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Sekolah Hua Qiao / Wah Chiau / Hwa Chiau / Fah Khiuw (华侨学校) (1912)

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Sekolah Cina berhaluan kiri, dibuka pada tahun 1912: “In Kajang, the left-leaning Hua Qiao (华侨学校) was founded in 1912 and the Kuomintang-related Yu Hua (育华学校) in 1918.” (Diana WONG, LIN Chew Man and TAN Pok Suan, 2014: |"Migration, Settlement and the Rise of a New Middle Class in Malaysian Chinese Society: A Case Study of Kajang", m.s.69).

1912-1948: Sekolah Hua Qiao / Wah Chiau / Hwa Chiau / Fah Khiuw

“加影华侨中学的校址在马来亚雪兰莪州加影。傅仁实、郑子贞、曾富庭等发起,1911年创办。以吴姑亚玲街3号为临时校舍,当时有学生50名左右,教师2名。随着学校的发展,校址几度迁移。1919年定址禧尔街23号。1932年聘胡一声担任校长,对校务进行改革,改校名加影华侨中小学校。郑天吉任董事部总理。1932—1934 年,缴不起学费的学生可享受免费或半费的待遇。校长、教员无固定工资,初时仅领生活费。1937 年后增办高中、师范及幼儿园等。同年全校师生支援祖国人民抗日战争,得到陕甘宁边区革命政权的称赞,毛泽东为该校亲笔题写校名,周恩来、叶剑英、林伯渠等也为该校题词。1942—1945年日军占领期间停办。1945 年9 月日本投降后复办。1946年7 月胡一声返校,担任校监,校长张晓光。1948年6月马来亚联合邦英国殖民政府颁布紧急法令后,师生多人被捕,学校被迫停办。” (Baidu Baike: |"加影华侨中学").

Terjemahan oleh Google Translate: “Kajang Overseas Chinese High School is located in Kajang, Selangor, Malaya. Initiated by Fu Renshi, Zheng Zizhen , Zeng Futing , etc., founded in 1911. Take No. 3 Wu Gu Yaling Street as the temporary school building. At that time, there were about 50 students and 2 teachers. With the development of the school, the school site has moved several times. In 1919, it was located at No. 23 Xi'er Street. In 1932, Hu Yisheng was hired as the principal to reform the school's affairs and changed its name to Kajang Overseas Chinese Primary and Secondary School. Zheng Tianji serves as the Prime Minister of the Board of Directors. From 1932 to 1934, students who could not pay tuition were entitled to free or half-fee treatment. Principals and teachers have no fixed salary, and only receive living expenses at the beginning. After 1937, high schools, normal schools and kindergartens were added. In the same year, the teachers and students of the school supported the People's Anti-Japanese War of the motherland , and were praised by the revolutionary regime of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region . Mao Zedong wrote the name of the school, and Zhou Enlai , Ye Jianying and Lin Boqu also wrote inscriptions for the school. Suspended during the Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945. It resumed after Japan surrendered in September 1945. In July 1946, Hu Yisheng returned to school and served as the school supervisor and principal Zhang Xiaoguang . After the British colonial government of the Federation of Malaya issued an emergency decree in June 1948, many teachers and students were arrested and the school was forced to close.” (Baidu Baike: |"Kajang Overseas Chinese High School" (Google Translated)).

Kiri: “教学主楼” (Main teaching building)
Kanan: “主楼侧影” (Main building silhouette)

Kiri: “第三届师范、第七届初中合影(1930)” (Group photo of the 3rd Normal School and the 7th Junior High School (1930))

Kiri: “教师合照” (Teacher group photo)

(Sumber gambar: Kajang Heritage Centre乌鲁冷岳社区文物馆, 17 Mei 2016: "Record of Kajang Fah Khiuw School").

