Jadual Kandungan
Kronologi Peristiwa Berkaitan Bangi: 1930-1939
Laman Utama | 1900-1909 | 1910-1919 | 1920-1929 | 1930-1939 | 1940-1949 | 1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | Hubungi Kami |
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1930-01-21: Tapak Penyelidikan Ladang Prang Besar
Ladang Prang Besar memohon sebidang tanah di dalam Hutan Simpan Bangi untuk tujuan penyelidikan tanaman getah.
CATATAN: Permohonan ini diluluskan, namun penyelidikan di situ tidak dapat bertahan lama akibat gangguan haiwan liar Hutan Simpan Bangi: “As far back as 1924, Gough established two seed gardens, each protected against pollinating agents from outside by some 25 chains of jungle. His diary recorded his objective: “To discover three types of improved breeding value”. These gardens situated in the Bangi jungle had to be abandoned because of attack by monkeys and other predators. Later seed gardens were successfully established within coconut plantations located on the Bagan Datoh peninsula in Lower Perak. Seedlings from the Prang Besar Isolation Garden (PBIG) and Prang Besar Gough Garden (PBIG-GG) have been widely planted in Malaysia and overseas.” (VD Nair, 1990-an: |"The Story of Prang Besar Estate").
Ladang Prang Besar, ditandakan merah (Edward Stanford @ F.M.S. Survey Department, 1929: |"1929 F.M.S. Wall Map of Selangor (Kuala Lumpur)").
Kawasan Ladang Prang Besar (kini Putrajaya), di sebelah kiri. Hutan Simpan Bangi (kini UKM), di sebelah kanan (Mapcarta).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Prang Besar Estate (1921).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Hutan Simpan Bangi (1906-kini).
1931-03-16: Cikgu Husin Paduka
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
Seorang pembantu guru kelas IIIA Sekolah Melayu Bangi, Cikgu Husin bin Paduka, telah meletakkan jawatannya.
CATATAN: Kemungkinan beliau kemudiannya menjadi guru besar pertama di Sekolah Melayu Semangar, Kota Tinggi, Johor pada tahun 1935: “Sepanjang usia sekolah ini, seramai 10 orang guru besar telah menabur khidmat bakti dan jasa yang tidak ternilai harganya. Antara guru besar – guru besar yang telah mentadbir sekolah ini adalah : 1. En. Husin bin Paduka (1935 – 1937)” (SK Semangar Kota Tinggi, 2019: |"BUKU PANDUAN PENGURUSAN: TAHUN 2020").
1931-06-23: Cadangan Lapangan Terbang
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1931.06.23 | "MALAYAN AVIATION". Malaya Tribune, 23 June 1931, Page 14 |
Surat pembaca(?) yang mengkritik kaedah pemilihan dan keputusan lokasi pembinaan lapangan terbang komersil yang bakal dibina, yang telah dibuat tanpa melibatkan pentadbiran tempatan. Beliau berharap agar lapangan terbang tersebut tidak akan dibina di tempat terpencil seperti Bangi, Sepang, atau Grik.
1932-07-09: Ahli Bomba Terkorban
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1932.07.09 | "RAILWAY DEATH". The Straits Times, 9 July 1932, Page 17 |
Seorang ahli bomba meninggal dunia ketika sedang bertugas di atas keretapi KL-Gemas, akibat terhantuk kepala pada tiang sebuah jambatan di antara Bangi dan Batang Benar: “An accident which ended fatally took place on the 7.40 a.m. train from Kuala Lumpur to Gemas on Thursday when a Tamil fireman named Kunchi is stated to have struck his head against an abutment when the train was passing a bridge near Bangi. The unfortunate man dropped down between the telegraph poles between Bangi and Batang Benar stations and died a few hours later in the Seremban Hospital, death being due to a fracture of the skull.”
CATATAN: Kejadian yang hampir sama berlaku pada tahun 1961, melibatkan seorang pelajar sekolah.
LATAR PERISTIWA: Landasan Keretapi Rekoh-Bangi.
1933-01-16: Tanah di Bangi
Permohonan 4 ekar tanah di Bangi, oleh Haji Mohd. Jamil bin Haji Ali, Kathi, Kajang.
