“MOULLIN, H. R. (ULU LANGAT), Federated Malay States Civil Service ; b. June 15, 1875.” (Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7, June: |"MOULLIN, H. R.", m.s.237).
Mr. H.R. Moullin ialah seorang jurutera Public Works Department Selangor:-
1901: District Engineer, Ulu Langat
1902: Assistant Engineer, Ulu Langat
1906: Acting Executive Engineer, PWD, Ulu Langat
“MOULLIN, H. R. (ULU LANGAT), Federated Malay States Civil Service ; b. June 15, 1875. Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Kuala Lumpur, 1900 ; District Engineer, Ulu Langat. 1901 ; assistant Engineer, Ulu Langat, 1902 ; acting Executive Engineer, Public Works Department, Ulu Langat, 1906. Address : Ulu Langat, Selangor, Federated Malay States.”
(Sumber: Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7, June: |"MOULLIN, H. R.", m.s.237).
“Mr. H. R. Moullin is appointed an Assistant Engineer P.W.D., Selangor.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 22 November 1900, Page 2: |"PERSONALS"). Mungkin beliau tiba di Tanah Melayu sekitar 31 Oktober 1900 (kira-kira sebulan sebelumnya): “Per s.s. Kamakura Maru from Antwerp via ports - … Mr. H. Moullin…” (The Straits Times, 31 October 1900, Page 4: |"PASSENGER LIST").
“Mr. Logan Tod, the Assistant Engineer, who is stationed in Kwala Kubu is going on leave very soon. He will be relieved by Mr. Moullin from Ulu Langkat. Mr. Charter, the Clerk of Works, has left Kuala Lumpur to take over the latter.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 October 1903, Page 5: |"SELANGOR NEWS").
“Tigers are in evidence at Kajang. The other night, one of Mr. Stonor's dogs was badly mauled, and Mr. Moullin's two dogs were killed, one of which was carried away. A goat in the hospital compound was also carried away.” (The Straits Times, 3 December 1903, Page 5: |"F.M.S. NOTES").
“Mr. Logan Tod, the Executive Engineer Kwala Kubu having returned from leave, his locum tenens Mr. Moullin will revert to his former appointment at Kajang, relieving Mr. R. Charter, who will take up his appointment as Clerk of Works, Kuala Lumpur.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 December 1903, Page 4: |"SELANGOR NEWS").
“Mr. Moullin, Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., has returned to Kajang from K. Kubu and Mr. Charter has resumed duties as Clerk of works K. Lumpur.” (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 18 March 1904, Page 5: |"SELANGOR").
“The roads in the Kajang district are all that can be desired in spite of months of heavy rains. Mr. Moullin and Mr. Charter, who is at present in charge of the Ulu Langat district during the former's absence in Kuala Kubu are to be congratulated on being able to show some of the best road-making work in the State.” (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 29 January 1904, Page 21: |"SELANGOR").
“Mr R. Charter will be leaving Kuala Lumpur in the course of a few days for Kajang, having been appointed Acting District Engineer in the place of Mr. Moullin. The latter is coming to Kuala Lumpur to take up the duties of Mr. J.P. Swettenham, who, we regret to hear, is ill.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 October 1904, Page 4: |"Tuesday, 25th October, 1904").
“Mr. Moullin, Assistant Engineer P.W.D., was transferred temporarily to Kuala Lumpur towards the end of the month. His work being carried on by Mr. Charter, Clerk of Works. … - O.F.Stonor. District Officer, Ulu Langat.” (Arkib Negara 1957/0119358W, 14/11/1904: |"MONTHLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER, 1904").
Beliau antara yang dicadangkan dalam senarai kenaikan pangkat, daripada “Assistant Engineer” kepada “3rd Grade Executive Engineer” (Arkib Negara 1957/0588482W, 12/11/1906: |"PROPOSED PROMOTIONS, TO THE RANK OF 3RD GRADE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, OF CERTAIN P.W.D. ASSISTANT ENGINEERS (MESSRS. MOULLIN, BYRNE, POTTER, WILKINSON, BENNETT AND GLENDINNING). RECOMMENDS FOR APPROVAL.").
“Mr:Moullin was granted a loan of $14,000/- in S.R.2066/11. … 3. The titles are as follows; (a) Grant no.4401 Portion Nos.1035 & 1061 area 210 acres 2 roods 25 poles Rent $210.80 till the end of 1913 thereafter $843/- Date of Registration of Title & Conditions-Registered on 12.12.07. …” (PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 14/08/1913: |"H.R. MOULLIN APPLIES FOR FURTHER LOAN OF $25,000 ON SUNGEI RAMAL ESTATE").