Peta lokasi Sekolah Hua Qiao, ketika itu dijadikan kem askar Jepun (kemudiannya British)
Peta lokasi Sekolah Hua Qiao (ditandakan dalam kotak merah), ketika itu dijadikan markas tentera Jepun (kemudiannya British) (Great Britain. Royal Air Force. Central Interpretation Unit, 1945 @ National Library of Australia digitised item: |"Town plan of Kajang [cartographic material]/ compiled and drawn by A.C.I.U. and War Office").

1948-1957: Markas Tentera British

Ketika Darurat 1948, sekolah ini telah dijadikan markas tentera British. Ia hanya dipulangkan kepada pihak kerajaan selepas merdeka (1957).

1957-kini: Dong Zong dan Kolej New Era

Bagi melicinkan pengurusannya secara kolektif, sebuah persatuan pemegang amanah bagi sekolah ini telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1960. Pada tahun 1974, |Persekutuan Persatuan-persatuan Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah Cina Malaysia (Dong Zong) telah memulakan usaha untuk menubuhkan sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi. Bagi menyahut inisiatif ini, persatuan pemegang amanah telah menyewakan seluruh kawasannya (seluas 11 ekar) kepada sebuah syarikat usahasama, bagi membangunkan institusi tersebut. Namun pada tahun 1978, usaha ini tidak diluluskan oleh pihak kerajaan. Malah setahun selepas itu (1979), tapak sekolah ini telah diwartakan untuk perolehan oleh kerajaan, untuk dijadikan perumahan mampu milik. Tindakan ini telah dibantah oleh pihak pemegang amanah, bersama sebahagian masyarakat. Akhirnya pewartaan ini dibatalkan pada tahun 1981. Namun begitu, pada 6 Julai 1982, Mahkamah Persekutuan telah memutuskan bahawa permohonan penubuhan institusi ini tetap tidak diluluskan. Pihak pemegang amanah terpaksa mencari jalan lain bagi memecah kebuntuan ini. Pada tahun 1986, hak pengurusan 8.5 ekar daripada tanah ini telah diberikan kepada syarikat usahasama pembangunan institusi (dengan kadar sewa nominal), bagi pembinaan bangunan pentadbiran Dong Zong, sebelum dianugerahkan terus pada 1 Oktober 1989. Pada 19 Disember 1993, ianya siap dibina.

Was once the Overseas Chinese High School. Demolished to make way for New Era University College.
“A very early Anglo Malay mansion in Kajang. Was once the Overseas Chinese High School. Demolished to make way for New Era University College.” (Caleb Goh @ Facebook, 14 Ogos 2023: |"A very early Anglo Malay mansion in Kajang").

Akhirnya pada 27 Ogos 1994, pihak kerajaan telah meluluskan permohonan pihak Dong Zong bagi membangunkan New Era University College di sini (permohonan dibuat pada 27 Ogos 1994). Pada 1 Mac 1998, kolej ini menerima kemasukan pertama pelajarnya, sejumlah 148 orang. Pada tahun 1999, beberapa bangunan tambahan mula dibina, dan siap pada tahun 2001, hasil gerakan derma besar-besaran di seluruh negara.

Kiri: “主楼和牌楼” (Main building and archway)
Kanan: “董教总教育中心奠基仪式” (Foundation Laying Ceremony of Dong Jiaozong Education Center)
(Kajang Heritage Centre乌鲁冷岳社区文物馆, 17 Mei 2016: "Record of Kajang Fah Khiuw School").

