly upkept in every way. The thanks of the shareholders are due to the Manager (Mr C Phillips) who shewed energy and zeal in his work, although overdue for leave. His work in standardising the latex on the estate ensured a uniform quality which fetched the best prices obtainable in Singapore.”
R.C.M. Kindersley masih salah seorang pengarah syarikat: “I now propose that the report and accounts for the year ended 31st December, 1918, be passed, and I would ask Mr Kindersley to second this.”
Tenaga buruh diperolehi dari kampung Cina yang berdekatan (mungkin Kampung Sungai Chua?) “Mr Teale enquired why the cost of tapping was so high. The Chairman replied that all tapping was done by Chinese on contract and the work done was considered quite satisfactory. Owing to the proximity of the estate to a Chinese village, labour was always plentiful and the outturn very good. It was hoped to reduce the cost of tapping as the trees got older.”
Pemprosesan hasil getah dikontrakkan kepada Kajang Central Rubber Factory: “Mr Teale enquired if it was the intention of the Directors to continue curing their rubber at the Kajang Central Rubber Factory or did they intend erecting their own factory. The Chairman replied that the Company had a three years' contract with the Kajang Central Rubber Factory which did not expire till 1920. The Directors had not yet considered the question of erecting their own factory. It was quite an open matter with the present high cost of materials, and there was no reason to doubt that the Kajang Central Rubber Factory would extend the present agreement.”
Raja Alang bin Raja Berayun dilantik kembali sebagai salah seorang pengarah syarikat: “Raja Allang bin Raja Brayuon was re-elected a Director.”
(Sumber: Pinang gazette and Straits chronicle, 19 March 1919, Page 6: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Raja Alang bin Raja Berayun
“A general meeting of the Kajang District Planters' Association was held on Jan. 4th, when there were present Mr R Kindersley (Chairman), eighteen members and two visitors. … Two letters from the Central Perak Planters' Association were read, in which they asked the Kajang District their opinion on the commission charges made by certain recruiting agents in India, which appeared to them as “extremely high.” There being no complaints from members with regard to these charges, the Hon. Sec. was instructed to inform the Central Perak Planters' Association on the matter. Rubber Thefts: Mr. Kindersley said this matter was in the hands of the P.A.M. and he thought that no further action was necessary at present. Chinese Labour: Mr. Hayton said that, owing to the exceedingly high wages earned by Chinese on contract tapping on some states, it was now necessary to fix a maximum wage that could be earned by a labourer on contract tapping. Mr. Dakeyne said that an important matter like this would have to be carefully considered, and he therefore proposed that a committee be appointed thoroughly to consider the matter. This was seconded by Mr. Moullin and carried. The following were appointed to this Committee - Messrs. Kindersley, Dakeyne, Moullin, Cummins, Leyne and Ferrers. … The following estates were elected members of the Association:- Sungei Ramal, Connemara and Tarron.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 January 1917, Page 7: |"KAJANG D.P.A.").
“Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd.
Sungei Ramal Estate.
Postal Address - Kajang, Selangor,
Distance from Railway Station - Kajang Station, 3 miles.
Distance from Telegraph Ofice - Kajang, 2 1/2 miles.
Manager: C. Phillips
Visiting Agent: H.R. Moullin, Kajang.
Secretaries and Registered Office: R. & D. Kindersley, Reko Hill, Kajang, F.M.S.
Acreage: Total 946, cultivated (Rubber) 834.”
(Sumber: Fraser & Neave, Limited, 1918: "The Singapore and Straits Directory: 39th", m.s. 761).
“The annual general meeting of the Kajang District Planters' Association was held at Kajang on April 3rd, … The Chairman read the following letter received by the Hon. Secretary, dated March 31st, 1919:- “Kindly note that the undermentioned Estates terminate their membership of the Kajang District Planters' Association from today. We are, yours faithfully: Balgownie Estate, Bangi Estate, Reko Hill Estate, Glenshiel Estate, Sungei Tankas Estate, Kajang Estate, Sungei Reko Estate, Connemara Estate and Sungei Ramal Estate, represented by R. and D. Kindersley. Cheras Estate, represented by E.M. Schwabe. Kajang Central Rubber Factory, represented by John Hands.”” (Pinang gazette and Straits chronicle, 11 April 1919, Page 9: |"KAJANG D. P. A.").
“At the Sungei Ramal Syndicate sixth annual meeting, Mr. Moullin, presiding, said that the profit was $101,871. A final dividend of 15 per cent was declared making 45 percent for the year. Mr. Kindersley and Mr. Moullin were re-elected directors. It was announced that a forward contract had been made for the sale of five tons of crepe monthly in 1920 at 83 cents per lb.” (The Straits Times, 16 March 1920, Page 7: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
“The sixth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited, was held at the company's registered office, 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on the 15th instant, Mr. H.R. Moullin presiding. … The total acreage of the estate remains the same as last year, i.e. 950.85 acres. An addition of 10 acres was made to the planted area which is noe 819 acres. Contract tapping was continued throughout the year. The system was reduced from 1/3rd to 1/4th circumference on a single cut daily. The tapping was very well done. The rubber was cured by the Kajang Central Rubber Factory, Ltd., under contract and obtained satisfactory prices at the Singapore auctions. … We have decided to put 92 acres of the old rubber on to alternate day tapping, a system which is recommended as a precaution against brown bast. This will not affect our output for the current year to any serious extent, but as the number of dry trees has of late shown an increase this course has been recommended by our visiting agents. … I should like to welcome back Mr. E.W. Tyler who has just returned from leave and rejoins the board. The directors' report and accounts for appreciation of Mr. Phillips' services as manager, and we hope that he will be able to take a well earned holiday this year. … The retiring directors (Messrs. R.C.M. Kindersley and Moullin) and auditors (Messrs. Neill and Bell) were re-elected.” (The Straits Times, 20 March 1920, Page 2: |"Sungei Ramal").
“The eighth annual general meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited was held at the registered office of the Company 1. Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, with the Hon. Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley in the Chair. The Chairman, after reference to the loss the Company has sustained by the death of the late Chairman Mr. H. R. Moullin, said this Company is in a strong position and has even been able to make a small profit for the year. … The crop for the year worked out at 293 lbs. per acre against 392 lbs. per acre in the previous year. The drop in yield was due to restriction being introduced by adopting a single cut on the quarter on alternate days instead of a single cut on the quarter daily. It will probably be advisable to alter the system later and this matter is receiving consideration. The estate is in thoroughly good order throughout and I take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to the manager, Mr. Phillips for his good work. I now have pleasure in moving that the statement of accounts and balance sheet and the Directors' report for the year ended 31st December, 1921, be adopted and passed. … The retiring Director, the Hon. Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley, was re-elected as also were the retiring auditors, Messrs. Neill and Bell.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 April 1922, Page 8: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Hilary Rougier (H.R.) Moullin (1875-1922)
R.C.M. Kindersley mengulas mengenai polisi sekatan eksport ketika itu: “Presiding at the eighth annual general meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., at Kuala Lumpur yesterday afternoon Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley, the chairman, in dealing with the rubber situation said that it was in the power of the two greatest rubber producing countries to work in cooperation and restrict their export of rubber in such a proportion as would place the rubber planting industry in a prosperous condition with scarcely any inconvenience. He thought it was probable that action was being delayed owing to a complete misunderstanding of the position here, and it was said that there was a strong feeling in some quarters of the Netherlands Indies that this country will go under and our estates go out. This was utter nonsense as anyone travelling through the Malay States today could see that the estates were in excellent order and there was not the smallest prospect of the diminution of the rubber producing area in this country. Individuals may be ruined both here and in the Netherlands Indies and estates may become bankrupt, but the trees will remain. There was also a mistaken idea that rubber estates in the Netherlands Indies could produce more cheaply.” (The Straits Budget, 14 April 1922, Page 3: |"Sungei Ramal Syndicate").
“The ninth annual general meeting of the shareholders in Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday morning, the Hon. Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley presiding. … As forecasted in my speech last year the tapping system was altered during the second half year and is now a V on half the circumference on alternate days, instead of on a quarter, and we have a moderate bark removal with an ample supply of bark. The crop worked out at 374 lbs. per acre against 293 lbs. per acre and the cost of production “all in” fell from 30.08 cents in 1921 to 23.17 cents in 1922.”
Pembinaan rumah asap: “The new smoke house is now in working order and a very good sample of smoked sheet is being turned out. The smoke house was erected under the supervision of the estate manager, Mr. C. Phillips, and the result is very creditable to him. I have pleasure once more in expressing our appreciation of Mr Phillips' work as manager and our thanks are due to him for the satisfactory condition of the estate as well as for the moderate working costs.”