LATAR PERISTIWA: Sungei Ramal Estate (1907).
“Mr. H.R. Moullin acts as Assistant Engineer, Kuala Lumpur, vice Mr. R.D. Jackson, who proceeded on leave last week, in addition to his dutes as Active Executive Engineer, P.W.D. Factory, Kuala Lumpur.” (Straits Echo, 24 June 1908, Page 5: |"Kedah Day by Day").
“Mr H.R. Moullin has been appointed a licensing officer, F.M.S., under the Automobiles Enactment.” (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 26 June 1908, Page 664: |"TERRORISM IN BENGAL").
H.R. Moullin terlibat dalam persediaan bagi Agri-Horticultural Show kelima di Kuala Lumpur. Antaranya, beliau telah mengetuai pembinaan beberapa binaan di Kampung Baru untuk tujuan tersebut: “The work in connection with the erection of attap buildings in Kampong Bahru, Kuala Lumpur, for the Agri-Horticultural Show is making remarkable progress. There are now buildings there 700 by 50? feet in extent which have been completed, and these cover an area of 35,000 square feet. At present there is a stable with 20 stalls and an 8 feet verandah nearing completion. When it is borne in mind that, at the end of last month, there was not a sign of any building at the place referred to, it speaks well, says the Malay Mail, for the energy displayed by the Engineer in charge of the work, Mr. H.R. Moullin, of the P.W.D. Factory. All the workmen employed in the place are Chinese mining-kongsi builders, who are well adapted for the kind of work in question, and it is no doubt owing to the engagement of this class of men that the work of construction has progressed so rapidly.” (Straits Echo, 29 June 1908, Page 6: |"Fashion").
“Mr. J.W. Campbell, Hon. Secretary of the Agri-Horticultural Show to be held at Kuala Lumpur on the 10th, 11th and 12th prox., sends us for publication the list of judges and stewards:- … Division E: Agricultural Implements, Miscellaneous: Mr. F.W. Harvey, Mr. J.B. Carruthers, Mr. H.R. Moullin, Mr. Chan Sow Lin.” (Straits Echo, 27 July 1908, Page 4: |"The Agri-Horticultural Show").
“The next annual Agri-Horticultural Show of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States will be held in Kuala Lumpur on August 10, 11, and 12. The following general purposes committee has been appointed: J.B. Carruthers, Director of Agriculture, Chairman. E. Burnside, Secretary to Resident, Vice-Chairman, D.A. Dalziel, Treasurer. W.P. Hume, B.O. Stoney, H.R. Moullin, The Raja Muda, Chan Sow Lin, R. Dorasamy Pillay, and J.W. Campbell, Superintendent, Experimental Plantations, Secretary.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 6 March 1908, Page 4: |"The Next Agri-Horticultural Show").
“FIFTH JOINT ANNUAL AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW OF THE MALAY PENINSULA, HELD AT KUALA LUMPOR 10th, 11th, and 13th, AUGUST, 1908. … That the Show is appreciated and valued by the natives was apparent to anyone who visited the showyard on Saturday and Sunday. From all parts of the Peninsula, from Pekan and Malacca, from Perak and Negri Sembilan, as well as from Selangor and Pahang, and even from Brunei, collections of native produce manufacture and native were arriving and being placed in position by busy officials, under the superintendence of Mr, J, B. Carruthers, Chairman of the Committee, and Mr. J. W. Campbell, the hard-worked but courteous Honorary Secretary, whose readiness to answer the numerous questions addressed to him be token a knowledge of detail acquired by weeks and months of careful organisation. It is fitting at this point to set down the names of the Committee by whom the final arrangements were carried out :- Mr. J. B. Carruthers, Director of Agriculture (Chairman) ; Mr. E. Burnside, Collector of Land Revenue, Selangor (Vice-Chairman); the Raja Muda, M. C. Towkay Chan Sow Lira, Mr. C.; Mr. B.C. Grey, Mr. D. A. Dalziel (Hon. Treasurer); Mr. W. J. P. Hume, Chinese Secretariat; Mr. H. R. Moullin, Public Works Department; and Mr. J. W. Campbell, Superintendent, Experimental Plantations (Hon. Secretary).” (H.N. Ridley, J.B.Carruthers, October 1908: |"Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States, Vol.7, No.10).
