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Pemecatan Aziz Ishak
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Peristiwa Pemecatan Aziz Ishak
Perihal pemecatan Aziz Ishak:-
- Laporan-laporan akhbar berkenaan pemecatan Aziz Ishak, serta penjelasan daripada beliau sendiri:-
- Berita Harian, 28 January 1963, Page 1: |"'SEBAB saya KELUAR'".
- The Straits Times, 28 January 1963, Page 1: |"Aziz (I was sacked) gives the reasons".
- Berita Harian, 11 February 1963, Page 1: |"AZIZ ISHAK MENJAWAB".
- Berita Harian, 13 February 1963, Page 1: |"KEPUTUSAN: AZIZ ISHAK DI-PECHAT".
- “Datuk Kampo Radjo turut keluar dari UMNO apabila Abdul Aziz Ishak dipecat daripada UMNO. Abdul Aziz Ishak bersama-sama Datuk Kampo Radjo kemudiannya menubuhkan Parti Perhimpunan Kebangsaan. Parti ini dipimpin oleh Abdul Aziz Ishak sebagai pengerusi sementara Datuk Kampo Radjo sebagai timbalan pengerusi. Parti ini kemudian bergabung dengan Front Sosialis Rakyat Malaya dan Datuk Kampo Radjo dipilih sebagai bendaharinya. Semasa konfrontasi dengan Indonesia, dia telah ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri bersama-sama Abdul Aziz Ishak, Pak Sako, Datuk Raja Hanifah dan Husin Yaakub. Dia dibebaskan empat tahun kemudiannya.” (Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1999: |Ensiklopedia Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Melayu jilid 4 : m/s 600)
- “Dalam soal pembangunan luar bandar, Tunku Abdul Rahman telah menugaskan Aziz Ishak melaksanakan rancangan pembangunan tersebut. Soal yang berhubung dengan kerjasama juga diletakkan di bahawa jagaannya. Aziz sentiasa mempunyai rancangan yang sangat menarik rakyat. Dia merancang syarikat kerjasama kilang kertas dan kilang baja urea. Dengan rancangan-rancangan lain terdapat satu rupa perkembangan bahawa begitu ramai rakyat yang mulai terpesona dengannya. Oleh yang demikian telah timbul satu macam persaingan antara Dato Abdul Razak dengan Aziz Ishak dalam barisan kedua UMNO. Dan Aziz sendiri pernah berazam untuk menandingi Dato Abdul Razak sebagai Timbalan Ketua UMNO. Perkembangan ini adalah saat paling cemas bagi Dato Abdul Razak. Bagaimanapun, rancangan pembangunan yang dirangka Oleh Aziz yang dicontohinya dari India tidak menarik minat Tunku dan pucuk pimpinan UMNO. Oleh yang demikian Tunku terpaksa menyerahkan kepada Dato Abdul Razak untuk merangka satu rancangan pembangunan. Rancangan itu diterima. Dan kemudiannya Kementerian Luar Bandar diserahkan kepada Dato Abdul Razak pada 1959 (Malaysia Official Year book 1969: 270).
Apakah rancangan yang dibuat Oleh Aziz itu ada peranan yang dimainkan oleh Dato Abdul Razak untuk menolaknya hanya Tunku sahaja yang tahu. Tetapi apa yang nyata ialah Dato Abdul Razak dalam hal seperti ini berjaya mendapat kepercayaan pucuk pimpinan. Dan Aziz pula kerana caranya lebih banyak disokong oleh ahli-ahli UMNO di kawasan pertanian, maka ia berhadapan pula dengan perasaan curiga masyarakat lain kaum. Pada ketika yang sama MCA pula merasa bahaya dengan langkah-langkah Aziz lalu mengambil tindakan yang boleh merenggangkan lagi Aziz dengan pucuk pimpinan Tunku. Akhirnya, menjelang waktu Konfrontasi bila Tunku melakukan rombakan kabinet, Aziz telah ditukarkan ke Kementerian Kesihatan dan beliau menentang, akhirnya beliau telah disingkirkan dari kabinet. Aziz kemudiannya terus menjalankan kegiatan yang mengkritik Tunku, maka Tunku merasakan itu boleh memecah-belahkan UMNO, lalu dia dipecat. Dengan pemecatan itu berakhirlah cabaran Aziz dalam UMNO. Dato Abdul Razak terselamat dari bahaya saingan yang sangat mencemaskan (Ibid.)” (Mokhtar Muhammad, 1998: |"Dasar Tun Abdul Razak, Dato' Hussein Onn dan Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dari 1970-1990 : kesinambungan dan perubahan", Bab 1, m.s. 9-11).
