Jadual Kandungan
Prang Besar Estate (1921)
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Sejarah Ringkas
Sejarah Ladang Prang Besar: Ladang Prang Besar dibuka pada 16 Ogos 1921: “On 16 August 1921, 900 acres of jungle land was granted to nine officers returned from the Great War as the First World War (1914-1918) was known at the time. During the next three years, this acreage was increased to 2026 acres as other officers who had served in the war took up grants of adjacent land given by the Government. It was the policy of the Government of the day to alienate land to serving British officers to encourage rubber cultivation. The original nine officers formed a private company to develop the block of virgin jungle selected by Gough. They named the company Prang Besar Estate Ltd. in commemoration of the Great War, “the war to end all wars”, in which they had fought. The seal or chop adopted by Prang Besar Estate showed a young rubber tree rising out of a shell explosion and was designed by one of the nine, Lt. Commander JC Amcotts, DSC, RN. Another pioneer was Commander GHA Willis, CB, RN, who had a field Ladang Willis named after him. ETH Gough remained a Director of Prang Besar Estate Ltd until his death in 1952.” (VD Nair (Pengurus estet Prang Besar tahun 1950-an), 1990-an: |"The Story of Prang Besar Estate").
1921-04-16: Pembukaan
“PRANG BESAR: Pusat Benih Getah Antarabangsa” (iamanamateur @ Flickr, July 7, 2011: |"PRANG BESAR: Pusat Benih Getah Antarabangsa".
1930-01-21: Tapak Penyelidikan Ladang Prang Besar
Ladang Prang Besar memohon sebidang tanah di dalam Hutan Simpan Bangi untuk tujuan penyelidikan tanaman getah.
CATATAN: Permohonan ini diluluskan, namun penyelidikan di situ tidak dapat bertahan lama akibat gangguan haiwan liar Hutan Simpan Bangi: “As far back as 1924, Gough established two seed gardens, each protected against pollinating agents from outside by some 25 chains of jungle. His diary recorded his objective: “To discover three types of improved breeding value”. These gardens situated in the Bangi jungle had to be abandoned because of attack by monkeys and other predators. Later seed gardens were successfully established within coconut plantations located on the Bagan Datoh peninsula in Lower Perak. Seedlings from the Prang Besar Isolation Garden (PBIG) and Prang Besar Gough Garden (PBIG-GG) have been widely planted in Malaysia and overseas.” (VD Nair, 1990-an: |"The Story of Prang Besar Estate").
Ladang Prang Besar, ditandakan merah (Edward Stanford @ F.M.S. Survey Department, 1929: |"1929 F.M.S. Wall Map of Selangor (Kuala Lumpur)").
Kawasan Ladang Prang Besar (kini Putrajaya), di sebelah kiri. Hutan Simpan Bangi (kini UKM), di sebelah kanan (Mapcarta).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Hutan Simpan Bangi (1906-kini).