Contoh suasana Agri-Horticultural Show sekitar tahun 1900-an, di Singapura:-
Kanan: “AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW, SINGAPORE - This image is reproduced from a postcard” (Courtesy of National Archives of Singapore, 1910: |"AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW, SINGAPORE").
Kembali sebagai Jurutera Ulu Langat, setelah memangku jawatan di Public Works Department Factory: “Since the return from leave of Mr. W. Eyre Keany, who has resumed his appointment as Executive Engineer, Kuala Lumpur, Mr. F.W. Mager has reverted to the Public Works Department Factory, and Mr. H.R. Moullin, who has been in charge for the latter department for some time, has gone back to his substantive post at Ulu Langkat.” (The Straits Times, 9 December 1908, Page 6: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").
Pada 18 Ogos 1910, H.R. Moullin meletakkan jawatan sebagai 3rd Grade Executive Engineer di Public Works Department (Arkib Negara ID 1957/0616051W, 18/08/1910: |"RESIGNATION OF MR. H.R. MOULLIN, EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, 3RD GRADE, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. REPORTS THE- AND REFERS TO THE TELEGRAM SENT REQUESTING THE SELECTION OF A SECOND ASSISTANT ENGINEER").
Perletakan jawatan ini disiarkan di akhbar lebih 2 minggu selepasnya: “Mr. H.R. Moullin of the P.W.D., Kajang, has resigned.” (Straits Echo, 6 September 1910, Page 5: |"Mr. H. R. Moullin").
Pada 20 Julai 1910, H.R. Moullin memohon untuk menyewa kuarters berhampiran Stesen Kereta Api Kajang, yang tidak berpenghuni sejak 1 May 1910. Terdapat satu lagi kuarters tinggalan (kelas IV) di Jalan Timor (berdekatan Jalan Moulin/Jalan Malim kini). Permohonan ini diluluskan dengan syarat beliau telah bersara dari perkhidmatan kerajaan, dengan kadar sewaan $25 mulai 8 September 1910:-
“Kajang, 20th July 1910. The State Engineer, Selangor.
I have the honour to ask that I may be allowed to occupy the vacant Quarters No.35 near the Railway Station Kajang, from about the 25th prox: I am prepared to pay the rent on these Quarters i.e. $10.50 per mensem and to make good any damage done by me.
2. In the event of the Government requiring these quarters for a Government Officer I shall of course be prepared to vacate at short notice.
3. I have submitted this proposal to the District Officer, Ulu Langat who says that he has no objection.
4. These Quarters have been vacant since 1.5.10 and there is also another vacant house in Kajang at present i.e. the new Class IV Quarters in Jalan Timor.” - H.R.Moullin.
“Resident, I suppose this is to take effect after Mr. Moullin leaves govt. service but we do not yet know when that will be.” RCH, 3.8.10
“I have no objection to his occupying them when he leaves the service, provided they are then vacant, on payment of the prescribed rates, and subject to fourteen days notice.” - HCB, 3.8.10
“Rent $25 per m. payable from Sept 8”
CATATAN: Kemungkinan “new Class IV Quarters in Jalan Timor” ini ialah “NO. 3, JALAN TIMOR”, tanah miliknya yang dijual kepada kerajaan setelah kematiannya (Arkib Negara Malaysia 1957/0227753W, 20/09/1923: |"PURCHASE BY GOVERNMENT OF THE PROPERTY (NO. 3, JALAN TIMOR) OF THE LATE MR. H.R. MOULLIN. OFFER BY MR. R.H. TRUPP :").
Beliau pernah memohon sebidang tanah di lereng bukit Jeloh untuk tujuan pembinaan rumah kediamannya: “It lies about half way up the slope of Bukit jeloh. The block below it is a chinese rubber Kabun with dwelling house and that above and at the west is part of the Kajang rubber Companies' property while on the east there is some State land still in bluker. The land is a fine building site and has a good view over Kajang but is somewhat difficult to access. This block was originally granted for a Roman Catholic Sanitorium and School vide your papers 3097/08, 2778/08. 4709/05 etc. but the subsequent 7 years' lease to Goh Ah Ngee was never issued and the buildings were pulled down and removed by the purchaser.”
Kiri: Pelan cadangan kediaman H.R. Moullin (1911)
Kanan: Peta lokasi cadangan kediaman H.R. Mullin, ditandakan merah (Google Maps: Bukit Jeloh).