Kejayaan lobi undang-undang sekatan eksport getah (Januari 1921 - 1 November 1922): “At last year's meeting I said that the previous year had been the worst on record for the rubber industry and that the future outlook was gloomy in the extreme. I very nearly had to repeat the statement this year, but the introduction of restriction by legislation of the export of rubber from November 1, 1922, saved the situation. If restriction had been introduced in January, 1921, when it was asked for an enormous sum of money would have been saved to this country and to the British Empire. After waiting for close on two years, we have taken the course that we might have taken in 1921, at which time the effect would have been very much quicker as we had not then got the large stocks that are said to have accumulated since. I have already expressed the opinion in the Federal Council and at a recent meeting of the P.A.M. that Malaya owes a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. A.W. Still, the Editor of the Straits Times, for the great service he has rendered to the country in general, and particularly to those who are directly interested in rubber, by his persistent and able advocacy of the policy that has now been adopted at the eleventh hour. Even when it appeared hopeless ever to wake the Singapore Government from their lethargy, Mr. Still's efforts continued unabated and I believe if it had not been for the constant pressure brought to bear by Mr. Still, in the Straits Times, we would not even now have restriction in force. The original suggestion of the Times of Malaya resulted in the formation of the organising committee of the “Still Presentation Fund,” whose arrangements for giving publicity to the project are now nearly completed. I hope that the people of Malaya will take advantage of this opportunity and show substantially their appreciation of what Mr. Still has done for them.”
Penutup: “The retiring directory, Mr. E.W. Tyler, was re-elected as also the retiring auditors, Messrs. Neil and Bell.”
(Sumber: The Straits Times, 13 March 1923, Page 10: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
“The tenth annual general meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held on March 25, at the registered office of the company, 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, with Mr. E.W. Tyler in the chair. Notice convening the meeting having been read by a representative of the secretaries, Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd., The Chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- … The estimate is in excellent condition. Mr. C. Phillips continues to act as manager and our thanks are due to him for his good work and successful efforts to run the property efficiently and economically. The estimated crop is 180,000 lbs. which is about 60 per cent. of our standard production. Owing to his continued ill-health Raja Allang bin Raja Brayuon does not seek re-election as a director. It is proposed to ask Mr. M. C. English to accept a seat on the board. … Before asking Mr. Ritchie to second this resolution I shall be pleased to answer any questions shareholders like to ask. The report and accounts were adopted and Mr. M. C. English was elected a director in place of Rajah Allang bin Raja Brayuon. The retiring auditors, Messrs. Neill and Bell, were re-elected.” (The Straits Times, 27 March 1924, Page 10: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Raja Alang bin Raja Berayun
“The report of Sungei Ramal Syndicate for the year ended December 31, 1924, states that nett profit after allowing for depreciation amounts to $38,845.52 …” (The Straits Times, 21 March 1925, Page 7: |"Sungei Ramal Syndicate").
“The following are extracts from the Directors' Report for presentation at the twelfth annual general meeting of shareholders to be held at Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, 20th April 1926. … Tapping - The system throughout is a V on half the tree tapped alternate daily and a high standard of work continues to be maintained. Weeding - The Estate is reported by the Visiting Agents to be in good order throughout in this respect. Curing - A certain amount of trouble has been experienced in attaining the high standard required in Singapore, but new machinery has recently been installed, and the Directors hope that the difficulty will soon be overcome. Lower grades continue to be made up at the Kajang Central Rubber Factory. Cultivation Works were carried out on an extensive scale throughout the Estate and Vigna was planted on hill-sides. The beneficial effects are already apparent. Roads and Buildings are lal reported to be in a good state of repair. Labour and Health - Chinese continue to be employed for all works but towards the end of the year Tamils were engaged for work in the Factory and have proved satisfactory. Health continues to be good.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 April 1926, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE, LIMITED").
“The tenth (twelfth?) annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, April 20 1926, with Mr. E.W. Tyler in the Chair. Notice convening the meeting having been read by a representative of the Secretaries, Messrs Boustead & Co., Ltd., the Chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- … You will have noted that the Directors have decided to open up a further area of 60 acres. This block of land is in the centre of the Estate, and is eminently suitable for planting, the opening work is well in hand, and the area should be planted up next month. … The property is in excellent order, bark consumption is normal and bark reserves ample. A good deal of cultivation work was carried out during the year and this will be continued during the current year. Our thanks are due to Mr. Phillips, our Manager, who has worked hard during the year to run the Estate efficiently and economically.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 April 1926, Page 11: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE, LIMITED").
“The thirteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday, April 1, 1927, with Mr. E.W. Tyler in the Chair. After notice convening the meeting was read by a representative of the Secretaries, Messrs. Boustead & Co., Ltd., the Chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- … During the year 51 acres were planted with rubber, bringing the total planted area up to 868 acres. The cost of our estate, buildings, factory, etc., together with our holding in the Telok Kemang Sanatorium, stands in the balance sheet at a total of $371,665.20. … The profit is the largest year achieved by the Company, and the dividend is also the largest paid… Our manager, Mr. C. Phillips, was away on leave from April, during which time, Mr, J.H. Bailie acted for him, I can testify from personal inspections, that they property is in excellent order in every respect, and trust that some shareholder will propose a vote of thanks to these gentlemen for their good work. … Mr. M.C. English was re-elected a director and Messrs. Neill & Bell re-appointed auditors.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 April 1927, Page 10: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE, LTD.").
The Straits Times, 4 April 1928, Page 10: |"TOWN AND COUNTRY".
“The fourteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on April, 13 with Mr. M.C. English in the chair. The Chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- … Owing to the recent decision to terminate compulsory restriction of export of rubber as from the end of October next, the estimates for the current year will have to be largely revised, so that I am not quoting any figures. I would mention however that during the year a further 46 acres of excellent reserve land are being opened up on approved lines, which with the 1926-7 new clearings will give a total rubber area of about 915 acres (subject to survey which is now being made), … It will interest you to hear that a small deposit of tin ore has been discovered on top of a hill on the property and arrangements have been made with a prominent miner to work this for a few months. The deposit, though rich, is very shallow, and it is hoped possibly to find further tin below or nearby when the crust has been removed, it being almost impossible to make a further examination till this has been done. … I visited the estate recently, especially to look at the new clearing work, and it appeared to be in good order and I should like to record our appreciation of the work put in by the acting manager, Mr. Bailie, who looked after the poperty while Mr. Phillips was on leave, and of Mr. Phillips since his return. It may not be realised by all shareholders that this property is and has been worked almost entirely by Chinese labour, whose wages are of course higher than those of other nationalities. The very reasonable costs which are always worked to are a testimony to the quality of this labour when properly worked, and to the yielding capacity of the trees. … Mr. E.G. Leyne's appointment as director was confirmed, and Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley was re-elected a director. Messrs Neill and Bell were re-appointed auditors.” (The Straits Times, 18 April 1928, Page 13: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
“The fifteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, the chairman, Mr. M.C. English, presiding. … After the funeral of Restriction it was decided for the future to put the property on to the alternate daily A.B.C. system. This means that one third of the estate is always resting. … By the way, the capital expenditure this year includes the cost of a new motor lorry for bringing in the crop from the more distant parts of the estate which are now in tapping, and the general estate transport. … I regret that owing to difficulties in obtaining permission from the Government to prove the tin bearing area mentioned last year, no more actual work has been done in this connection at present. Negotiations with Government continue. The mining for which permission is sought is only in the nature of detailed prospecting work until we can find out whether the deposit extends further than can be seen on the surface. We do not wish to have the land definitely alienated as mining land until we know whether the extent of the deposit is great enough to offset the value of the rubber on it. … I think that you will consider the costs of production to have been satisfactory, and it is fully expected that they will continue to be so, though if the price of rubber improves it may be expected that the wages of labour will also show an increase, as they already have to some extent. The report and accounts were adopted, a final dividend of 15 per cent, making 20 per cent for the year, was declared, the retiring director, Mr. M.C. English, was re-elected and Messrs. Neill and Bell, were re-appointed auditors.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 May 1929, Page 10: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
Menjelang tahun 1920, pengeluaran getah secara besar-besaran telah cukup berleluasa sehingga menyebabkan lebihan. Lebihan pengeluaran bakal mengakibatkan kejatuhan kadar permintaan dan harga getah dunia. Maka pada 2 Oktober 1920, sebilangan syarikat industri getah bersepakat membawa cadangan perundangan sekatan pengeluaran getah, sebagai langkah membendung perkembangan tersebut: “The following resolution was passed at a general meeting of the members of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce, with Mr Chan Kang Swee in the chair, held last Saturday at the Chamber premises, 150-E, Bunga Raya, Malacca, to consider whether it is advisable to advocate legislation in the matter of restriction of output:- “That it is the opinion of this meeting of this Chamber, in order to ensure universal restriction of output, which this meeting believes is necessary to protect the rubber industry from disaster, legislation to introduce compulsory restriction is urgently needed, and that Government be requested to give effect thereto and also suggest to the Netherland Indies and Ceylon Governments to adopt similar measures.” Messrs Barker & Co, Ltd, advise that the following further members of the RPAM have signified their willingness to restrict their crop, some of which are in favour of compulsory restriction while others conditional upon all other members agreeing:- …, Sungei Ramal, …. The following company has decided to stop tapping altogether:- Radella rubber estate.” (Malaya Tribune, 5 October 1920, Page 5: |"Rubber Surplus").
