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Bukit Tunggu Estate

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LATAR PERISTIWA: Getah di Malaya.


1910-03-01: Permohonan Hutan Simpan

Office of Conservator of Forests F.M.S. membuat permohonan kawasan hutan simpan di kedua-dua belah Jalan Bangi-Salak yang baru dibina ketika itu. Pada akhirnya, hanya sebelah timur jalan itu sahaja yang diwartakan sebagai Hutan Simpan Bukit Tunggul.

LATAR PERISTIWA: Hutan Simpan Bukit Tunggul

1912: Tahun Pertama Hasil Getah

Jumlah hasil getah ladang ini untuk tahun pertamanya (1912) adalah yang kelima terendah di kalangan ladang-ladang lain (3,818 paun) (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 5 March 1913, Page 4: |"RUBBER ESTATE RETURNS"; The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 21 June 1912, Page 10: |"RUBBER ESTATE RETURNS").

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate 1913

Peringkat awal Bukit Tunggu Estate, 1913
Peringkat awal Bukit Tunggu Estate (1913) ditandakan merah. Di sebelah baratnya ialah Hutan Simpan Bukit Tunggul, antara mercu tanda kawasan ini (Berdasarkan peta Survey Department, Singapore, 1913: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States 1913").

1913-11-14: Tuntutan Bayaran Hospital

1917-03-29: Kelahiran Anak Robert Stevenson

Kelahiran anak pasangan Mr/Mrs Robert Stevenson: “Stevenson. - On Thursday the 29th March, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, of Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi, a daughter.”


LATAR PERISTIWA: Robert Stevenson (1882-?).

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate 1918

Bukit Tunggu Estate, 1918
Bukit Tunggu Estate (1918) ditandakan merah (Berdasarkan peta Survey Department, Singapore, 1918: |"Selangor, Federated Malay States 1918").

1918-02-21: Perolehan Sebahagian Tanah Rizab Melayu Beranang

1923-01-06: H.A. Morris Meninggal Dunia

Mr. H.A. Morris, yang bertugas di Ladang Bukit Tunggu selama 2 tahun, telah meninggal dunia di Sydney, Australia, ketika berusia 41 tahun: “The death occured on Saturday, the 6th inst. of Mr. H. A. Morris at Sydney, Australia, in his 41st year. The deceased was a resident of Singapore for upwards of ten years and a planter on the Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi, F.M.S., for two years. He leaves a widow and sister.” (The Straits Times, 12 January 1923, Page 8: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").

1923-01-12: Isteri Robert Stevenson Meninggal Dunia

Selang beberapa hari saja selepas kematian H.A. Morris, isteri Robert Stevenson pula meninggal dunia di Kuala Lumpur: “The death, occured at Kuala Lumpur yesterday, of Mrs. Stevenson, the wife of Mr. Robert Stevenson, of Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi.” (The Straits Times, 13 January 1923, Page 8: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").

1923-08-22: Robert Stevenson Berkahwin Kali Kedua

Kira-kira 7 bulan selepas kematian isterinya, Robert Stevenson mengahwini Lilian Radford dalam suatu majlis kecil-kecilan: “Stevenson-Radford. - On 15th July, very quietly, at Manchester, Robert Stevenson, Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi, to Lilian Radford, of Devon, England.”


LATAR PERISTIWA: Robert Stevenson (1882-?).

1923-11-08: Pertunangan Leslie Hughes Clark

Pertunangan Leslie Hughes Clark, petugas ladang ini, dengan Annie Ruby Millicent: “An engagement is announced between Leslie Hughes Clark, of Bukit Tunggu estate, Bangi, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Clark, of Cottenham Park, Wimbledon, Surrey, to Annie Ruby Millicent, only daughter of Inspector and Mrs. H. Lloyd, of Kajang and Cheltenham.” (Straits Budget, 9 November 1923, Page 1: |"LOCAL AND PERSONAL").

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate 1927

Ladang Bukit Tunggu, 1920-an
Ladang Sungei (Bukit) Tunggu, 1920-an (Survey Department, Singapore, 1927 @ National Archives of Singapore: |"Parts of Seremban and Jelebu Districts with portions of Ulu Langat and Kuala Langat Districts (Selangor), Kajang, Negri Sembilan").