1933-04-06: Jalan Raya Banjir
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1933.04.06 | "Malayan Road Guide". The Straits Times, 6 April 1933, Page 14 |
Antara lain melaporkan sebahagian jalan raya Bangi-Telok Datok dan Kajang-Reko ditenggelami banjir.
Kiri: Jalan Bangi-Telok Datok
Kanan: Jalan Kajang-Reko
(Berdasarkan peta Edward Stanford @ F.M.S. Survey Department, 1929: |"1929 F.M.S. Wall Map of Selangor (Kuala Lumpur)").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Banjir Sekitar Bangi.
1933-06-16: Isu Peladang
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1933.06.16 | "MALAYAN PLANTING TOPICS". The Straits Times, 16 June 1933, Page 17 |
Cadangan penanaman pokok jarak sebagai tanaman selingan, setelah percubaan awal penanaman jarak secara tunggal di Bangi gagal akibat serangan serangga perosak.
1934-10-26: Kes Bunuh di Dengkil
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1934.10.26 | "CULPABLE HOMICIDE CHARGE". Malaya Tribune, 26 October 1934, Page 7 |
Suatu kes pembunuhan di Dengkil (berdekatan Bangi), melibatkan bekas isteri dan anak mangsa.
1935-06-21: Selenggaraan Jalan
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1935.06.21 | "ROAD REPORTS". Malaya Tribune, 21 June 1935, Page 19 |
Laporan selenggaraan jalan raya, antaranya Jalan Bangi-Salak dan Jalan Bangi-Telok Datok.
LATAR PERISTIWA: Jalan Reko-Sepang.
1936-11-14: Peruntukan bagi Sekolah Bangi
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1936.11.16 | "$308,000 FOR ROADS AND BUILDINGS". The Straits Times, 16 November 1936, Page 13 |
Peruntukan belanjawan negeri Selangor, antaranya bagi Sekolah Melayu Bangi (kini Sekolah Kebangsaan Bangi (SK Bangi)): ““There is an extra provision for Malay Vernacular Education, both for trained teachers and for new school buildings are Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, at Sungei Tuah, Ulu Klang, and Bangi; also for a hostel at the High School, Klang, and for extensions to existing schools.” said Mr. Sleep.”
LATAR PERISTIWA: Perihal Sekolah Melayu / Kebangsaan Bangi: 1937: Bangunan Tambahan.
1937-01-29: Insiden di Belmont Estate
Tahun 1937 menyaksikan peningkatan dalam kes mogok dan aksi pekerja yang lain, dalam menuntut hak-hak mereka. Ladang-ladang di sekitar Bangi tidak terkecuali. Belmont Estate terletak di sebelah barat West Country Estate, kini Bandar Baru Bangi. Pada tarikh tersebut, 100 orang pekerja ladang telah bertindak menyerang pembantu pengurus ladang, dikatakan setelah mereka dihukum kerana bermula kerja lewat:-
- “In 1937, a major strike in the Sungei Palu estate, Cameron Highlands, Pahang, turned violent and labourers' housing was burned. In the same year, about 100 labourers were involved in an assault against the Assistant Manager of the Belmont estate, Selangor. Apparently, the assault occurred after the labourers were punished for being late for muster [Labour Department Reports, 1936, 1937]” (P. Ramasamy, 1992: |"Labour Control and Labour Resistance in the Plantations of Colonial Malaya" (PDF), m.s.103).
- “In Selangor on 29 January 1937 about 100 labourers assaulted the assistant manager in Belmont Estate. The incident was sparked off because the workers were punished for being late for the muster.” (P. Ramasamy, 1994: |"Plantation Labour, Unions, Capital, and the State in Peninsular Malaysia" (PDF), m.s.47).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Belmont Estate.
LATAR PERISTIWA: Mogok Pekerja Ladang (1937).