Cadangan tersebut telah dibawa secara rasmi kepada pihak kerajaan pada Januari 1921. Hampir 2 tahun selepas itu, iaitu pada 1 November 1922, sekatan eksport getah bagi seluruh Tanah Melayu telah dikuatkuasakan, dan kesannya didapati positif terhadap Sungei Ramal Estate: “At the annual general meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., the Hon. Mr. Kindersley, presiding, said, inter alia: At last year's meeting I said that the previous year had been the worst on record for the rubber industry and the future outlook was gloomy in the extreme. I very nearly had to repeat the statement this year, but restriction by legislation of the export of rubber from November 1, 1922, saved the situation. If restriction had been introduced in January, 1921, when asked for, an enormous sum of money would have been saved this country and the British Empire. He paid a high tribute to Mr. Still, editor of the Straits Times, for his persistent and able advocacy of the policy that was now adopted at the eleventh hour.” (The Straits Times, 12 March 1923, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
16/04/1923: Malaya Tribune., 16 April 1923, Page 8: |"A. W. STILL PRESENTATION FUND"
“In 1926, one finds, only two of these 67 companies were unable to pay any dividend at all, whereas 23 paid 50 per cent, or over, including Sepang Valley 100 per cent., Sungei Ramal 70 per cent., Parit Perak 80 per cent., Kundong 80 per cent, Bukit Palang 75 per cent, and twelve others 60 per cent. There are only five companies, other than the two mentioned above, that paid less than 14 per cent. The Slump Years: Those of us who were in Malaya in that wonderful year can only yearn wistfully for the return of “the good old days”! But for the years 1931 to 1933 a very different tale is told. In those three years, 53 of the 67 companies paid no dividend, and many as we know showed a loss.” (The Straits Times, 26 July 1935, Page 19: |"PLEA FOR BALANCED RESEARCH WORK").
“The fourteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on April, 13 with Mr. M.C. English in the chair. The Chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- … It will interest you to hear that a small deposit of tin ore has been discovered on top of a hill on the property and arrangements have been made with a prominent miner to work this for a few months. The deposit, though rich, is very shallow, and it is hoped possibly to find further tin below or nearby when the crust has been removed, it being almost impossible to make a further examination till this has been done.” (The Straits Times, 18 April 1928, Page 13: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
Peta sekitar Sungai Ramal Estate, 1929 (Edward Stanford @ F.M.S. Survey Department, 1929: |"1929 F.M.S. Wall Map of Selangor (Kuala Lumpur)").
“The following is the directors' report for the year ended Dec.31, 1929, for presentation at the sixteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., to be held at the registered office of the company, 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday, March 7, at 11 a.m. … The A.B.C. six monthly system on a V cut alternatively daily is in force, and continues to give satisfactory results. The sheet produced is of good quality. Lower grades continue to be manufactured at a neighbouring factory. The estate is normal in regard to health of trees, and pests or diseases that appear to receive attention. The chief labour continues to be non-resident Chinese, and a sufficient supply was available. Their health continues to be good. Owing to the retirement from Malaya of Messrs. R.C.M. Kindersley and C. Ritchie, the firm of Messrs. R. and D. Kindersley who have hitherto been the company's visiting agents, have resigned this office. Mr. A.P. Mackilligin has been appointed visiting agent in their stead and has already visited the estate on two occasions. As mentioned in the chairman's speech at the last annual general meeting, various difficulties arose in the prospecting operations of the company, but these have now been overcome, and work has been commenced on a small selected area. As soon as any definite results are obtained, shareholders will be circularised. … Mr. C. Ritchie, who served on the board as alternate for Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley, resigned on his retirement from Malaya, and Mr. Kindersley has also since then tendered his resignation from the board. Mr. R.C. Russell has been co-opted to fill the vacancy thus caused, and his appointment requires to be confirmed by the shareholders. Mr. A T.M. Lane served as alternate for Mr. E.G. Leyne, who was away on leave. Mr. H.H. Robbins serves on the board as alternate for Mr. R.C. Russell, who has since proceeded on leave. Mr. E.G. Leyne retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election. Messrs. Neill and Bell, the company's auditors, retire and, being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment.” (The Straits Times, 22 February 1930, Page 11: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE, LTD").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Perladangan Kindersley.
“The sixteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd. was held at the registered office of the company, Kuala Lumpur, on March 7, with Mr. M. C. English, the chairman of directors, presiding, supported by a representative of the secretaries, Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd. … The retiring director, Mr. E.G. Leyne, was re-elected, and Mr. D.H. Hampshire appointed a director. Messrs. Neill and Bell were re-appointed auditors. The chairman said … “We received a circular from the R.G.A. strongly requesting us not to publish our costs of production, and gave our consent for this year, though your directors were not personally particularly in sympathy with the idea, as they thought it unlikely that the request would have unanimous support, in which case the value of its effects would be lost. However, we gave our support in order to avoid doing anything to prevent the rubber industry for once doing something unanimously. Quite a number of companies have been publishing their costs recently so that our fears were justified, and we now hold ourselves free to publish our costs in future if it is desired to do so, as we think this information is of interest to shareholders, and helps to stimulate emulation towards cost reduction. Incidentally we have no reason to be ashamed of our costs and a statement of them is laid on the table for the inspection of shareholders who are present.” Referring to general restriction of crop he said: “I personally favour no interference with production in the way of arbitrary crop restriction. There are so many complications of a serious nature to be dealth with, that it seems to me any scheme is just as likely to make things worse eventually as to make them better. However, again in order to encourage co-operation within the industry, we propose to support the R.G.A. recommendation for stoppage of tapping in May, and trust its final effects will be better than we expect.”” (Malaya Tribune, 12 March 1930, Page 5: |"Commercial News. SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
Kaedah A.B.C. telah setahun diamalkan: “The A.B.C. system has only been in use for about a year so that its full effects have not been felt yet. During 1930 we are not pressing for crop and on some of the less good areas the cuts are being placed specially high on the trees so as to allow for a maximum future bark renewal. … Cultivation work is being carried on steadily and a policy of selective weeding has been adopted over all mature areas with the strong support of the Visiting Agent. These measures cannot fail to increase the productivity of the estate.”
EGM bagi menaikkan modal syarikat: “Soon after this meeting, an Extraordinary General Meeting is to be held to consider the increase of the nominal capital of the company to $500,000 and the issued capital to $400,000, by the issue of 200,000 bonus shares.”
Rancangan penanaman berterusan: “Sungei Ramal should be able to produce rubber at a low enough price to make a profit for some years to come, but your Directors consider that estates planted on modern methods and with modern stock must as time goes on be able to produce very much more cheaply than is possible now, and the cheapest producers alone are likely to do really well. Nor does there seem to be any reasonable doubt by that plantation rubber will always continue to be saleable for as long ahead as one cares to think of. It is therefore thought to be advisable to consider the investment of some money in planting up good land with the best available stock, planting smallish areas yearly so as always to have the latest porved material.”
Situasi perlombongan Selangor Tin: “As regards tin, an option was given to Selangor Tin Ltd. to protect part of the estate, and they at last succeeded in obtaining a Prospecting License from Government which entitles the Company to select an area for mining. The option is on the basis of giving the miners a sublease on a tribute basis, with a substantial guaranteed minimum tribute payable per acre for any land mined. The position at the moment is that prospecting work has confirmed that done by previous prospectors, and proved a surface deposit on a small area, and that this deposit is derived from the decomposing of a vein approximately one chain long by two or three feet wide. As no sinking has been done yet, it is impossible to say what depth the deposit extends to. A mining lease on this part is being applied for and also permission to dump tailings into a small swamp belonging to the estate, the condition of which will be improved by this work. It is hoped later to do further prospecting on adjoining land in case other deposits may be discovered.”
Penutup: “Mr. Lane, who has acted for part of the year for Mr. Leyne, has taken a lot of trouble to give us planting advice, for which thanks of the rest of the Board are due. … The retiring Director, Mr. E.G. Leyne, was re-elected, and Mr. D.H. Hampshire appointed a Director. Messrs. Neill & Bell were re-appointed Auditors.”
