Jadual Kandungan
George (G.C.) Bellamy (1860-1939)
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- 1860 (10 Mac): Dilahirkan di Tavistock, Devon, England (Roderick Bissett @ MyHeritage, Dec 15 2017: |"George Bellamy").
- 1882: Lulusan Trinity College Dublin, mula bertugas di Selangor Civil Service sebagai Setiausaha Residen British: “Educated at Trinity College in Dublin, Bellamy joined Selangor Civil Service in 1882 as secretary to the British resident. In addition to serving about 12 years as district officer, Bellamy held acting appointments…” (Sandra Khor Manickam, 2015: "Taming the Wild: Aborigines and Racial Knowledge in Colonial Malaya", m.s.205).
- 1885 (11 Mei): Dilantik sebagai Pemungut Cukai, dan Majistret Kuala Langat: “Cecil Ranking dilantik sebagai Pemungut Cukai, dan Majistret Sungai Langat pada 27 September 1882. Seterusnya, J. A. G. Campbell pada 30 April 1883, kemudiannya Bellamy pada bulan 11 Mei 1885 dilantik sebagai Pemungut Cukai, dan Majistret Kuala Langat.” (Ahmad Farhan Abdullah, 2012: |"Penglibatan Tunku Panglima Raja Berkat dalam politik dan pentadbiran negeri Selangor pada abad ke-19").
- 1886: Menulis laporan etnografi mengenai budaya orang asli di daerahnya ketika itu: “Two of the lengthier 1886 reports, written by G.C. Bellamy for Kuala Langat and J.A.G. Campbell for Ulu Langat, show a scholarly inclination. … Bellamy addressed the origins of the Kuala Langat 'jungle-men” … Physical descriptions Of the people made up small sections in both reports, showing scholarly thinking that tried to find physical correlations to already noted social facts. At first, Bellamy established the connection between Malays and the Orang Hutan (jungle people) tribe he described. … Bellamy explained the connections and similarities in physical appearance and lifestyle between aborigines and Malays as an “admixture Of Malay blood”, an explanation that anthropologists and colonial officials continued to use for unclear racial boundaries.“ (Sandra Khor Manickam, 2015: "Taming the Wild: Aborigines and Racial Knowledge in Colonial Malaya", m.s.130).
- 1893: Menulis tentang kepercayaan keramat di kalangan orang Melayu: “Mr. George Bellamy, writing in 1893, thus described the kramat at Tanjong Karang in the Kuala Selangor district…” (Walter William Skeat, January 4, 2015: |"Malay Magic - Being an introduction to the folklore and popular religion of the Malay Peninsula, m.s.68).
- 1893 (Ogos): Beliau tercedera parah dalam suatu kemalangan keretapi di jambatan Connaught, Klang: “We are sorry to hear that the injuries sustained by Mr. G. C. Bellamy (Collector and Magistrate, Kuala Selangor), in the recent railway collision are of a more serious nature than at first appeared. It appears that in addition to a collar bone damaged and ribs broken Mr. Bellamy's shoulder was more or less driven in, causing no doubt considerable internal injury. Notwithstanding all this, when momentarily recovered from the first shock, Mr. Bellamy worked as hard as he could to relieve the wounded native passengers although his left arm hung useless, and his services, thus pluckily rendered when he was himself practically disabled, were of the greatest value. Mr. Bellamy, after working for a considerable time, fainted, and was for nearly two hours unconscious. The greatest credit is due to Mr. Bellamy for his timely ambulance services, when he was himself a fit subject for treatment.” (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (weekly), 15 August 1893, Page 7: |"Untitled").
Jambatan Connaught, Klang (1922), sekitar tempat kejadian (Malcom Wilton-Jones, 30th November 2010: |"Pictorial History of Railways around Kuala Lumpur").
- 1895: Beliau dihantar pulang ke England untuk rawatan, dan setelah itu dihentikan perkhidmatannya: “All here then will remember the railway accident in August 1893, just across the Connaught Bridge, between the Kuala Lumpur passenger train and the goods train from Klang ; when the engines that collided were the ” Lady Clementi Smith ” and “Lady Clarke” named after the wives of Governors. Geo. Bellamy, District Officer, Kuala Selangor, was badly injured and had to go home on this account, and subsequently was invalided for the same reason.“ (“RIMBA”, 1922: |"Bygone Selangor; a souvenir", m.s.44). “G. C. Bellamy was a District Officer when he retired in 1895, owing to a railway accident on the line near Klang, when he underwent an operation at home; but is drawing his small pension today.” (“RIMBA”, 1922: |"Bygone Selangor; a souvenir", m.s.11).
- 1939 (3 Julai): Meninggal dunia di Plymouth, Devon, England (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 28 August 1939, Page 4: |"FORMER K.L. CHIEF MAGISTRATE DEAD"; Roderick Bissett @ MyHeritage, Dec 15 2017: |"George Bellamy").
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g_c_bellamy.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/06 16:32 by sazli