“新纪元大学学院校地原属于加影华侨学校,1948年英殖民政府颁布紧急法令,华侨学校的校地被英军占用,一直到50年代独立后才归还。1974年华侨学校产业受托会(由加影八大注册团体,即育华校友会、乌冷广东会馆、乌冷客属公会、乌冷福建会馆、加影商矿公会、善余俱乐部、广东义山公会、民生体育会组织而成)将校地租予独立大学有限公司,作为创办独立大学的校址。1989年10月1日,华侨学校产业受托会将校地捐献给独立大学有限公司,作为建立华文高等教育中心用途。1993年12月19日,独大独中加影行政楼落成,充作董总行政处之用。1994年8月27日,董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司正式将《新纪元学院申办书》呈予教育部。1997年5月28日获得教育部批准开办新纪元学院,同年10月28日获得雪州教育局批准注册。1998年3月1日学院举办第一届新生入学开课礼,第一批学生共148人,当时开设的科系有商学系、资讯工艺系及中国语言文学系。在180多年漫长的马来西亚华文教育历史中,新纪元学院的创办可说是1980年南洋大学被关闭、1982年申办独立大学官司败诉后,华教的另一个新起点。至此,我国华社实现从小学、中学至大学完整母语教育体系的夙愿方得以露出曙光。新纪元学院是由董教总教育中心(非营利)有限公司创办,由全国热心华文教育的人士集资建设而成的民办大专学府。1998年初开课时,由于空间不足,需要使用货柜箱上课。一直到2001年9月教学大楼及饮水思源宿舍大楼落成启用后,学院空间使用问题才获得解决。当学院于1997年正式获准开办,以“筹募新纪元学院建设与发展基金”为名义的筹款运动在全国如火如荼展开。当时更扩大原有的建筑物规模,决定兴建教学楼及饮水思源宿舍楼。1999年正式动土,2001年年底竣工。新院两座大楼庞大的建设经费主要是在董总领导下,全面动员全国各地区热心华教人士,有钱出钱、有力出力,一点一滴累积出来的。多姿多彩的筹款活动在各地迅速展开,通过主办义卖会、慈善晚宴、义走、义踏、慈善义演等;也通过各项运动如百万献华教、售卖金章、银章运动、以课室命名等方式,多方筹集建设基金。2001年更成立筹募新纪元学院建设与发展基金槟城州工委会及霹雳州百人工委会,有规模、有系统的在地方上发动筹款,成绩斐然。北马人民连同南马等地如柔佛、马六甲、森美兰等州的人民,在全国汇成一股浪潮,通过筹款让建设学院的深远意义深入民心。做到“全力筹款、超越筹款”,真正发挥了群众齐心协力兴办民族高等学府的巨大决心与力量。” (NEW ERA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE: |关于本校 - 创校缘起).