(Sumber: Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 March 1930, Page 10: |"Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited").
“The 17th annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on March 23, at 2.30 p.m. with Mr. E.G. Leyne in the chair. The chairman addressed the meeting as follows: …”
“The crop harvested for the year was 386,303 lb. and realised an average price of 24.48 cts, or 6.85d. per lb. The A.B.C. system on a “V” on half the tree, tapped alternate daily, is in force, whereby a third of the mature area is being rested in rotation. The average area tapped during the year was 562 1/2 acres, giving an average yield for eleven months of 687 lb. per acre over the tapped area. No tapping took place in May in compliance with the R.G.A. proposal for a tapping holiday. The sheet produced is of good quality. The estate continues to be very free from pests and diseases. The chief labour continues to be non-resident Chinese and a sufficient supply is available. Health continues to be good. Mr. A.P. Mackilligin paid regular quarterly visits to the estate and in his last report states that the condition has shown marked improvement during the past year and that it is in very good order throughout. Mining rights have been obtained over approximately seven acres but in view of the depression in the industry, further development of this proposition is held in abeyance.” (The Straits Times, 14 March 1931, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
Sistem penorehan A.B.C., dan peluasan penanaman: “Presiding at the annual meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd., held at the offices of Boustead and Co., Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, Mr. E.G. Leyne said: … The crop harvested was 386,303 lb. against an estimate of 375,000 lb. The crop was obtained in 11 months tapping as we, in common with most other companies, did not tap in May and as it was also obtained on a conservative tapping system - A.B.C. - the result can be considered satisfactory. The yield per acre from the area tapped was 687 lb., and from the whole mature area 462 lb. and while these can be considered good results it is the opinion of your board and visiting agent that they can be improved by judicious cultivation and we have, therefore, taken advantage of labour conditions during the year to push on this work in the form of contour draining and bunding. The result of this policy is that at the end of the year practically the whole of the estate has been treated in this manner and is in a high state of cultivation. Expenditure in the future will be small and limited almost entirely to upkeep of these works.”
Rekod dividen tanpa putus sejak 1916: “Sungei Ramal has never missed paying a dividend since the year 1916, and I hope that when we next meet, we will still able to continue with this excellent record unbroken. During the year a circular was sent to all shareholders asking them to vote for or against a scheme under which Sungei Ramal would join with another company of good standing in the planting up of an area on modern lines. A very large majority of them voted in favour of the scheme, but in view of the existing conditions, it has been left in abeyance and we do not propose pressing the matter further just now.”
Perlombongan belum dimulakan: “As regards our mining land, we have been given permission to use an area of 3 1/2 acres of swamp land as a dump for tailings, but we have not yet received our mining lease. Action in the near future will depend on the price of tin and our treatment under the quota scheme.”
Keadaan pokok getah muda: “As regards your young rubber the drainage has been greatly improved, with a resulting reduction in the cost of weeding, which was very expensive. Cover crops are now well established. The rubber itself is healthy, but the growth is rather backward in places, and the green covers should improve this. We are at present considering the advisability of doing some further budding with vigorous growing clones in those fields where we stand per acre is high and have asked for the opinion of an expert from the R.R.I on this point.”
Proses perolehan kilang getah baru: “The question of a new factory has been occupying the attention of your directors. The present factory is out of date and its equipment does not permit of reducing the cost of manufacture to the low figure which is general today in modern sheeting factories. We have called for tenders for a fully-equipped factory as we feel that the time is ripe for doing so. Not only will we benefit by the introduction of improved machines, but also, owing to the depressed state of trade, we hope to have the work done and machinery installed at a figure very considerably below what it would have cost even 12 months ago. With an improved standard of sheet and cheaper running costs we should quickly recoup our expenditure.”
Pengarah syarikat, Mr. English, telah bersara: “All your directors visited the estate on one or more occasions, and I cannot conclude without paying a compliment to your late chairman, Mr. English, who has now left this country on retirement. He took a tremendous interest in the company and his constant visits to the estate were always productive of some sound suggestions for its improvement. … Mr. A. Beckett was re-elected a director, and Messrs. Neill and Bell were reappointed auditors.”
(Sumber: The Straits Budget, 2 April 1931, Page 2: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
“During the year the greater portion of the crop was sold to local buyers, either in Kuala Lumpur or in Kajang. There were no forward sales. Tapping was continued on the A.B.C. system on a “V” cut over half the circumference of the trees tapped on alternate days. Ribbed smoked sheet of good quality continued to be produced. Lower grades were not manufactured but sold in the raw state. Disease was more prevalent during the year and increased expenditure was incurred but the work is up to date. As previously the labour force consisted mainly of non-resident Chinese. Mr. Mackilligin in his latest report states that “the estate is in good order throughout and continues to show improvement as regards cultivation and the systematic treatment of root disease. Costs are very reasonable. The very noticeable increase in yield per acre is a satisfactory feature of the past year.”” (The Straits Budget, 24 March 1932, Page 2: |"SUNGEI RAMAL’ S YEAR").
“The 18th. annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited, was held at the registered office of the company, No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, with Mr. E.G. Leyne in the chair. The chairman addressed the meeting as follows: … The crop harvested, 456,000 lbs., exceeds that of 1930 by some 70,000 lbs. and the yield per tapped acre rose from 687 lbs. to 811 lbs. This yield has been obtained on a conservative tapping system, viz. alternate daily, A.B.C., and for this reason and also in view of the attention paid to cultivation in the form of contour draining and bunding, etc., I think the results are gratifying. The cost of production becomes of more importance daily, and every effort has been and is being made to reduce our costs without jeopardising the condition of the property. The cost for last year was 8.72 cts. per lb. which includes .98 cent spent on the upkeep of immature areas. We were helped to some considerable extent in arriving at this low figure by the sale of our produce locally, thereby saving considerable expenditure on packing and transport. With regard to your young rubber, the drainage has received considerable attention and is much improved, and by the end of the year weeding costs had been greatly reduced. Last year I mentioned when addressing you that we were considering some further budding in these areas with vigorous high yielding clones, and after consultation with the R.R.I. experts, this has been successfully carried out on an area of 98 acres where we now have a stand of approximately 120 budded trees per acre. … I also mentioned last year that the board were contemplating the erection of a new sheeting factory. We went very fully into the matter and deferred it in view of the possibilities of still greater improvements in the near future in machinery and equipment and also because of the very considerable reduction in the cost of curing in our present factory. As regards the mining land, the position is that we have applied for and been refused a quota. It is obvious that the further drop in the price of rubber may necessitate putting the estate on a care and maintenance basis, and the position is beingcarefully watched by the directors and estimates for carrying on on this basis have been called for. … The retiring director, Mr. D. H. Hampshire, was re-elected, and Messrs. Neill and Bell were re-appointed auditors.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 April 1932, Page 19: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
“The Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd. reports a profit of $1,445 on the past year. … The crop harvested for the year amounted to 460,640 lb. which compares with the estimate of 450,000 lb. and 456,500 lb. obtained in 1931. … Tapping was continued on the A.B.C. rotational system and the average area tapped per mensem was 537 acres giving a yield of 858 lb. per acre, as compared with an average of 811 lb. per acre from 562 1/2 acres tapped during 1931. Over the whole mature area, however, the yield was 551 lb. per acre. … The property is reported as being in good order throughput and shewing every sign of careful management. Non-resident Chinese still constitute the labour force. Mr. C. Philips was in charge of the estate throughout the year.” (The Straits Times, 24 March 1933, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
“The nineteenth annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd. was held at the registered office of the company No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday, Apr. 4, the chairman, Mr. E.G. Leyne, presiding. After notice convening the meeting had been read by a representative of the secretaries, Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd., the chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- As you are aware, the price obtainable for our rubber during the year under review was even lower than the previous year - the average respective prices being 6.35 and 8.82 cts. per lb. - and it is therefore with some satisfaction we put before you a balance sheet showing a small profit amounting to $1,445.32. … The profit earned is due to further reductions in working costs on the estate and to the action of Government in reducing quit rents to a maximum of $2 per acre. … The crop harvested amounted to 460,640 lb. which is 4,140 lb. more than we obtained in 1931 from the same area and on the same system of tapping viz. alternate daily A.B.C. The continued improvement in yield from the estate can, I think, be rightly attributed to the periodic rest given to one third of the tapping area under this system - which incidentally has been in practice now for 4 years - and to the attention given to cultivation. We have not pressed for crop in any way during the year and in fact introduced selective tapping, which slightly reduced the output while at the same time helping to reduce actual tapping costs. As regards our immature rubber, this is in good order and the cost of keeping it so has been considerably reduced. The 98 acres of budded rubber mentioned when addressing you last year are doing well and we contemplate doing a little further budding in the remaining 14 acres this year. Sundry necessary repairs and alterations have just been recently been carried out in the factory and we are gradually replacing the coagulating pans with hardwood tanks. All this will, we hope, help in further reducing the cost of manufacture. … No questions were asked, and the motion was seconded by Mr. Hampshire and the report and accounts adopted and passed unanimously. The retiring director, Mr. E.G. Leyne, was re-elected, and Messrs. Neill and Bell re-appointed auditors.” (The Straits Times, 8 April 1933, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL'S ONE PER CENT").
