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Henry Franklin (H.F.) Bellamy (1858-1920)

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  • 1858: Dilahirkan di Plymouth, England: “b.1858-d.1920: … Born in Plymouth, Henry Franklin Bellamy is the son of Architect and Engineer George David Bellamy (Consulting Engineer at the Corporation of Plymouth).” (The AB Hubback Project: |"Colleagues").
  • 1883: Superintendent, Selangor Public Works Department: “In 1883, H.F Bellamy began his career in Selangor as the Superintendent of Selangor Public Works Department and in later years was appointed as the Deputy State Engineer to C.E Spooner.”
    Henry Franklin Bellamy
    (Sumber: The AB Hubback Project: |"Colleagues").
    Ketika itu, seorang arkitek yang bakal merekabentuk bangunan-bangunan ikonik sekitar Kuala Lumpur, Arthur Charles Alfred (A.C.A.) Norman, mula bertugas di bawah seliaan beliau. Norman pernah bertugas sebagai juruukur di bawah bapa beliau, G.D. Bellamy, di Consulting Engineer Corporation, Plymouth: “A.C.A. Norman also worked as a surveyor under Mr. G.D. Bellamy of Consulting Engineer Corporation, Plymouth until the age of 20. … 1883 Sent to Selangor in the Federated Malay States to work as an architect-cum-Assistant Superintendent to civil engineer H.F. Bellamy (brother (son?) of G.D. Bellamy) in the PWD.” (DR. A. GHAFAR AHMAD @ Journal of Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. LXX Part 1, June 1997: |"CHRONOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY OF ARTHUR CHARLES ALFRED NORMAN", pg. 21-29).
  • 1883: Mengetuai Bomba sukarela Negeri Selangor: “Perkhidmatan Bomba Malaysia bermula pada tahun 1883 dengan penubuhan Bomba sukarela Negeri Selangor yang diketuai oleh H.F Bellamy bersama 15 anggota. Pasukan ini yang diletakkan dibawah Lembaga Kebersihan telah menjadi Pasukan Bomba dan Penyelamat Tetap pada tahun 1895. Perkhidmatan terus berkembang di setiap negeri dan diletakkan dibawah Majlis Perbandaran atau Lembaga Luar Bandar.” (JABATAN BOMBA DAN PENYELAMAT MALAYSIA, 2017-01-13: |"Latar Belakang").

    Kiri: “Central Police Station (built 1886). Police Barracks (1887-88). Fire Engine House. Kuala Lumpur Volunteer Fire Brigade.”
    Kanan: “Volunteer Fire Brigade.”
    (The National Archives UK, 1880-1900: |"CO 1069-486-03", |"CO 1069-486-04").
    Circa 1888 - Volunteer fire brigade, High Street, now Jalan Tun HS Lee (vintage KL @ tumblr, 2004: |"Circa 1888").
    “Sejarah pasukan bomba dan penyelamat pertama di negara ini bermula di Selangor pada tahun 1883 dengan pembentukan unit Selangor State Fire and Rescue Volunteers Squad di Kuala Lumpur yang dipimpin H.F.Bellamy (Ketua Selangor Public Works Department) dengan 15 orang anggota. Langkah penubuhan unit ini kemungkinan adalah reaksi daripada kebakaran besar Kuala Lumpur yang berlaku pada tahun 1881.” (Faizal Zainal @ Selangor 10, 30 Oktober 2019: |"Bomba Selangor 1883").
  • 1884: Antara pengasas The Royal Selangor Club: “The club was founded as the Selangor Club in 1884 as a meeting point for educated and high-ranking members of British colonial society. Most of its early members were British, the founding members include H.C. Syers, the Superintendent of Selangor State; A.R. Venning, Treasurer of Selangor and head of the Sanitation Board (who also created the Lake Gardens); A. C. Norman who designed some early buildings of Kuala Lumpur; and H.F. Bellamy who headed the Selangor Public Works Department.” (Wikipedia).
  • 1888: Penemuan fosil kerang prasejarah di Sungai Lipis, berhampiran jalan. Ianya diberikan kepada jabatan geologi di muzium British: “Rather more than two years ago Mr. H.F. Bellamy, C.E., of the Public Works Department, Straits Settlements, presented to the Geological Department of the British Museum some blocks of a light-coloured sandstone containing casts and impressions of Iamellibranch shells, which he obtained from the Pahang Trunk Road on the Lipis River, situated in the Malay Peninsula. The material is of unique interest from the fact that, so far as can be ascertained, no fossils have hitherto been recorded from this particular part of south-eastern Asia. Among the forms capable of identification is Myophoria, which occurs abundantly throughout the sandstone. The genus is intimately associated with Trigonia and Schizodus; the former ranging from Triassic times to the present day, the latter from the Carboniferous to the close of the Permian period. From a stratigraphical point of view the occurence of Myophoria is of great value, since it belongs exclusively to the Trias. On account of the prevalence of members of this genus in the rock in question, the term Myophorian Sandstone may well be bestowed on it.” (R. BULLEN NEWTON, F.G.S., Journal of Molluscan Studies, Volume 4, Issue 3, October 1900, Pages 130–135: "ON MARINE TRIASSIC LAMELLIBRANCHS DISCOVERED IN THE MALAY PENINSULA").
  • 1897 (7 April): Berucap dalam upacara pembukaan Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad: ““In the building in which we are now-the climax of our development-the resources of the State abound in perfection. The bricks and lime are developed from the soil, the timber from the forest and the roof gutters probably contain tin delved from the soil by the people. What greater development can one hope for in a short decade and a half?” - H.F Bellamy at Selangor P.W.D Dinner in conjunction with the opening of the new Government Offices” (The Perak Pioneers & Native States Advertiser, 7th April 1897, p3 @ Arkib Negara Malaysia @ The AB Hubback Project: |"Government Office 1897, Kuala Lumpur").
    AB Hubback's probable work place in 1897 - the PWD Drawing Office
    Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad ketika di tahun perasmiannya: “AB Hubback's probable work place in 1897 - the PWD Drawing Office” (The AB Hubback Project, May 22, 2020: |"New Government Offices: Spatial Usage in 1897").
  • 1904: Pulang ke Plymouth, England, atas sebab-sebab kesihatan.
  • 1907: Menggantikan bapanya sebagai Consulting Engineer di Corporation of Plymouth: “Due to health reasons, he returned to Plymouth in 1904 and succeeded his father as Consulting Engineer of Corporation of Plymouth in 1907.” (The AB Hubback Project: |"Colleagues").
  • 1920: Meninggal dunia: “b.1858-d.1920” (The AB Hubback Project: |"Colleagues").


“Jalan Bellamy, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, has been the home of Alice Smith’s Primary School campus since 1952. … It is actually one of the better preserved streets in KL, with a number of old colonial bungalows still in use and lined by massive mature trees. … It is a short road (about 700 m long – it may have been truncated when the Jalan Istana highway was constructed) and it was named after H.F. Bellamy who was a civil engineer and director of the Public Works Department in the late nineteenth century.”

(Sumber: Thrifty Traveller, January 10, 2017: |"Jalan Bellamy – Kuala Lumpur").

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h_f_bellamy.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/06 21:07 by sazli