1937-03-11: Mogok Pekerja Ladang
Pada awal minggu tersebut (sekitar Isnin 8 Mac 1937), sebahagian pekerja Ladang Wardieburn telah berarak dengan mengibarkan bendera merah di sekitar ladang tersebut. Keesokannya (sekitar Selasa 9 Mac 1937), 60 orang pekerja Tionghua telah mogok dan enggan bekerja. Setelah berbincang dengan pegawai Penjaga Cina, mereka kembali bekerja pada keesokan harinya (sekitar Rabu 10 Mac 1937): “The first signs were seen early this week when factory coolies marched round Wardieburn Estate with a red flag. … The strike, it was stated, began two days ago when about 60 of the estate labour force, all Chinese, refused to turn up for work. The Protector of Chinese who was informed, had a meeting with the men and they were at work yesterday.”
Pada Khamis 11 Mac 1937, lebih 1,000 orang pekerja ladang (kebanyakannya kaum wanita Tionghua) telah melancarkan mogok di 9 buah ladang getah di Selangor iaitu Ladang Bangi, Connemara, Sungei Rinching, Prang Besar, Sydney, Bukit Tunggu, Balau, Hawthornden, dan Wardieburn dan menyatakan 18 tuntutan mereka terhadap pihak pengurusan ladang-ladang tersebut: “There is general unrest on the rubber estates in Selangor and over 1,000 coolies, all Chinese, are striking on nine estates around Kuala Lumpur and Kajang - on the Bangi, Connemara, Sungei Rinching, Prang Besar, Sydney, Bukit Tunggu, Balau, Hawthornden and Wardieburn estates.”
Di Ladang Wardieburn, telah berlaku sedikit kekecohan. Pada mulanya mereka berunding dengan pihak pengurusan ladang berkenaan mengenai 18 tuntutan mereka itu. Kemudiannya situasi menjadi tegang, dan pihak polis dipanggil ke lokasi. Apabila gambar mereka diambil oleh wartawan akhbar tanpa kebenaran mereka, kekecohan berlaku sehingga filem kamera wartawan tersebut terpaksa dimusnahkan. Keadaan reda menjelang lewat petang, dan tuntutan mereka dipertimbangkan pada keesokan paginya: “The only serious trouble has occurred on Wardieburn Estate. … This morning everyone of them came to the factory where they squatted around but refused to work. They put forward 18 demands. Mr. Linnel, Mr. Grice and Mr. Davis tried to speak to them, but they suddenly became threatening and the police were called in. … About 200 Chinese coolies, a large number of them women, armed with bottles, threatened the manager, Mr. H. L. Linnel, and the Protector of Chinese, Mr. Norman Grice, who were attempting to settle a strike among them. … The Protector for Chinese in Selangor, Mr. Norman Grice, was surrounded by them on his arrival at about 11 a.m. and as the position appeared serious, the Kuala Lumpur police were summoned. … Five lorry loads of armed police under the charge of the Chief Police Officer, Mr. A.H. Dickson, the O.S.P.C., Capt Morrish and Mr. R.O. Davis, O.C.D., left for the estate. … A force of 200 constables with batons and rifles were dispatched under the Chief Police Officer, Mr. A.H. Dickinson, and were stationed outside the factory where the negotiations were being held. The strikers, now numbering about 300, retained their bottles and refused to come to a settlement. … The estate factory, where the trouble was taking place, was surrounded by the police. The Protector of Chinese and Mr. Linnell spoke to the coolies and soon had the situation in hand. An incident took place, however, which nearly had serious consequences, when a group of the strikers surrounded a pressman and a compatriot who were taking photographs, and demanded the camera with threats. … About 300 strikers, most of them women armed with bottles, surrounded him (The Straits Times representative who visited Wardieburn Estate) and demanded the destruction of a camera film on which he had taken strike scenes. They mistook the European reporter for a police officer. When he got into his car 200 people formed a wall around it, preventing it from leaving, while six women tore open the doors and leaped in brandishing bottles. The Police dragged the demonstrators out but the demand for the camera continued in excited voices and upon the advice of the police, the reporter destroyed the film. This prevented further serious incidents. … Police interferred but the men were not satisfied even when the owner of the camera unrolled his film and destroyed it. They only calmed down after he had handed the camera to the police. … A late message from our representative states that things quietened down in the evening and an agreement has been made between the strikers and the management to discuss terms this morning. There are good grounds for believing that Communist agitators are at work behind these strikes.”