1927-08-04: Robert Stevenson Bercuti Panjang

“Mr. Robert Stevenson, manager of Bukit Tunggu estate, left for Home on long leave last week. During his absence the estate will be managed by Mr. L.H. Clarke, who has hitherto been senior assistant.” (Straits Budget, 4 August 1927, Page 3: |"RUBBER RETURNS").

1927-11-25: Permohonan Tanah Rizab Jalan

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate 1929

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate (ditandakan merah), 1929
Bukit Tunggu Estate (1929), ditandakan merah (Berdasarkan peta Edward Stanford @ F.M.S. Survey Department, 1929: |"1929 F.M.S. Wall Map of Selangor (Kuala Lumpur)").

1929-04-03: Robert Stevenson Membangkang Penyatuan Ladang

Berikutan ura-ura penyatuan beberapa ladang di bawah Connemara Estate, Robert Stevenson menjadi antara pembangkang utamanya: “The present Connemara Estate, comprising 1,426.29 acres of rubber, was supervized by a manager and one assistant until a few weeks ago when the manager went on leave. A temporary arrangement has been made with the Balgownie Company for the manager of the Bangi Division to supervize Connemara in addition to his own work. That is to say, two men are looking after 2,210 acres. Mr. Sydney Morgan definitely states that “this temporary arrangement would undoubtedly become permanent if the amalgamation takes place.” … I should like to assure your correspondent “Albanus” that he and other shareholders can, if they wish, crush this scheme by sending in their proxies against it. The opposition has already so many voters that it is unlikely that the amalgamation will go through, but in order to make absolutely certain those few remaining shareholders, however small, should get into touch with Robert Stevenson, of Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi, F.M.S. when forms of proxy to vote against the resolutions will be sent to them.” - J.H.“ (The Straits Times, 3 April 1929, Page 12: |"CONNEMARA UNITED").

1931-01-22: Aduan Terhadap Syed Ali

1932-02-19: Penemuan Kubu Lama

Kira-kira 20 tahun sebelum ini (sekitar 1910-an), warga tua di sekitar Rasa(h), Seremban ada bercerita mengenai perang saudara di antara pembesar-pembesar Sungai Ujong (Mungkin Perang Sungai Ujong (1864-1878)). Di sempadan Ladang Bukit Tunggu bersebelahan Bangi, berdekatan dengan landasan keretapi di situ, sebuah kubu lama ditemui di suatu anak bukit, dilengkapi bilik bawah tanah untuk pasukan pertahanan. Dari kubu tersebut, terdapat jalan denai menuju ke hutan Bukit Tunggu. Beberapa batu ke dalam hutan itu, beberapa tiang telegraf telah ditemui. Ianya kemungkinan digunakan oleh tentera British ketika peperangan tersebut (mungkin pasukan Armada Britain yang diketuai oleh Mejar Anson dari Batalion ke-2 Buffs): “The article on old Malay forts along the Johore River which appeared in the last issue of the Sunday Times must have reminded many planters and others of similar discoveries in different parts of Malaya, and although my correspondent makes no reference to that article in his letter he has some very interesting things to say on the same subject. “There were”, he says, “several very old Malays at Rasa, near Seremban, some twenty years back who could tell tales of old battles between the different chiefs of Semujong - wrongly corrupted to Sungei Ujong. On Bukit Tunggu Estate, at the Bangi end of the estate near the F.M.S.R. line, was an old, primitive fort on a small mound, with below-the-ground room for the defenders. Leading from that fort was a track clearly marked into the jungle towards Bukit Tunggu itself. I followed it up once for some miles and, strange to say, came across poles which had plainly been used previously for telegraph wires right in the jungle. I have never found out what European party had used that track, but doubtless it was in the days of fighting between the States, when some of our troops were employed to settle the troubles.” (The Straits Times, 20 February 1932, Page 6: |"A JOURNAL IN THE FEDERAL CAPITAL").


1935-12-12: J.A.R. Buxton Korban Kemalangan

J.A.R. Buxton, anak sulong kepada pasangan C. A. Buxton dari ladang ini, telah terkorban akibat kemalangan di England: “News has been received by cable of the death in England on Thursday, as the result of a motor accident, of Mr. J.A.R. Buxton, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Buxton, of Bukit Tunggu estate, Bangi.” (Straits Budget, 19 December 1935, Page 7: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").