“The annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., will be held at No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on April 26. The report states: … The crop harvested for the year amounted to 472,000 lb. as compared with the estimate of 480,000 lbs. and with 460,640 lbs. obtained in 1932. The very wet weather experienced during the season under review accounts for the shortage in the anticipated yield. No change was made in the system of tapping, and the average area tapped per mensem was 562 1/2 acres, giving a yield of 839 lbs. per acre as compared wih an average of 858 lbs. obtained from 537 acres during the previous year. … A tree to tree examination was commenced during the year. 28,730 trees were examined disclosing a gratifyingly small percentage of diseased trees. As before, the labour force consists of non-resident Chinese. … Mr. C. Phillips continued in charge of the estate during the year. Mr. A. Beckett retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election. Messrs. Neill and Bell, Chartered Accountants, the Company's Auditors, retire and offer themselves for reappointment.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 20 April 1934, Page 14: |"SUNGEI RAMAL'S PROFIT").
“A dividend of 4 per cent was declared at the twentieth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd. (rubber and oil palms), held at the registered office of the company, No 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, this afternoon under the presidency of Mr. E.G. Leyne, chairman of the Syndicate. … The estate has been regularly visited by Mr. Mackilligin who states in his report for the final quarter of the year “the estate continues to be maintained in good order and shows every sign of good management.” … Labour conditions were - on the whole - satisfactory throughout the year though the rise in the price of rubber caused some unrest and changes in the tapping force during the latter half. Rates have increased appreciably during the last few months but so long as the estate is running at a fair profit we cannot begrudge the coolies their increased earnings after the lean times they have had. At no time during the slump have field works or cultivation been neglected; on the contrary, advantage has been taken of low labour costs to bring the estate to and maintain it, in a high state of cultivation. We are aiming at a system of controlled forestry throughout the estate and very considerable progress has been made towards this objective during the year. Stagmoss which in the past has been encouraged on the steeper areas, has been regularly slashed and is quickly disappearing, leaving it its place more desirable growths. I think we can fairly attribute the good yields obtained from the estate equally to the attention paid to cultivation and the A.B.C. system of tapping which has now been in practice for 5 years.” (The Straits Times, 4 May 1934, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL MEETING").
“The report of the directors of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., for the year ended Dec. 31 last, to be presented at the annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur on March 30, states: The balance brought forward from last year was $52,924.19; deduct directors' fees 1933, $3,000, 4 per cent. dividend paid on Apr. 26, $16,000, and bonus to manager, $500 - $19,500, leaving $33,424.19; add profit for 1934 $28,828.11, making $62,252.30; deduct interim divident of 3 per cent. paid on Oct. 30. 1934. $12,000, leaving a balance of $50,252.30. The directors recommend that this be disposed as follows - Final dividend of 4 per cent $16,000, carry forward subject to payment of directors' fees $34,242.30.” (Straits Budget, 28 March 1935, Page 2: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
“The main, non-resident, Chinese labour force has been augmented by a small Javanese gang.” (The Straits Times, 22 March 1935, Page 9: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
“The twenty-first annual general meeting of shareholders of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the registered Office of the Company, 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday. The Chairman, Mr. E.G. Leyne, presided. The Chairman, addressing the meeting, said:- … I told you last year that our policy as regards the estates was to gradually eradicate undesirable growths such as stagmoss and broken and to encourage others more desirable. Visits to the estate by your directors leave them satisfied with the progress made by the latter and our steady advance towards a system of controlled forestry, but they are not satisfied that the continuance of slashing is the most economic method of ridding the place of stagmoss and and they have therefore decided to completely eradicate it over a definite area yearly by forking and hand pulling where more desirable covers are now sufficiently in evidence to warrant this course. As you will see from the report we have continued the tree to tree examination for root disease. Nearly 600 acres have been examined and the results continue to disclose a very small incidence of disease. The introduction of restriction has given us the most prosperous year we have had for many years. … A final divident of 4 per cent was declared and the retiring Director, Mr. D.H. Hampshire, was re-elected. Messrs. Neill & Bell were re-appointed auditors.” (Malaya Tribune, 2 April 1935, Page 17: |"DIVIDEND OF 7 PER CENT, FOR YEAR").
“The report of the directors of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd., states the profit for the year ended December 31, 1935, amounted to $21,543 to which is added $31,252 brought forward from the previous year, making a total of $52,795. … The Visiting Agent, Mr A.P. Mackilligin reports that the estate is in good order. The retiring director is Mr E.G. Leyne, who offers himself for re-election. The other directors are Messrs D.H. Hampshire and A. Beckett.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 8 April 1936, Page 7: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYND").
“The twenty-second annual general meeting of shareholders of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, No. 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, Mr. E.G. Leyne, the Chairman, presiding. After the notice convening the meeting had been read by a representative of the secretaries, Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd., the chairman addressed the meeting as follows:- … A slightly lower price for our rubber and a larger measure of restriction as compared with the previous year have combined to reduce our profit from $28,828 to $21,543 … A considerable sum has been expended during the year in pursuing the policy of ridding the estate of undesirable growths. An area of 90 acres was cleared of bracken and stagmoss and a further area of approximately 80 acres will be dealt with this year. After completion of these 80 acres there will remain an area of approximately 130 acres carrying a cover of bracken and stagmoss mixed with more desirable covers. This area is hilly and it is part of our policy to wait until these desirable covers are present in sufficient numbers to prevent undue wash before proceeding with the eradication of the bracken and stagmoss. Your board has recently obtained the opinion of the Senior Soils Officer of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya on the question of replanting and acting on his advice proposes to replant 10 acres of the poorer rubber this year. … A dividend of 5 per cent. was declared and the retiring directors, Mr. E.G. Leyne, was re-elected. Messrs. Neill and Bell were re-appointed auditors.” (Malaya Tribune, 17 April 1936, Page 3: |"LESS PROFIT OWING TO RESTRICTION").
“The total acreage of the estate is 997 acres and certain small areas totalling 21 acres have been planted on Government reserves. … During the year an area of six acres was converted form agricultural title to mining title and leased to Selangor Tin Ltd. and mining on this area was commenced in January this year. The Board consists of Messrs. E.G. Leyne, chairman, D.H. Hampshire and A. Beckett who retires but seeks re-election. The retiring auditors, Messrs Neill and Bell, retire but offer themselves for reappointment. … The annual meeting is to be held in Kuala Lumpur on Mar. 24.” (The Straits Times, 18 March 1937, Page 7: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
“Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd, here today, Mr. E.G. Leyne, the chairman, expressed regret that outside influence had been permitted to interfere in the present labour troubles on estates. Mr. Leyne is himself a planeter and manager Sungei Puran Rubber Estates in Semeniyih district of Selangor, which employ a large number of Chinese workers. Mr. Leyne said:- … The other alteration in the acreage statement is explained by the alienation of 6 acres for mining. This area has been subleased to Selangor Tin Ltd. and work was started this year but I am unable to comment on the prospects of this venture at this stage. You will perhaps remember that on the last two occasions on which I addressed you I explained our policy as regards ridding the estate of what are generally considered undesirable growths. This policy has been to proceed slowly and to endeavour to encourage suitable indigenous covers before making a clean sweep of those described as undesirable and in fact to retain as much as possible of our top soil. This policy has, I think, to a great extent been justified and in pursuance of it a further area of approximately 85 acres have been cleared of stagmoss and bracken during the year. There remain about 120 acres to be freed from these growths and your Board is now considering the advisability of eradicating them more quickly. … Labour, as you will see from the report has caused no anxiety during the financial year but during the last few days a series of strikes have broken out which eventually spread to every estate in the district employing Chinese labour. During the past 23 years we have always been able to negotiate amicably with our labour the terms of their employment and I regret that on this occasion the influence of outsiders has prevailed and so far our efforts at discussion have met with no success.” (The Straits Times, 25 March 1937, Page 6: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Mogok Pekerja Ladang (1937)
“A profit of $68,726 is reported by the directors of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., for the year 1937. Of this sum $16,000 has been expended in payment of an interim dividend of 4 per cent., leaving a balance of $52,726, to which has to be added $16,896 brought forward from the previous year. The directors recommend payment of a final dividend of 8 per cent., making 12 per cent. for the year, and the transfer to reserve of $15,000.” (Straits Budget, 31 March 1938, Page 3: |"SUNGEI RAMAL EARNS $68,726").