Sementara itu, bagi mogok di estet Sungei Rinching, Prang Besar, Connemara, Bangi, Bukit Tunggu(l), Sydney, Balau, dan Hawthornden, tuntutan mereka dapat diselesaikan lebih awal: “Other estates on which strikes among the workers are reported are Sungei Rinching, Prang Besar, Connemara, Bangi, Bukit Tunggu, Sydney, Balau and Hawthornden estates. In these cases, it is understood, the demands of the men have been very reasonable and an early settlement is expected. To accelerate this, a meeting of the managers of the affected estates was held last night to consider the requests put forward by representatives of the strikers. No disturbances have been reported in these cases.”
Pihak pengurusan ladang telah menangani situasi ini secara kolektif. Ada di kalangan para peladang yang mencadangkan agar ditubuhkan suatu lembaga perantara, yang berperanan mengimbangi di antara harga getah semasa dan gaji pekerja ladang. Namun mereka sepakat menyatakan mogok ini adalah pengaruh gerakan komunis, sempena sambutan Hari Wanita Sedunia pada minggu tersebut. Ini berdasarkan ciri-ciri penyusunan serta tuntutan yang sama di setiap lokasi mogok, serta laporan saksi gerakan tersebut di rumah-rumah kongsi pekerja di 2 buah ladang di sekitar Kuala Lumpur: “More than 1,000 Chinese coolies - many of them women - on nine rubber estates in Selangor are still on strike and planters are suggesting the formation of a wages liaison board. An estate manager with 25 years' experience in Malaya told the Straits Times that such a board should maintain the balance between the price of rubber and estate workers' wages. Managers of estates in the Kajang district are already dealing with the strike situation collectively. The consensus of opinion is that the present labour unrest has been organised by Communistic elements in celebration of International Women's Day, which fell this week. It is reported from two estates near Kuala Lumpur that men were seen cycling to labourers' kongsis and inciting coolie women. Strikes on all estates have been organised in a similar manner; identical lists of 18 demands have been presented to the estate managements.”
LATAR PERISTIWA: Mogok Pekerja Ladang (1937).
1939-05-08: Juruterbang Hilang
Pencarian Juruterbang hilang: |Mr E. Littleton Hay (36 thn), pengarah Park and Francis, Ltd. (sebuah syarikat kejuruteraan perlombongan di Kuala Lumpur). Beliau mengemudi pesawat |Tiger Moth VR-RAN milik Kelab Penerbangan Kuala Lumpur, dari KL menuju Kajang dan Bangi, bagi meninjau kawasan perlombongan. Kali terakhir dilihat di sekitar Kajang, menuju Semenyih. Turut dilihat di estet Prang Besar dan Ampar Tenang, juga di sekitar Mantin dan Sepang, menuju Seremban. Keesokan harinya, laporan dari sempadan Pahang dan Bahau mengatakan pesawat tersebut ada dilihat di sana, mungkin ditiup angin ribut kencang, lalu terhempas di sekitarnya.
LATAR PERISTIWA: Kapal Terbang Terhempas (1939)
1939-08-03: Cadangan Awal KWSP Ladang
Tarikh | Butiran Keratan | |
![]() | 1939.08.03 | "SYMPATHETIC PLANTERS". The Straits Times, 3 August 1939, Page 15 |
Surat pembaca, dari S. Arumugam (Estet Bangi). Kemungkinan antara perbincangan awal mengenai kumpulan wang simpanan pekerja estet, hampir sedasawarsa sebelum penubuhan The Malaysian Estates Staff Provident Fund pada tahun 1947. Antara penyokongnya ialah Mr. F.J. Pratt, pengurus Broome Estate di Bangi.
CATATAN: Pada tahun 1940, Mr. F.J. Pratt mengelola peperiksaan Bahasa Tamil yang pertama selepas diambil alih oleh Incorporated Society of Planters (I.S.P.). Beliau kemudiannya dilantik menjadi ahli Majlis Negeri Selangor.
LATAR PERISTIWA: Frederic James (F.J.) Pratt.
Laman Utama | 1900-1909 | 1910-1919 | 1920-1929 | 1930-1939 | 1940-1949 | 1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | Hubungi Kami |
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