(Sumber: PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 6/6/1911: |"Apply by Mr. H.R. Moullin for 2a.34p. of land for dwelling at Kajang").
Kawasan ini kini termasuk dalam Seksyen 10, Jalan Bukit, Kajang. Lokasi cadangan kediaman H.R. Moullin kini sebahagian daripada rizab kerajaan (ditandakan dengan sempadan merah, tiada nombor lot), bersebelahan Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Kajang (Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia (JUPEM) MyLot).
CATATAN: Terdapat rekod yang menyatakan sebahagian besar puncak Bukit Jeloh (Lot 53403 dan 53404) dimiliki oleh Fotopop Sdn Bhd, kemudiannya diambil alih oleh Serba Simfoni Sdn Bhd (anak syarikat OCR Group Berhad):-
“Fotopop has the following two (2) pieces of lands (“Lands”) held under:-
(a) Pajakan Negeri No. Hakmilik No.PM 5820 for Lot 53404, Seksyen 10 situated in Bandar Kajang, Hill Street Kajang, Daerah Hulu Langat, with a tenure expiring on 12 July 2059 comprising an area of approximately 6,152 square metre. The land is leasehold agriculture land zoned for that has been converted to residential use. It is currently a vacant land; and
(b) Pajakan Negeri No. Hakmilik No.PM 5824 for Lot 53403, Seksyen 10 situated in Bandar Kajang, Hill Street Kajang, Daerah Hulu Langat, with a tenure expiring on 3 November 2054 comprising an area of approximately 8,894 square metre. The land is leasehold agriculture land. It is currently a vacant land.”
(Sumber: OCR GROUP BERHAD @ Insage (MSC) Sdn Bhd, 8 May 2020: |"OCR GROUP BERHAD").
“An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Cheras Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the company, Federated Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on Feb. 20, at 3 p.m. The following shareholders were present:- Messrs. W.F. Nutt (Chairman), R.C.M. Kindersley, Frank Adam, E.M. Schwabe, H.R. Moullin, Drummond Hay and H.P. Clodd.” (The Straits Budget, 29 February 1912, Page 4: |"CHERAS ESTATES. The Proposed Sale to a London Company"). Rekod 1911 (The Straits Times, 28 November 1911, Page 11: |"Cheras, Limited").
“With accustomed ceremony the Bishop of Singapore yesterday afternoon consecrated Sr. Catherine's Church, Kajang. The church, which lies north and south, cost about $4,500, fully furnished, and the whole of the money was raised locally. Its dimensions are 48 feet by 20 feet and in shape follows a cross. The windows are small and of coloured glass. Previous to the ceremony the District Officer, Mr. R.J.B. Clayton, gave an At Home which the following were present:- The Bishop and his wife, the Rev. P.G. Graham and Mrs. Graham, the Colonial Chaplain of Malacca, the Rev. J.D. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Kindersley, Mr. and Mrs. Drummond-Hay, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. King, Mr. and Mrs. Johnton, Mr. and Mrs. Cole Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Joubert, Dr. and Mrs. Nicol, Mrs. F.W. Carey, Mr and Mrs. Hough, Mrs. Tedlie, Messrs. C.J. Perkins, O.P. Dakeyne, H.R. Moullin, C.P. Everard, D. St. L. Parsons, F.S. Barbe, E.N.T. Cummins, H.W. Rickeard, G.O. Turnbull, H.M. Burn Murdoch.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 25 April 1912, Page 262: |"CONSECRATION OF KAJANG CHURCH").
“A delegation of the Japanese Planters' Association of Malaya, who are the guests of the P.A.M., paid a visit to Kajang yesterday, says Monday's Malay Mail. They were met by representatives of the Kajang District Planters' Association and, after breakfasting at the Rest House, visited Balgownie Estate, the Kajang Central Rubber Factory, Reko Hill Estate, West Country Estate and the F.M.S. Rubber Co.'s factory. They were afterwards entertained to tiffin at the Rest House. … The Kajang District was represented by Mr. F.E. Taylor, District Officer, Messrs. R.C.M. Kindersley, E.G. Leyne, H.R. Moullin, J. Baxter and R.K. Mactaggart.” (Straits Echo, 9 June 1915, Page 3: |"Japanese Planters").