“The directors' report presented by Mr. E.G. Leyne, the chairman, states that $16,000 have been expended in the payment of an interim dividend of 4% leaving a balance of $52,726. … The company had 801.42 acres grant of mature rubber, 17.70 acres Government reserve, 109.05 and 3.20 acres, respectively, of immature rubber (planted in 1926-29) 10 acres cut out and replanted, 1.28 acres grant and .04 acres Govenment reserve of oil palm, 6 acres tin mining lease, and 34.34 acres available reserve. Mining operations commenced in April and resulted in an income from tribute of $3,277. The Visiting Agent, Mr. A.P. Mackilligin reports that the estate is in good condition.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 31 March 1938, Page 10: |"SUNGEI RAMAL").
“Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd. in Kuala Lumpur on Apr. 6, Mr. E.G. Leyne, the chairman said:- You will have seen from the accounts that our profits are again higher than in the previous year. We actually earned $28,625 more. This is due to the better price average throughout the year and to the higher percentage of release under the Control scheme. … The 10 acres experimental replanting promises to be successful. The plants were budded this year with first class clones. It is not extended to extend this area at present. … Mr D.H. Hampshire was re-elected a director and Neill and Bell were re-appointed auditors.” (The Straits Budget, 14 April 1938, Page 5: |"SUNGEI RAMAL MEETING").
“The crop harvested in 1938 was 267,578 lb. compared with 411,250 lb. in 1937. … The Board consists of Messrs. E.G. Leyne, D.H. Hampshire and A. Beckett. Mr. Keyne retires but seeks re-election and Neill and Bell offer themselves for reappointment as auditors.” (The Straits Times, 22 March 1939, Page 7: |"SUNGEI RAMAL PROFIT FALLS HEAVILY").
“The 25th annual general meeting of shareholders of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, Mr. D.H. Hampshire, the chairman, presiding. The chairman said: The past year has been one of low prices and small quotas when compared with those of 1937. … so our profit naturally is small. … In regard to estate matters the policy of manuring further areas was continued and the area actually dealt with during the year was 264 acres. A further area of 300 acres will be manured in the current year. No further areas have been replanted. We received new planting rights for 47.60 acres and these were sold. … We have actually small areas of land unplanted but these are comprised in narrow ravines with old rubber surrounding them and very little of the acreage could be usefully planted with rubber. These ravines are now mostly occupied by Chinese vegetable growers. The Estate is in good order and I cannot do better than quote the concluding paragraph in the report made by our visiting agent, Mr. Mackilligan, after his visit to the estate at the end of January. “I consider that the estate is being maintained in really first class order throughout and with all due regard for reasonable economy.” Our thanks are due to the manager, Mr. Phillips, for the good work that he has done. Your chairman, Mr. Leyne, who has just gone on leave and for whom I am acting during his absence from this country, said in his address to you last year that tribute from the area leased for mining was likely to be small in 1938. … The retiring director, Mr E.G. Leyne, was re-elected and Messrs. Neill & Bell were re-appointed the Company's auditors.” (Malaya Tribune, 7 April 1939, Page 16: |"SUNGEI RAMAL RUBBER").
Isteri pengurus Sungei Ramal Estate, Mr. C. Phillips, menjalani pembedahan di European Hospital Kuala Lumpur: “Mrs. Collingwood-Phillips, of Sungei Ramal Estate, Kajang, has recently undergone a serious operation at the European Hospital Kuala Lumpur.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 21 June 1930, Page 10: |"SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930. EAST AFRICAN PROBLEMS").
Ketika kejatuhan industri getah (serentak dengan kenaikan industri bijih timah), Sungei Ramal Estate adalah antara syarikat getah yang tetap memberikan dividen (1 peratus): “A brief analysis of dollar rubber company results during 1932 may interest readers of these notes who live outside Malaya. Out of thirty-six companies only five paid a dividend to their shareholders last year. The highest payer was Hamilton with three per cent. Kamasan, Kedah and Parit Perak came next with two and a half per cent., and Sungei Ramal gallantly paid one per cent. The contrast between these results and those recorded by local mining companies is remarkable. Out of fifty-seven mining companies nineteen paid dividends last year, Raub Gold heading the list with 45 per cent. Petaling Tin came next with 19 1/2 and Malayan Collieries was close behind with 16 1/2. Then there was Kampong with 10 per cent., four companies with 7 1/2, four with 5 1/4 and the remainder with 2 1/2 or less.” (The Straits Times, 26 May 1933, Page 17: |"MALAYAN PLANTING TOPICS").
Menurut seorang kolumnis akhbar, J.A. “Archie” Russell (pengasas Boh Tea Plantations pada tahun 1929) turut terlibat dalam pengapungan saham syarikat Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd. pada peringkat awalnya: “My notes would not be complete this week without reference to the great loss which Malayan agriculture has sustained in the passing of “Archie” Russell. … Going back nearly a quarter of a century I recall that his first venture was the obtaining of an option over Kamasan Estate, Kuala Selangor, in partnership with a planter. That company has since paid out 374 per cent. in dividends and passed its dividend for the first time this year. In those early days Mr. Russell was also associated with the flotation of Sungei Ramal, New Serendah, Utan Simpan and other local companies and was a member of their boards for some years. … He also built up substantial rubber interests of his own, so much so that at the date of his death he was, I believe, the largest private owner in Malaya.” (The Straits Budget, 20 April 1933, Page 11: |"MALAYAN PLANTING TOPICS").
“John Archibald (Archie) Russell: 11 November 1882 - 7 April 1933” (Claire Grey @ Dearie:Russell Family History: |"John Archibald ( Archie) Russell").
“Charles Bradburne & Co., (1930) Ltd., have compiled the following details of 24 of the more popular dollar rubber companies. … Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd: Nominal Capital, $500,000; Paid Up: $400,000; Par value: $1.00; Financial year ends Dec.31, 1932; Area: Planted Rubber, 947, Mature 835, Total acreage, 1018;” (The Straits Times, 21 July 1933, Page 9: |"DOLLAR RUBBER COMPANIES").
Isteri pengurus Sungei Ramal Estate, Mr. C. Phillips, mengalami kemalangan dan dirawat di Newquay Hospital, England: “Mrs. Collingwood Phillips, late of Sungei Ramal Estate, Kajang, met with an accident on Sept. 30 and is now in Newquay Hospital suffering from a fractured ankle and shock.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 5 November 1934, Page 8: |"DAY TO DAY").
“The following is the Directors' Report and Statement of Accounts of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd. for the year ended December 31, 1939, for presentation at the Twenty-sixth Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday the March 12, 1940 at 10.30a.m. … Mr A.P. Mackilligin, the Visiting Agent, reports that the Estate is in good condition. Mr. C. Phillips remained in charge of the Estate throughout the year.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 March 1940, Page 8: |"SUNGEI RAMAL RUBBER").
“Addressing shareholders at the annual meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd., in Kuala Lumpur yesterday, Mr. E.G. Leyne, the chairman, said: … In 1937 two small areas - 10 acres in all - of old rubber were replanted experimentally and the directors feel that a larger replanting programme should now be undertaken. They have decided to cut out and replant a further area of approximately 120 acres and the area is now being demarcated. … The policy of manuring that portion of our old rubber which is not likely to come into the replanting programme for a considerable period is being continued in spite of the increased cost of fertilizers. This policy was started two years ago and has so far resulted in a noticable improvement in the foliage. It is too early yet to look for anything more. The property generally has been maintained in good order and has been favourably reported on by the visiting agent, Mr. Mackilligin. This reflects creditably on the manager, Mr. Phillips. … Mr. A. Beckett was re-elected a director and Neill and Bell were reappointed auditors. The meeting approved a donation of $500 to the Malaya Patriotic Fund.” (The Straits Times, 13 March 1940, Page 5: |"A GOOD YEAR REVIEWED").
“The twenty-seventh annual general meeting of Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd. will be held at the registered office of the company, No. 1, Embankment Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday June, 25 at 11.30 a.m. The profit for the year ended Dec 31 1940, amounted to $73,297.66, but as $2,000 was donated to the War Fund, $71,297.66 only has been carried forward to the balance sheet. … As indicated in the last report 122 acres were cut out and successfully replanted during the year. … Tribute on Tin ore won in 1940 amounted to $1,583.32. Labour was sufficient for all requirements. Mr. Mackilligin, the company's visiting agent reports that the estate is in good condition. Mr. C. Phillips remained in charge of the estate throughout the year. Mr. Hampshire retires by rotation and being eligible offers himself for re-election. Messrs. Neill and Bell, chartered accountants, the company's auditors, retire and offer themselves for re-appointment.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 June 1941, Page 8: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYNDICATE").