1936-06-06: Sambutan 25 Tahun Perkahwinan Pasangan Buxton

Lebih kurang 6 bulan selepas kematian anak sulung mereka, pasangan C. A. Buxton menyambut ulang tahun ke-25 perkahwinan mereka. Mrs. Buxton datang ke Malaya menaiki kapal wap Simla pada tahun 1911: “Four well-known residents of Selangor celebrated their silver weddings on Saturday. They are Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Baker of Kuala Lumpur and Mr. and Mrs. C. Buxton, of Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Buxton came out to Malaya for the first time on the P. and O. steamer “Simla” 25 years ago.” (Morning Tribune, 10 June 1936, Page 10: |"PERSONALITIES").

1936-08-17: Jambatan dan Jalan

1937-03-11: Mogok Pekerja Ladang

Pada Khamis 11 Mac 1937, lebih 1,000 orang pekerja ladang (kebanyakannya kaum wanita Tionghua) telah melancarkan mogok di 9 buah ladang getah di Selangor iaitu Ladang Bangi, Connemara, Sungei Rinching, Prang Besar, Sydney, Bukit Tunggu, Balau, Hawthornden, dan Wardieburn (sekitar Bangi, Semenyih, Putrajaya, dan Kuala Lumpur kini). Mereka mengemukakan 19 tuntutan terhadap pihak pengurusan ladang-ladang tersebut, berkaitan kenaikan gaji harian, upah tambahan, hak dan kebajikan pekerja, manfaat ibu bersalin, kemudahan untuk anak-anak pekerja, dan lain-lain. Semuanya berjalan dengan aman, kecuali di Ladang Wardieburn, di mana sedikit kekecohan berlaku akibat salah faham di antara beberapa pekerja dengan seorang wartawan.

Penoreh getah Tionghua (Sebahagian daripada model-model pameran di Malaysian Chinese Museum, Sri Kembangan).

LATAR PERISTIWA: Mogok Pekerja Ladang (1937)

1940-05-20: Sumbangan Malaya Patrotic Fund

Di dalam senarai penyumbang dana Perang Dunia Kedua British (Malaya Patriotic Fund (MPF), cawangan Selangor) ialah para pekerja India di Ladang Bukit Tunggu, dengan sumbangan sebanyak $16.75: “The following are the latest contributions to the Malaya Patriotic Fund (Selangor branch):- … Indian labourers, Bukit Tunggu Estate $16.75.” (Straits Budget, 30 May 1940, Page 12: |"Patriotic Fund In Selangor").

CATATAN: “Malaya Patriotic Fund” (MPF) adalah tabung sumbangan awam untuk dana Perang Dunia Kedua bagi pihak British: “Britain was involved in the World War II from 1939 to 1945. The War had forced Britain to seek financial resources in order to cover the costs of the war. These financial resources were obtained from Britain and its colonies including Malaya. … As a colony of Britain, Malaya was involved in supporting Britain in the World War II. The support was mainly come from finance. … The financial donation applied in Malaya was called the Malaya Patriotic Fund or MPF. According to Stenson (1980), this MPF was the only tool at that time to obtain fund from the people of Malaya, Sarawak and Brunei. The objective of the campaign was to create an awareness pertaining to the contributions of financial resources from public (individual, associations and corporations) into the fund. In addition to that, the fund had also received contributions from outside Malaya such as Borneo, Christmas Island, Sumatera and Java (Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 1940a). In order to encourage public to contribute financial assistance into the MPF, series of poster stamps were introduced. In philately, these poster stamps are known as a “Cinderella stamps”. These stamps were used by the British administration in order to alert public about the objectives and roles of MPF.” (Dazmin Daud CMILT @ Asian Culture and History; Vol. 8, No. 2; 2016: |"The Malaya Patriotic Fund Poster Stamp: Developing a Literature Review").

Gambar stem-stem yang dikeluarkan bagi menggalakkan sumbangan masyarakat: “Philatelic enthusiasts interested in Malayan postal history would certainly have heard about the iconic Malaya Patriotic Fund labels that adorn many of the covers from the pre-Japanese Invasion 1940s. These labels are conceived after the outbreak of the Second World War in 1 September 1939, and served as cinderella stamps as parts of efforts to raise fund in Malaya. The design of the label incorporates an image of a British soldier wearing a steel helmet. A sentence of “He will thank you…” is written in white and the words Malaya Patriotic Fund written in bold black at the bottom.” (SGHISTORICITY, AUGUST 9, 2019: |"Malaya Patriotic Fund").