“A general meeting of the Kajang District Planters' Association was held on January 4, when there were present Mr. R. Kindersley (chairman), eighteen members and two visitors. … Mr. Hayton said that, owing to the exceedingly high wages earned by Chinese on contract tapping on some estates, it was now necessary to fix a maximum wage that could be earned by a labourer on contract tapping. Mr. Dakeyne said that an important matter like this would have to be carefully considered, and he therefore proposed that a committee be appointed thoroughly to consider the matter. This was seconded by Mr. Moullin and carried. The following were appointed to this Committee - Messrs. Kindersley, Dakeyne, Moullin, Cummins, Leyne and Ferrers.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 January 1917, Page 7: |"KAJANG D.P.A.").
“The thanks of the shareholders are due to Mr. H.R. Moullin and Mr. V.E.H. Rhodes for the excellent work that has been put in during the year and I may say that I have never seen the estates in such good conditions as they are now.” (The Straits Budget, 23 June 1916, Page 3: |"Balgownie Rubber. 75 PER CENT. DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR. Contributions to War Funds").
Mr H R Moullin remained in charge of Balgownie and Mr V Rhodes in charge of Bangi throughout the year, with Messrs R and D Kindersley as Visiting Agents.“ (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 July 1917, Page 10: |"BALGOWNIE").
“The Balgownie Rubber Estates, Limited, held their fourteenth ordinary general meeting, at the registered office of the company, Gresham House, Battery Road, on Monday, under the presidency of the Hon. Mr. R.C.M. Kindersley, the others present being Messrs. A.W. Bean and W.P. Plummer (directors) and Mr. H.R. Moullin (manager of Balgownie).” (The Straits Times, 4 September 1918, Page 10: |"Balgownie Estates, Ltd").
“Mr H.R. Moullin was in charge of Balgownie Estate throughout the year.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 17 June 1919, Page 2: |"BALGOWNIE RUBBER").
“In conclusion, I consider that the thanks of the Shareholders are due to my partner, Mr H R Moullin for the very satisfactory working of the Estates, as he has not only managed Balgownie Estate, but has also directed the management of Bangi for several months after the departure of Mr R K Walker in December last.” - Mr Kindersley (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 June 1919, Page 10: |"BALGOWNIE RUBBER ESTATES").
“The Selangor Motor Union has been revived, the new Committee being as follows:- Mr Justice Innes, president, Mr. G.S. Morgan (Hon.Sec. and Treasurer), the Hon. Mr. A.K.E Hampshire, Mr. J.L. Sime, Mr. H.R. Moullin and Mr. E.C. Wakefield.” (Straits Echo, 13 July 1916, Page 8: |"Penang Rubber Auction").
“The temporary headquarters of the Selangor Motor Union are at the offices of Messrs. Morgan's Agency. The following gentlemen were elected members of the committee:- His Honour Mr. Justice Innes (president), Mr. G.S.D. Morgan (hon. secretary and treasurer), the Hon. Mr. A.K.E. Hampshire, Messrs. J.L. Sime, E.C. Wakefield (Klang), H.R. Moullin (Kajang), and H.L.K. Graburn (Kuala Kubu).” (The Straits Times, 7 August 1916, Page 15: |"THE MOTORING WORLD").
“The Malaya Women's aeroplane will be a “Fighter,” and not a simple “Scout.” … We have much pleasure in acknowledging the following additional subscriptions:- … Per Mrs. R.C.M. Kindersley, (Kajang):- … Mr. H.R. Moullin: $10” (The Straits Times, 1 July 1916, Page 7: |"Malaya Women's Aircraft Fund").
“The Kajang Padang presented a strangely animated scene on Saturday. The whole of the fete buildings were enclosed in a canvas wall, entrance to which was gained from a point opposite the Post Office. The first thing that struck the incoming visitor was the Rubber Exhibition, situated to the left of the entrance. The Exhibition, was housed in a long attap shed and included contributions from estates in every part of the peninsula. The long hut was filled with two rows solid with crepe and sheet rubber, a particularly touching part of the contribution consisting of donations from the small holdings in the vicinity of Kajang. … The prizes were presented by Messrs. Moullin, Cummins and Tyler and the diplomas of honour by Mrs Ferrers.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 March 1917, Page 6: |"KAJANG FETE").
Pada tahun 1918, beliau bersama Raja Alang bin Raja Berayun adalah antara ahli Lembaga Kebersihan bagi daerah Ulu Langat:-
“ULU LANGAT District Office, Kajang.
District Officer: F.E. Taylor
Malay Assistant to District Officer: Raja Mohamed Tahir
Chief Clerk: Gan Boon Tek
Treasury Clerk: S. Kandiah
Settlement Officer: B. Gomes
Inspector of Mines: (vacant)
District Surveyor: F.R. Twiss
Sanitary Inspector: S. Arulampalam
Extra Asst. Conservator of Forests: A.S. Mitchell
Sanitary Board:-
The District Officer, Chairman
Executive Engineer.