“There was little interest in rubber shares and the only business recorded was a couple of transaction in Allenby and Sungei Ramal.” (Malaya Tribune, 18 February 1941, Page 11: |"Tin, Rubber Quiet").
“Mr. C. Phillips of Sungei Ramal Estate, Kajang, was the recipient of an enlarged group photograph, with himself in the centre, from the members of the A.I.F. of the Military Camp on Sunday, April 20. Lt. Robertson, in making the presentation, dwelt upon the hospitality shown and the many kind acts he had done which had endeared Mr. Phillips to the members of the camp. In accepting the photograph Mr. Phillips expressed his appreciation in his reply.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 April 1941, Page 5: |"SOCIAL & PERSONAL").
Kesemua rekod-rekod syarikat hilang ketika pendudukan Jepun: “After liabilities have been provided for an amount of $44,043.12 stands to the credit of the profit and loss account of the Sungei Ramal Estate, according to the Chairman's speech at the recent general meeting of the company held in Kuala Lumpur. The chairman stated that all the Company's records were lost during the occupation but the auditors were satisfied that the accounts presented to the meeting constituted a reasonable basis on which to reconstruct the books. Full accounts for 1946 will be presented at a meeting to be called later this year,” he stated.“
Mr C. Phillips, pengurus Sungei Ramal Estate, telah bersara: “A sum of $3,000 was voted as directors' fees and a compassionate allowance of $9,000 was voted to Mr. C. Phillips on his retirement after many years service as manager with the company.” (The Straits Times, 25 February 1947, Page 11: |"SUNGEI RAMAL SYND LTD.").
“Notice is hereby given that the thirtieth annual general meeting of the Shareholders will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 1, Embankment, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 2nd June 1948 at 2.30 p.m. …” (The Straits Times, 26 May 1948, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 2").
“It would appear that the rubber industry is regarded as the “dollar cow,” according to the chairman of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Mr. E.G. Leyne. “So long as we produce rubber to gain dollars,” he told the annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur, “we are encouraged to do so regardless of any private interest on capital invested. We have continued to produce rubber under the most adverse circumstances and we in common with most estates in the country are under considerable obligation to our manager and the labour force. Without any near prospect of payment of justifiable claims for compensation, he said, it was most difficult to budget or plan for the future of the company. The chairman explained that owing to the failure in the American market of demand for latex the syndicate had had to revert to the manufacture of smoked sheet in February.” (The Straits Times, 21 June 1949, Page 11: |"DOLLAR COW").
“In a battle near Sungei Ramal Estate, Kajang, Selangor, one bandit was seen to have been hit.” (The Straits Times, 2 April 1949, Page 7: |"2 Bandits Killed In Police Swoop").
“A police patrol from Kapan who battled with bandits at Sungei Ramal estate, Kajang on Saturday recovered identity cards recently robbed from labourers.” (The Singapore Free Press, 6 April 1949, Page 1: |"BANDITS HAD STOLEN CARDS").
Peta sekitar Sungei Ramal Estate 1950 (Surveyor General, Malaya, 1950 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor 1950, Land Use, South Sheet, 1950, 1:126 720").
Tokoh geologi British Tanah Melayu, Joseph (J.) .B. Alexander, telah menerbitkan sebuah makalah berkaitan geologi di Sungei Ramal Estate (Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains Malaysia: |"Clay Sungai Ramal Estate J.B Alexander").
“Notice is hereby given that the Thirty Second Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 1 The Embankment, Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 23rd June 1950 at 10.30 a.m.” (The Straits Times, 16 June 1950, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 3").
“Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited made a profit of $6,860 (1.7%) in 1949. Net liquid assets in balance sheet come to 23 1/2 cents per share, but this does not provide for the Rehabilitation Loan of $80,000. Expenditure on replanting and upkeep of young areas above the $80,000 loan preclude recommendation of a dividend until such time as the almost mythical war damage compensation eventuates,” says the Chairman in his statement to shareholders.” (Malaya Tribune, 19 June 1950, Page 3: |"SUNGEI RAMAL; NO DIVIDEND").
“Jambol was a retired syce. He leaves several children, one of whom is a special constable on Sungei Ramal Estate, Kajang.” (The Straits Times, 18 July 1950, Page 5: |"Hari Raya Tragedy In Kajang").
“Shareholders are advised that the Directors are negotiating the sale of the property and have received a deposit in connection therewith. Full details will be sent on completion. By order of the Board Boustead & Co., Ltd., Secretaries. No. 1, The Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd March, 1951.” (The Straits Times, 24 March 1951, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 3").
“Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd., whose estate has been sold recently, made $35,281 (8.8%) in 1950, but no dividend is recommended.” (The Straits Times, 25 May 1951, Page 11: |"SUNGEIRAMAL SYNDICATE").
Syarikat Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited akhirnya dibubarkan pada 18 Mei 1951: “Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited (Incorporated in the Federation of Malaya): At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the abovenamed Company, duly convened, and held at the Registered Office of the Company, No. 1, The Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on the eighteenth day of May, 1951, the following Special Resolution was duly passed (a) “That the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Ronald Bennet A.C.A., and Edward Douglas Couper, C.A. of Messrs. Neill & Bell, Chartered Accountants, Kuala Lumpur, be appointed joint and several liquidators for the purposes of such winding up and (b) that the Directors and Secretaries be voted retiring gratuities in recognition of their past services to the extent of $9,000 for the Directors and a similar sum for the Secretaries.” - Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited. E.G. Leyne, Chairman. No.1, The Embankment, Kuala LUmpur, 18th May, 1951.” (The Straits Times, 30 May 1951, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 3").
“In the matter of Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited (In Voluntary Liquidiation) … notice is hereby given that the creditors of the abovenamed company which is being wound up voluntarily are required on or before the 30th of June, 1951, to send their names and addresses…” (The Straits Times, 1 June 1951, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 4").
“Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited (In Voluntary Liquidation): Notice to holders of bearer shares: A first distirbution of $1.10 per share is being made in the above Liquidation. Holders of Bearer Shares should surrender their Certificates to me at the address below on or after 15th August, 1951, together with payment instructions regarding this and subsequent distributions. - R. Bennett, Liquidator. NEILL & BELL, 1, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur.” (The Straits Times, 7 August 1951, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 3").
Kemungkinan nama syarikat yang telah mengambil alih ladang Sungei Ramal Syndicate Limited ialah Sungei Ramal Estate Ltd., yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1951 dan beribu pejabat di High Street Kuala Lumpur:-
Seorang tokoh yang dikaitkan dengan Sungei Ramal Estate, Francis Cyril Cox, meninggal dunia di Seychelles pada 9 Jun 1951: “ESTATE OF THE LATE FRANCIS CYRIL COX: TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any claims against or owing moneys to the above-named Francis Cyril Cox of Beau Vallon Beach Hotel, Seychelles Islands formerly of Sungai Ramal Estate (late), Kajang Selangor, Malaya, who died at Mahe, Seychelles Islands, on 9th June, 1951, are required to prove such claims before me the undersigned or to pay to me the amount due, as the case may be, on or before 29th February, 1952, after which date the claims so proved will be paid and the estate distributed according to law. - BERTRAM STEWART EASTWOOD, Attorney of the executor s/o Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, P.O. Box 1303, Nairobi.” (Kenya Gazette Vol. 54, No. 12, February 12, 1952: "GENERAL NOTICE NO. 351", m.s.206).
Laporan rondaan rahsia di Sungei Ramal Estate bagi “menghapuskan” 2 orang anggota ”Min Yuen“ (rangkaian komunikasi dan bekalan komunis) yang pernah dilihat di dalam ladang tersebut: “To eliminate 2 Min-Yuen seen on the Sungei Ramal Estate, Serdang. … A secret action report complied by Second Lieutenant Robin Farmer after a patrol in Sungei Ramal Estate in September 1952. The reverse of the form gave space for details of weapons carried and the number of rounds expended in the action.” (Mark Forsdike, 2022: "The Malayan Emergency: The Crucial Years: 1949-53", m.s.220).
“Rubber thieves got away with a haul of 6,300 lb of sheet and scrap rubber worth $5,000 in Kajang yesterday. They struck at the Sungei Ramal Estate, two miles from Kajang, between 12.30 a.m. and 2.30 a.m. and made off in a lorry. Police said that the rubber sheets were marked “S. Ramal” and warned traders to look out for the mark.” (The Straits Times, 21 January 1961, Page 7: |"$5,000 OF RUBBER STOLEN").