1940-07-09: Rumah di Jalan Bukit Tunggul

F O dan Mrs. K.C. Cooke mengambil alih sebuah rumah di Jalan Bukit Tunggul, yang telah ditinggalkan oleh Norman Birks setelah kepulangan Mrs. Birks ke Australia: “F O and Mrs. K.C. Coke have taken the house in Bukit Tunggul Road recently vacated by the Norman Birks on Mrs. Birks' return to Australia.” (Morning Tribune, 9 July 1940, Page 4: |"Birthday Party At The Swimming Club And Sundry").

1941-06-19: Pinjaman Perang

C.A.V. Buxton memberi pinjaman sebanyak $1,000 kepada kerajaan, untuk dana Perang Dunia Kedua: “According to a communique from the Federal Secretariat to-day, Mr. C. A. V. Buxton, of Bukit Tunggu Estate, Bangi, has loaned to His Majesty's Exchequer $1,000 free of interest for the duration of the war.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 20 June 1941, Page 5: |"$1,000 LOAN FOR WAR").

1947-02-17: Permohonan Penangguhan Pembayaran Cukai Tanah

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate 1950

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate (1950), ditandakan merah
Bukit Tunggu Estate (1950), ditandakan merah (Berdasarkan peta Surveyor General, Malaya, 1950 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor 1950, Land Use, South Sheet, 1950, 1:126 720").

1952-01-23: Gaji Pekerja Pembersihan

Seorang pekerja pembersihan India di Selangor, bekerja di 3 tempat (Broome Estate, Bukit Tunggu Estate, dan Kampung Bangi. Pada mulanya gaji beliau ialah sebanyak $300 sebulan, kemudian dinaikkan ke $500. Namun oleh kerana tugasan yang terlalu banyak, beliau mengurangkan skop kerja tersebut. Ketika itu kadar gaji naik di antara 20-25% di beberapa tempat di kawasan Klang: “In Selangor, an Indian conservancy worker for Broome Estate, Bukit Tunggu Estate, and for Bangi village, was found to be earning $300 per month. Until recently he earned $500 per month, but he found the work too strenuous and has curtailed his itinerary. Miscellaneous places of employment visited in the Klang area showed an increase of approximately 20 to 25 per cent over wages as reported at the last inspection. Most of these increases were granted in the first six months of 1951, says the December Report of the Labour Department.” (Indian Daily Mail, 23 January 1952, Page 1: |"Conservancy Man Earned $500 A Month!").

1953: Pemindahan Sekolah

Sekolah SRJK(T) Ladang Broome dibina pada tahun 1953: “Sekolah ini asalnya dibina pada tahun 1953 di sebuah estet yang bernama Ladang Broome. Prasarana Sekolah ini telah dipertingkatkan secara berperingkat. Sekolah ini mempunyai 6 bilik darjah dan juga beberapa bilik lain.”
(Sumber: Dr S Subramaniam, 2017: |"Majlis Perasmian Bangunan Baru & Bilik Komputer SJK(T) Bangi").
Menurut sumber lain, bangunan sekolah yang kekal sehingga kini mula beroperasi pada tahun 1962, menggantikan lokasi asalnya di Ladang Bukit Tunggu: “Headmistress Mary Paripuranam said the school's history dates back beyond 1962, when it was located at the Bukit Tunggul Estate. The partially aided school moved to Bangi (the site of Broome Estate) in 1962.” (Esther Chandran, @ The Star, 2007: |"Bridge set to offer an easy way out for folks").

SJK(T) Bangi kini
SRJK(T) Ladang Broome kini dikenali sebagai SJK(T) Bangi.


1956-09-26: Perolehan Central Electricity Board


Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate 1963

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate (1963), ditanda merah
Bukit Tunggu Estate (1963), ditanda merah (Berdasarkan peta Director of National Mapping, Malaysia, 1963 @ Australian National University: |"Malaysia, Negri Sembilan, Selangor, Sepang, Series: L7010, Sheet 102, 1963, 1:63 360").

Peta Bukit Tunggu Estate Kini

bukit_tunggu_estate.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/28 14:25 by sazli