District Surveyor.
Inspector of Police.
H.R. Moullin.
The Penghulu, Kajang.
Towkay Kan Ching.
Raja Allang bin Raja Brayoun.”
(Sumber: Fraser & Neave, Limited, 1918: "The Singapore and Straits Directory: 39th", m.s. 384).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Raja Alang bin Raja Berayun.
Selain itu, beliau juga Visiting Agent bagi Sungei Ramal Estate:-
“Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Ltd.
Sungei Ramal Estate.
Postal Address - Kajang, Selangor,
Distance from Railway Station - Kajang Station, 3 miles.
Distance from Telegraph Ofice - Kajang, 2 1/2 miles.
Manager: C. Phillips
Visiting Agent: H.R. Moullin, Kajang.
Secretaries and Registered Office: R. & D. Kindersley, Reko Hill, Kajang, F.M.S.
Acreage: Total 946, cultivated (Rubber) 834.”
(Sumber: Fraser & Neave, Limited, 1918: "The Singapore and Straits Directory: 39th", m.s. 761).
LATAR PERISTIWA: Sungei Ramal Estate.
LATAR PERISTIWA: Balgownie Estate
“The following arrived at Penang to-day from Singapore by the Ipoh: … H R Moullin” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 March 1919, Page 5: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").
H.R. Moullin menghadiri mesyuarat tahunan Planters' Association of Malaya di Kuala Lumpur: “In the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday, the annual general meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya took place, the meeting occupying the whole of the day. The chair was taken by Mr. F.G. Harvey, and there was a representative gathering of delegates present from all the associated D.P.A.'s except from Kelantan: … H.R. Moullin, …” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 May 1919, Page 2: |"PLANTERS IN COUNCIL").
“The subordinate staff of Messrs. R and D. Kindersley on April 29th presented a farewell address to Mr. H.R. Moullin, who is going Home on leave. The address was inscribed on a handsome silk scroll in a frame. The ceremony took place at the Kajang Estate Manager's bungalow.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 May 1920, Page 7: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").
“At a meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute the following were elected Fellows:- F.M.S.: Hon. R.C.M. Kindersley (Kajang), Messrs. R.K. Mactaggart (Kajang), A.W. Maxwell (Kuala Lumpur), A.G. Morkill (Kuala Pilah), R. Moullin (Kajang), A.R. Mynott (Kuala Lumpur), and D.E. Topham (Kuala Lumpur).” (The Straits Times, 27 October 1920, Page 8: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").
“The following passengers to the Straits are expected to arrive on 26th instant per the Blue Funnel Steamer Pyrrhus from Liverpool:- … Mr. H.R. Moullin” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 24 March 1921, Page 11: |"Page 11 Miscellaneous Column 2").
Terdapat rekod derma beliau kepada Unemployment Committee Fund pada 21 April 1921 (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 21 April 1921, Page 6: |"UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE FUND").
“Passengers leaving by the Blue Funnel liner Mentor for London to-day include:- … H.R. Moullin” (The Straits Times, 28 July 1921, Page 6: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").
“Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Wise and Mr. H.R. Moullin have left for home.” (The Straits Times, 3 August 1921, Page 8: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL").
“Mr H.R. Moullin has gone on a trip to England.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 4 August 1921, Page 6: |"Untitled").
Beliau melangsungkan perkahwinan di Ayrshire, Scotland pada 6 Oktober 1921, dan mendapat liputan di akhbar tempatan beberapa bulan selepasnya: “At Skelmorlle Parish Church, Ayrshire, on October 6, by the Rev. R. R. Grant Sutherland, B.D., Hilary Rougier Moullin, of Kajang, Selangor, eldest son of the late Hilary Rougier Moullin, M.D., of Lyss, Hants, was married to Jessie Robson Crum Ewing, daughter of the late Humphry Ewing and granddaughter of the late Humphry Crum Ewing, of Strathleven, Dumbartonshire.” (The Straits Times, 7 December 1921, Page 8: |"SOCIAL AND PERSONAL"). Sumber lain: “Jessie (1870-1941) – married Hilary Moullin” (The Friends of Glasgow Necropolis: |"The Crum Ewing Memorial").