- “Aziz' outspokenness and his tireless have also won him powerful enemies. His proposal to create a co-operative fertilizer factory, which he continued to press over the objections of the cabinet and the Prime Minister, brought him into opposition with the Imperial Chemicals Industries (ICI), one of the most powerful and well-organized of the British economic interests in Malaya. His unqualified allegations of corruption in departments of his own ministry have demoralized some of his staff. His combined anti-capitalist and anti-Chinese sentiments' with their policy implications' have brought him into conflict with the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA), the Chinese wing Of his own ruling Alliance Party. His success in building up a rural following brought him into conflict with the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. This last was perhaps the most significant conflict because it essentially concerned the question of who would be the next Prime Minister.
The Aziz controversy came to a climax in the middle of last year. Timed for release just after leaving for England ana Malaysia talks, the Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, announced a cabinet reshuffle. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare was split in two and Aziz was moved from Agriculture to Health. In this Aziz acquired all the problems of too few doctors and hospitals and was not even allowed the patronage potential of welfare grants. Aziz balked. He announced publically that the Prime Minister had not informed him of the change, and he could not accept it in any case. In England the Malaysia talks were successfully concluded and the Tunku returned to Malaya in a blaze of glory. The success sealed Aziz's fate. It eclipsed the Aziz affair and gave the Tunku a sufficient margin of power to allow him to force Aziz out of the cabinet without any repercussions. In January of this year Aziz launched a strong attack on the government's entire development program, on its interference in the Brunei rebellion, and on its failure to maintain friendly relations with Indonesia. This gave the party leaders an opportunity, which they promptly took, to drum Aziz out of their sacred and secure ranks.” (Gayl D. Ness, 30 March 1963: |"Gayl D. Ness Newsletters @ Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA): Aziz Ishak and the Anti-British Spirit").
- “The study found that Aziz was instrumental in developing the agricultural sector and improving the living standards of the rural population. He achieved success when he implemented several ground breaking ideas which included the introduction of a paddy and fish marketing project, modernization of the agricultural sector, the use of urea fertilizer and twice a year rice planting scheme, the use of improved and better quality seeds and the introduction of larger boats and better quality fishing nets. He also set up cooperatives throughout the country to curb the activities of middlemen. Aziz’s thought and actions were considered revolutionary. They were never implemented before this by any parties, but it was not viewed favourably by the Tunku who was known to be pro-capitalist and western in outlook. He accused Aziz of deliberately seeking support and popularity among the people this resulted in a conflict between the Tunku and Aziz. Aziz who stood firm and uncompromising in his struggle and was eventually sacked from the Cabinet and it ended his political career while trying to protect the progress and development of the agricultural sector and the Malays.” (Mohamad Idris Saleh, 2013): |"Abdul Aziz Ishak: Biografi Politik 1955 hingga 1962")
- Ulasan ringkas mengenai Aziz Ishak: Mohd Halmi Kg Gajah @ Orang Perak, 20 Julai 2020: |"Kisah Abdul Aziz Ishak Dari Trong Yang Berani".
Aziz Ishak. Sumber gambar: International Magazine Services, 1955.
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pemecatan_aziz_ishak.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/17 12:29 by sazli