Country Heights Holdings Berhad ditubuhkan pada 10 Mei 1984. Sekitar tahun itu, syarikat ini telah membangunkan perumahan elit Country Heights di ladang Sungei Ramal Estate. Ketika itu ia dikatakan terbengkalai. Ianya dilancarkan sebagai “Country Heights”, sekitar tahun 1987.
Peta Country Heights:-
Atas: Tahun 1950, ketika itu sebahagian Sungei Ramal Estate (Surveyor General, Malaya, 1950 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor 1950, Land Use, South Sheet, 1950, 1:126 720")
Kiri: Tahun 1990-an, ketika itu Persiaran Jaya, jalan raya dari Sungai Ramal ke Bandar Baru Bangi belum dibina (Mister Yeo @ StarProperty, 1st June 2023: |"Country Heights Kajang")
Kanan: Kini (Mapcarta).
Keadaan sekitar Sungai Ramal ketika Country Heights baru dibuka:-
“gambar diatas adalah jalan lama sebelum ada SILK menghala ke Sg.Chua.Lokasi sekarang adalah U-turn ke Shell untuk ke Sg.Ramal Dalam tu,terus tu ada masjid sebelah kiri sebelum simpang ke Taman Kenari.” (Mohd Zafedz Mohd Nor @ FB Bandar Baru Bangi Community (BBBC), 29 Jun 2023 (Ruangan komen): "Rumah asap getah lama (1970/80-an?)").
(Gambar: Facebook Bandar Kajang, 28 Oktober 2019: |"KAJANG". Gambar warna (colorized) oleh Mohamad Fareez).
Menurut sumber-sumber rasmi:-
Menurut sumber-sumber akhbar dan media massa:-
Terdapat sebuah binaan yang kelihatan seperti rumah asap, berhampiran simpang Persiaran Hamidiah, keluar ke lebuhraya SILK ke arah timur (Kajang/Semenyih). Sejarah dan usia binaan ini tidak dapat diketahui, namun anggarannya mungkin sekitar tahun 1970-an, ketika Sungei Ramal Estate (atau kebun kecil getah di sekitarnya) masih beroperasi. Ini berdasarkan:-
Kiri: Gambar tahun 2010. Kelihatan pohon besar (beringin?) yang telah menjalar di keseluruhan dinding sebelah baratnya. (Mohd Alhafiz, August 2, 2010: |"terbiar usang").
Kanan: Gambar tahun 2023 (kini sekitar Bangi Square 2), berlatarkan Louvre Residence yang sedang dalam pembinaan: Dinding sebelah selatannya telah dirobohkan. Kelihatan sebahagian pohon besar di dalam dinding sebelah baratnya.
(Sumber: Facebook Bandar Kajang, 18 Jun 2019: |"Bangunan lama berdekatan SMKA Maahad Hamidiah Kajang" (Ruangan komen)).
(Sumber: Facebook Bandar Baru Bangi Community (BBBC), 28 Jun 2023: |"Rumah asap getah lama (1970/80-an?)").
“Tempat saya berlatih menunggang kuda…Selama 7bulan tahun 2005… Hari2 tengok rumah ni.. Tapi tak terbuka mulut nak bertanya pada anggota polis yg ada kat situ” - AdzraaDhiyaa Camelia (Facebook Bandar Kajang, 18 Jun 2019: |"Bangunan lama berdekatan SMKA Maahad Hamidiah Kajang" (Ruangan komen)).
Kiri: Kemungkinan gambar ini diambil sekitar waktu tersebut ~2000-2013 (Mapio: "( History rumah asap ) @ COUNTRY HEIGHTS. KAJANG").
Kanan: Perbandingan dengan gambar tahun 2023. Kelihatan bentuk yang tampak seperti logo Country Heights pada sisi rumah asap yang menghadap lebuhraya, mungkin dipasang kemudian oleh pengurusan Country Heights setelah mengambil alih Sungei Ramal Estate. (Gambar tahun 2023: Humairah HR @ FB Bandar Baru Bangi Community (BBBC) (ruangan komen), 28 Jun 2023: "Rumah asap getah lama (1970/80-an?)").
Dari kiri ke kanan: Gambar tahun 2014, 2015, 2017: Sejak tahun 2014, ia kelihatan telah lama terbiar.
Dari kiri ke kanan: Gambar tahun 2018, 2019, 2021: Masih terbiar, namun pada tahun 2021 (mungkin sebelum pembukaan Bangi Square 2 di situ pada 15 Oktober 2021), rumah asap itu telah dicat semula dengan cat putih, dan belukar di sekitarnya juga telah diterangkan.
(Sumber: Google Maps/Street View).
Kiri: Gambar tahun 2019, ketika terbiar (Facebook Bandar Kajang, 18 Jun 2019: |"Bangunan lama berdekatan SMKA Maahad Hamidiah Kajang").
Kanan: Gambar tahun 2023, sebelum mula diroboh/dibaikpulih (Humairah HR @ FB Bandar Baru Bangi Community (BBBC) (ruangan komen), 28 Jun 2023: "Rumah asap getah lama (1970/80-an?)").
Rimba Riding Club pernah beroperasi di situ:-
Gambar tahun 2023:-
Kiri: Banner Rimba Riding Club masih tergantung di binaan teduhan di sebelah timur rumah asap tersebut. Nombor HP yang tertera pada banner tersebut masih digunakan sehingga sekurang-kurangnya tahun 2020 (ketika itu sudah beroperasi di Seri Kembangan): “E-mail : rimbaridingclub@gmail.com Instagram : rimbaridingclub Facebook : rimbaridingclub … 📍Taman Pinggiran Putra, Seri Kembangan https://maps.app.goo.gl/xc8A9LbeS8ns71Sp8 📆 July - December 2020 ⏱ 7.30am - 11.30am / 4.30pm - 6.30pm 📱 013-3368729 / 010-7147714” (Mohd Zulhanafi @ FB Food delivery - UPM, Serdang, Seri Kembangan, Taman Equine, 30 Jun 2020: "🦄Project Kuda RRC🦄").
Kanan: Kelihatan pohon besar di dinding sebelah barat.
Gambar-gambar tahun 2023, diambil dari dinding sebelah selatan yang telah dirobohkan. Kelihatan pohon besar (beringin?) yang telah menjalar meliputi hampir keseluruhan dinding sebelah barat, termasuk bahagian dalamnya.
CATATAN: Kemungkin punca pohon (serta bangunannya) masih tidak dirobohkan?: “Pokok ini ada insurance.. so mmg diorg x boleh nk robohkan.. dulu time xde highway bangunan Ni tinggi atas bukit, skang ni dh sama level jalan” - MuZz AzZmi Lieysa (Facebook Bandar Kajang, 18 Jun 2019: |"Bangunan lama berdekatan SMKA Maahad Hamidiah Kajang" (Ruangan komen)).
“RUMAH ASAP BERLACHI: Baru2 ini Bahagian Nasihat Pekebun Kechil Pusat Penyelidikan Getah Tanah Melayu telah berjaya mereka sebuah rumah asap yang berbentuk baru. Rumah asap ini menyerupai seakan2 almari - mempunyai lachi2 yang boleh di-tolak-tarik. Mengikut pendapat Bahagian itu, jenis ini dapat dibuat dengan perbelanjaan yang murah iaitu lebih kurang $120 bagi sebuah binaan yang mengikut ? dalam gambar yang di bawah ini. Binaan ini dapat dimuatkan dengan ? keping getah, diisi ke dalam lachi2 itu. Tiap2 sekeping getah beratnya 1 1/2 kati. Keping getah ini dapat diasapkan dalam empat hari saja dengan tidak payah disalai pada waktu malam. Sekiranya lima hari digunakan untuk mengeringkan getah2 itu, ini bermakna dalam sebulan sebanyak ? kati getah dapat diasapkan. Ini lah jumlah hasil getah yang lazim dapat dikeluarkan oleh tiga atau empat orang pekebun2 kechil. Rumah asap ini ? bentuknya. Sebuah sebagaimana yang dicheritakan tadi berbentuk seakan almari yang berlachi. Yang sebuah lagi ? berbentuk bangunan rumah, dan mempunyai dua baris lachi pula.”
Gambar: “Atas: Bentuk baru rumah asap menyerupai bangunan rumah yang mempunyai dua baris lachi. Kiri: Rumah asap berbentuk almari.”
(Sumber: Berita Getah Asli, Julai-Ogos 1969 p. 6 @ Malaysian Rubber Board: |"Rumah asap berlachi").