“At Skelmorlie Parish Church, Ayrshire, on Oct. 6th, by the Rev. R R Grant Sutherland, B D, Hilary Rougier Moullin, of Kajang, Selangor, eldest son of the late Hilary Rougier Moullin, M D, of Lyss, Hants, was married to Jessie Robson Crum Ewing, daughter of the late Humphry Ewing and granddaughter of the late Humphry Crum Ewing, of Strathleven, Dumbartonshire. The Church was beautifully decorated, and a reception was afterwards held at Ferncraig, the residence of the bride. Later the newly wedded couple left on their honeymoon.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 December 1921, Page 4: |"LATEX CUP DESIGN").
“Mr H R Moullin, who was taken ill shortly after his wedding and was in hospital in Glasgow, is now out and about again.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 13 December 1921, Page 9: |"SOCIAL & PERSONAL").
Menjelang AGM Sungei Ramal Syndicate dan Connemara Ltd. pada 18 April 1922, beliau telah pun meninggal dunia: “The eighth annual general meeting of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate, Limited was held at the registered office of the Company 1. Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, with the Hon. Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley in the Chair. The Chairman, after reference to the loss the Company has sustained by the death of the late Chairman Mr. H. R. Moullin, said this Company is in a strong position and has even been able to make a small profit for the year. … I now have pleasure in moving that the statement of accounts and balance sheet and the Directors' report for the year ended 31st December, 1921, be adopted and passed.” (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 April 1922, Page 8: |"SUNGEI RAMAL"). “I cannot close my remarks without reference to the great loss the Board and the Company has sustained by the death of Mr. H.R. Moullin. He was Chairman of the Sungei Ramal Syndicate Ltd., and I have to-day made reference to his services to that Company and to the Kajang district. I will therefore now only express our deep sorrow at his loss and our sympathy with his widow and his sister Mrs. R.H. Thrupp.” - R.C.M. Kindersley (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 April 1922, Page 8: |"CONNEMARA, LTD").
Kematian beliau turut dinyatakan di dalam makalah terbitan 1922: “OBITUARY. The following deaths of Fellows and Associates are noted with regret :Joseph W. Mace, E. M. Chadwick, M.C., Sir John Kennedy, A. McGoun, K.C., Major C. W. Meakins, R. Hampson, W. B. Burgoyne, H. R. Moullin, Sir Ernest Shackleton, C.V.O., W. Cockfield, A. Jukes Johnson, M.B., C. Newberry, Walter E. Martin, Mrs. R. Wood, Sir Charles H. Goode, Sir Francis Hsnry May, G.C.M.G., N. M. Kirkcaldy, B. K. Morton, Hon. J. H. Thomas, John. Jonas, Miss M. A. Baines, Miss J. Vance, W. P. Evans, Sir George J. Carter, K.B.E., Sir Edward E. Cooper, Bart., William C. Ward, S. J. Lennard, George L. Ashton, T. J. Woodrow, Alexander Jack, Adam G. Laidlaw.” (Royal Commonwealth Society, 1922: |"United Empire Volume XIII", m.s.182).
”“The Tribune” is indebted to the Director of Education for a copy of the list of scholarships to and from Government schools in the F.M.S. as brought up to date. Among these are … the Moullin scholarship, and several other small scholarships and memorial funds for Selangor pupils.“ (Malaya Tribune, 24 December 1925, Page 8: |"School Scholarships").
Ketika hayatnya, terdapat rekod derma beliau kepada Children's Aid Society pada tahun 1918 (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 29 May 1918, Page 8: |"CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY").
Pada September 1941, balu beliau, Mrs. H.R. Moullin, telah mendermakan beberapa peralatan muzik Melayu yang ada dalam koleksi beliau, kepada Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford:-
“Large suspended gong. d. Mrs. H. R. Moullin XI. 7
Set of twelve small brass gongs d. Mrs. H. R. Moullin XI. 7
1941.9. 6-17
Single membrane drum d. Mrs. H. R. Moullin XI. 11
1941.9. 82”
(Sumber: Dobbs, Jack P. B. (1972) MPhil thesis. SOAS University of London: |"Music in the multi-racial society of West Malaysia", m.s.526-527).
Salah satu artifak yang didermakan oleh Mrs. H.R. Moullin: “One of a set of 12 small ornamented brass gongs each with a central boss. Place details: SE ASIA. Malaysia / Local Name: Unknown. Materials: Brass Metal / ?. Processes: Cast / Decorated / ?. Dimensions: Max Diam = 155 mm Max H = 75 mm; Field Collector: Hilary Rougier Moullin; When Collected: By 1941; Other Owners: Hilary Rougier Moullin Mrs Hilary Rougier Moullin; PRM Source: Mrs Hilary Rougier Moullin; Acquired: Donated 1941” (The Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford: |"1941.9.12").