Terjemahan oleh Google Translate: “New Era University College is located on the Overseas Chinese Post in Kajang, Selangor, covering an area of ​​8.5 acres. The campus of New Era University College originally belonged to the Kajang Overseas Chinese School. In 1948, the British colonial government issued an emergency decree. The campus of the Overseas Chinese School was occupied by the British army. It was not returned until independence in the 1950s. 1974 Overseas Chinese School Industry Trustee Association (by the eight registered organizations in Kajang, namely, Yuhua Alumni Association, Wuleng Guangdong Association, Uleng Khai Association, Wuleng Fujian Association, Kajang Merchants and Mines Association, Sanyu Club, Guangdong Yishan Organized by the guild and the Minsheng Sports Association) leased the school grounds to the Independent University Co., Ltd. as the site of the independent university. On October 1, 1989, the Overseas Chinese School Industry Trust would donate the campus to Independent University Co., Ltd. for the purpose of establishing a Chinese Higher Education Center. On December 19, 1993, the Kajang Administration Building was completed and served as the General Administration Office of Dong. On August 27, 1994, Dong Jiao Zong Education Center (Non-profit) Co., Ltd. formally submitted the “New Era College Application Form” to the Ministry of Education. On May 28, 1997, it was approved by the Ministry of Education to open New Era College, and on October 28 of the same year, it was approved by the Selangor State Education Bureau to register. On March 1, 1998, the college held the first freshman entrance ceremony. The first batch of students was 148. The departments opened at that time included the Department of Business, the Department of Information Technology, and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. In the long history of Chinese education in Malaysia for more than 180 years, the establishment of New Era College can be said to be another new starting point for Chinese education after Nanyang University was closed in 1980 and the lawsuit for an independent university was lost in 1982. So far, the hope of the Chinese community in my country to realize a complete mother tongue education system from elementary school, middle school to university has been revealed. New Era College is a private college founded by Dong Jiaozong Education Center (Non-profit) Co., Ltd. and funded by people who are enthusiastic about Chinese education across the country. When the class started in early 1998, due to lack of space, it was necessary to use container boxes to attend classes. It was not until September 2001 that the teaching building and the drinking water Siyuan dormitory building were completed and opened. When the college was officially approved to open in 1997, a fund-raising campaign in the name of “raising the New Era College Construction and Development Fund” was in full swing throughout the country. At that time, the scale of the original building was expanded and it was decided to build a teaching building and a drinking water source dormitory. The ground was officially broken in 1999 and completed at the end of 2001. The huge construction funds for the two buildings of the new hospital are mainly under the leadership of President Dong, who fully mobilized enthusiastic Chinese educators from all regions of the country, and they have accumulated money bit by bit. A variety of fundraising activities were rapidly carried out in various places, through the hosting of bazaars, charity dinners, charity walks, charity walks, charity performances, etc.; also through various sports such as millions of Chinese education, the sale of gold medals, the silver medal campaign, Raise construction funds from various sources by way of classroom naming and other methods. In 2001, the Penang State Working Committee and the Perak State One Hundred Labor Committee were established to raise funds for the New Era College Construction and Development Fund. They have launched a large-scale and systematic fund-raising at the local level and achieved remarkable results. The people of Northern Malaysia, together with the people of Southern Malaysia and other states such as Johor, Malacca, and Negeri Sembilan, have formed a wave across the country. Through fundraising, the profound significance of building the college has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Achieving “full fundraising and surpassing fundraising” has truly demonstrated the great determination and strength of the masses to work together to establish national higher education institutions.” (NEW ERA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE: |"About our school - The origin of the school" (Google Translated)).

“早期的加影,因为蓬勃的经济活动,而成为雪兰莪南部重要的商业与行政中心。同时间,当地也因为拥有兴盛的教育体系,而在二战以前享有“中马文化城”的美誉。那时候加影有两所华校享誉盛名,一所是客家帮开办的华侨学校,另外一所则是由福建帮开办的育华学校。 加影另一所赫赫有名的非营利教育机构–新纪元学院,创立于1998年,虽然无法与育华学校并称为古校,但它的创办也跟华教历史有着很大的渊源~~ 《老加影之华教学府》”

Terjemahan oleh Google Translate: “In the early days, Kajang became an important commercial and administrative center in southern Selangor due to its vigorous economic activities. At the same time, the local area also enjoyed the reputation of “China-Malaysia Cultural City” before World War II because of its thriving education system. At that time, Kajang had two well-known Chinese schools, one was an overseas Chinese school run by the Hakka Community, and the other was a Yuhua school run by the Fujian Community. Another well-known non-profit educational institution in Kajang, New Era College, was founded in 1998. Although it cannot be called an ancient school together with Yuhua School, its establishment also has a great relationship with the history of Chinese education~~ “Old Kajang Teaching House””

(Sumber video: TV2《前线视窗》, 4 Mei 2016: "老加影之华教学府").

Kiri: Kulit buku terbitan sempena ulang tahun ke-88 Sekolah Hua Qiao / Wah Chiau / Hwa Chiau / Fah Khiuw: “华侨学校88周年纪念刊” (The 88th Anniversary Journal of Overseas Chinese School)
Tengah: “校徽、校训” (School badge, school motto)
Kanan: “校歌” (school song)
(Kajang Heritage Centre乌鲁冷岳社区文物馆, 17 Mei 2016: "Record of Kajang Fah Khiuw School").

Peta lokasi Sekolah Hua Qio (ditandakan dalam kotak merah), kini Kolej New Era.
Peta lokasi Sekolah Hua Qio (ditandakan dalam kotak merah), kini Kolej New Era (Mapcarta).


sekolah_hua_qiao.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 09:33 by sazli