Salasilah keluarga A.B. Stephens (Anne Lister's Society, November 2020: |"The Belcombe Family of York": |"The Belcombe Family Tree").
A.B. Stephens telah dikebumikan di All Saints Church Cemetery, Taiping, Perak. Di dalam mesyuarat Perak Club pada Selasa 18 Februari 1908, beberapa cadangan dikemukakan bagi memperingati jasa-jasa beliau mencantikkan persekitaran Taiping (terutamanya Taman Tasik Taiping). Selain tablet peringatan di gereja All Saints itu (kemungkinan yang kekal sehingga kini dalam gambar di bawah), turut dicadangkan ialah piala kejohanan golf dan binaan pancuran air sempena beliau: “A meeting was held at the Perak Club on Tuesday to concert measures for perpetuating the memory of the late Mr. A. B. Stephens. The Resident, Colonel Walker, Messrs. Barnard, Mager, Alexander, Moss, Brearley, Tate, Sayers, Pedley, Talbot and Mills were present. On the motion of Colonel Walker, the Resident took the chair and he spoke feelingly of the deceased gentleman, and paid a tribute to the excellent services rendered by him in beautifying the town, especially the gardens, the lake and the golf links, and his prowess at the royal game. He said he would be long remembered in connection with these. As a memorial tablet would be put up by his brother officers at the Church, he suggested that to further commemorate his memory, a Stephen's Memorial Challenge Cup be instituted and competed for by all the Golf Clubs in the F.M.S. This proposition was unanimously carried. Mr. Moss then proposed that a brass fount be placed in the Church to the memory of both brothers Frank and Arthur Stephens. The consideration of this, however, was left over for another meeting.” (The Straits Times, 24 February 1908, Page 7: |"In Memory of the Late Mr. A. B Stephens").
(Sumber gambar: Chris Nelson @ Find a Grave, 9 Mar 2010: |"Arthur Bligh Stephens").
Pada 5 Februari 1909 (kira-kira setahun selepas kematian), sebuah monumen peringatan telah didirikan di gereja tersebut: “A handsome Memorial Brass in an oak frame has recently been erected in All Saints Church, Taiping, to the memory of the late Mr A. B. Stephens, with the following inscription:-
In affectionate memory of
Deputy Conservator of Forests, Perak,
who died in Taiping
On January 7th, 1908.
Aged 52 years.
This tablet was erected by
his Brother Officers.”
(Sumber: The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser2, 5 February 1909, Page 4: |"Untitled").
Selain itu, terdapat juga usaha pembinaan padang kriket di Taiping, sempena dua beradik Stephens ini: “Several donations have been received both in Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kampar and Tapah, towards the building of the Cricket pavilion in Taiping, in memory of the brothers Frank and Arthur B. Stephens, who did so much for sport in the F.M.S. during their lifetime.” (The Straits Times, 6 May 1908, Page 8: |"Notes in General").
A.B. Stephens kini tersenarai sebagai:-