Surat-menyurat berkaitan sumbangan Mrs. H.R. Moullin di atas:-
“Papers of Thomas Kenneth PENNIMAN (1895-1977), anthropologist and museum curator
twenty-two boxes of material, relating especially to Penniman’s work as Curator of the Pitt Rivers Museum (1939-1963)
the material includes correspondence, notebooks, loose notes, typescripts, offprints of articles and newspapers cuttings
the papers have been listed
Related Resources
Collections of papers: Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
Collections of objects, photographs, etc.: Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford
National Register of Archives: Penniman, Thomas Kenneth (fl. 1933-1953) Anthropologist Link to record (external site)
Full Listing
E. B. & H. R. Moullin:
Handwritten letter to Mr. Penniman from E. B. Moullin, dated 21st August 1941. Informing museum of possible approach of a Mrs. H. R. Moullin, offering Malay Brass Vessels, collected by her late husband.
Two sheets – Handwritten letter (small sheets each folded into four pages and written on both sides) to Mr. Penniman from Mrs. H. R. Moullin. dated 28th August 1941. As mentioned in item/letter 4.
Handwritten letter (small sheet written on both sides) to Mr. Penniman from Mrs. H. R. Moullin. dated 10th September 1941.
A P.S. to item/letter 7. Regarding brass stand which was missing.
List of brass articles, handwritten folded into four pages and written on both sides of the sheet.
Handwritten note in pencil 'Mrs. H. R. Moullins' address, etc.”
(Sumber: Pitt Rivers Museum: |"Penniman Papers").
“Estates of … Jessie Robson Moullin deceased.” (The Straits Times, 6 June 1947, Page 2: |"Page 2 Advertisements Column 1").
Jalan Moullin telah pun wujud pada tahun 1954: “Tenders from class “D” upwards registered contractors will be received by the state engineer, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, up to 3.00 p.m. on May 3 1954, for the construction of one class “C” quarters and one block of two units class “E” quarters at Moullin Road, Kajang, in Ulu Langat district.” (The Straits Times, 21 April 1954, Page 10: |"Page 10 Advertisements Column 6").
Lokasi Jalan Moulin (kini Jalan Malim) (Mapcarta).
Di sebelah baratnya ialah Bangunan Persatuan Hokkien Daerah Hulu Langat, dahulunya rumah agam Low Ti Kok (dibina tahun 1932): “The Low Ti Kok Mansion is located in the north of Kajang Town in Hulu Langat District. Historically, this mansion was built in 1932 and was owned by Towkay Low Ti Kok (1877-1943). This mansion was sold to the Hulu Langat Hokkien Association (HLHA) in 1985 and is known as HLHA building today. Today, it still stands as an old Chinese mansion that escaped the bombing during World War II in Kajang.” (Kai Zhen Chong, Azizi Bahauddin @ PLANNING MALAYSIA JOURNAL : VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1, 2017: |"FENG SHUI: THE SHAPE OF FIVE ELEMENTS OF LOW TI KOK MANSION").
(Sebahagian?) tapak Bangunan Persatuan Hokkien / rumah agam Low Tik Kok ini beralamat di No. 3 Jalan Timur, iaitu alamat premis yang pernah dimiliki oleh H.R. Moullin sebelum tahun 1923 (Arkib Negara Malaysia 1957/0227753W, 20/09/1923: |"PURCHASE BY GOVERNMENT OF THE PROPERTY (NO. 3, JALAN TIMOR) OF THE LATE MR. H.R. MOULLIN. OFFER BY MR. R.H. TRUPP :").
Premis-premis lain yang pernah beroperasi di jalan ini ialah:-
Sebahagian warga Sekolah Yu Hua yang terletak berdekatan, masih merujuk nama jalan ini sebagai Jalan Moulin: “Semua guru, kakitangan sekolah dan murid TIDAK DIBENARKAN meletakkan kenderaan sama ada di dalam kawasan sekolah, di sepanjang Jalan Low Ti Kok atau Jalan Moulin.” (Nur Hazwani bt Mohd Noordin @ SJK(C) Yu Hua, 1 Julai 2022: "Larian Yuhua / ROAD RUN (FINAL)").