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jalan_ayer_itam [2025/03/18 08:28] – [1904-02-02: Siri Penurapan Terakhir] sazlijalan_ayer_itam [2025/03/18 17:44] (kini) – [1905: Jalan Sungai Chua] sazli
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-{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-1904-lombong.png?420|}}{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-kini-lombong.png?430|}} \\+{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-1904-lombong.png?440|}}{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-kini-lombong.png?460|}} \\
 Berdasarkan arah selekoh Jalan Ayer Itam di dalam lakaran di atas, kemungkinan lokasi lombong ini ialah berhampiran Kajang, sekitar Kampung Sungai Ramal Luar kini, di dalam petak merah di atas (**Kiri**: Kawasan lombong berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1900-an (Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: {{ :laman:selangor_federated_malay_states_1904_john_bartholomew_co_w.t._wood_chief_draftman._-_yale_university_library.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman"]]. **Kanan**: Kawasan lombong kini ([[|Mapcarta]])). Berdasarkan arah selekoh Jalan Ayer Itam di dalam lakaran di atas, kemungkinan lokasi lombong ini ialah berhampiran Kajang, sekitar Kampung Sungai Ramal Luar kini, di dalam petak merah di atas (**Kiri**: Kawasan lombong berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1900-an (Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: {{ :laman:selangor_federated_malay_states_1904_john_bartholomew_co_w.t._wood_chief_draftman._-_yale_university_library.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman"]]. **Kanan**: Kawasan lombong kini ([[|Mapcarta]])).
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-===== Peta Jalan: 1904 ===== 
-{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-1904-berturap.png?440|Peta Jalan Sungai Chuau (Kajang) - Ayer Itam, berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1900-an}}{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-berturap-kini.png?450|Lakaran kasar jalan berturap yang sama, kini}} \\ 
-**Kiri**: Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itam, berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1900-an (Edinburgh Geographical Institute, 1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: {{ :laman:selangor_federated_malay_states_1904_john_bartholomew_co_w.t._wood_chief_draftman._-_yale_university_library.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 / John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman"]]). Ketika ini bahagian jalan yang berturap adalah dari Kajang hingga berdekatan Sungai Chuau/Chua/Chiow/Cheow (ditandakan ungu). \\ 
-**Kanan**: Lakaran kasar jalan berturap yang sama, kini ([[|Mapcarta]]): Dari Kajang hingga kawasan IOI Resort City, Putrajaya (ditandakan ungu).  
 ===== 1904: Serangan Gajah ===== ===== 1904: Serangan Gajah =====
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 Serentak dengan itu, penurapan semula dijalankan dari simpang Jalan Sungai Chua sepanjang 2 batu: //"Tenders will be received at the Office of the Secretary to Resident, Kuala Lumpur up to noon of the 9th January, 1905 for the Remetalling of Ayer Itam Road from Junction with Sungai Chua Road to 2nd mile (2 miles)."// (PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 10/12/1904: {{ :arkib:19570119836d02.pdf ||}}[[|"REMETALLING AYER ITAM ROAD - TENDERS FOR :-"]]). Serentak dengan itu, penurapan semula dijalankan dari simpang Jalan Sungai Chua sepanjang 2 batu: //"Tenders will be received at the Office of the Secretary to Resident, Kuala Lumpur up to noon of the 9th January, 1905 for the Remetalling of Ayer Itam Road from Junction with Sungai Chua Road to 2nd mile (2 miles)."// (PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 10/12/1904: {{ :arkib:19570119836d02.pdf ||}}[[|"REMETALLING AYER ITAM ROAD - TENDERS FOR :-"]]).
-==== Jalan Sungai Chua(u) ====+===== 1905: Jalan Sungai Chua ====
 +Kemungkinan besar, asal-usul nama "Jalan Sungai Chua" (malah "Kampung Sungai Chua" di Kajang), bermula setelah siapnya fasa jalan Kajang-Sungai Chuau ini (iaitu "jalan ke Sungai Chua, dari Kajang"), sekitar tahun 1905. Beberapa ulasan mengenainya:
 +//"(一)Sungai Chua ; "Sungai Chua"为锡米山的官方马来文名称。按本地对地名的一般 写和读的习惯,Sungai Chua应被称为"双溪朱雅"、"朱雅河"、"双 溪蔡" 2或"蔡河"等等。无论如何,Sungai Chua这样的地名,至少可理 解为是取自该地区的某条河流名称。但是,在锡米山的地图内并没发现有 锡米山里有河流或小溪,仅在锡米山外围,和加影主要通道间有一条冷岳 河(Sungai Langat)的分支流。由于该分支流最后又汇入冷岳河,因此,加影一锡米山这一段的冷岳河依然被称作"冷岳河"(亦称作"呀吃 河")。根据部分采访资料显示,受访者都不知道和Sungai Chua相关的这条 河流。居住在锡米山逾60年的冯先生表示,他没有听说过哪一条河是被称 为Sungai Chua。虽然他记得锡米山新村附近有一条大水沟,但他认为送和 Sungai Chua之名无关。冯先生认为,所谓的Sungai Chua河,应该就是冷 岳河在加影一锡米山这一段的叫法。(冯先生,访谈,锡米山,2011年2 月18日)另一位受访者曾先生表示,他只记得锡米山内只有一条大水沟,并没发现有哪条河是被叫做Sungai Chua。(曾先生,访谈,锡米山,2011 年2月24日)因此,有理由相信所谓的Sungai Chua,应该就是冷岳河在加 影一锡米山河段的一个别称。至于Sungai Chua的"Chua"是否为"蔡"姓华人(福建籍或潮州籍)的马来文姓氏拼写尚不得而知。不过,综合现有资料和调研的结果,皆未 发现早期的锡米山曾经出现过任何显赫或极具影响力的蔡氏族裔,足W让 后人W其姓命地名。因此,认为Sungai Chua源自于"蔡姓"的说法湿得有 些牵强。"// Terjemahan Google Translate: //"(i) Sungai Chua; "Sungai Chua" is the official Malay name of Mount Simi. According to the local custom of writing and reading place names, Sungai Chua should be called "Sungai Chuya", "Chuya River", "Sungai Chua" 2 or "Cai River" and so on. In any case, a place name like Sungai Chua can at least be understood as being taken from the name of a river in the area. However, there is no river or stream in Mount Simi on the map. There is only a branch of the Langat River (Sungai Langat) between the outer perimeter of Mount Simi and the main access road of Kajang. Since this branch finally merges into the Langat River, the Langat River in the Kajang-Simi section is still called "Langat River" (also known as "Ya Chi River"). According to some interview data, the interviewees did not know the river related to Sungai Chua. Mr. Feng, who has lived in Simi Hill for more than 60 years, said that he had never heard of a river called Sungai Chua. Although he remembered that there was a big ditch near Simi Hill New Village, he thought that it had nothing to do with the name Sungai Chua. Mr. Feng believed that the so-called Sungai Chua River should be the name of the section of the Lenggeng River from Kajang to Simi Hill. (Mr. Feng, interview, Simi Hill, February 18, 2011) Another interviewee, Mr. Zeng, said that he only remembered that there was only a big ditch in Simi Hill, and did not find any river called Sungai Chua. (Mr. Zeng, interview, Simi Hill, February 24, 2011) Therefore, there is reason to believe that the so-called Sungai Chua should be another name for the section of the Lenggeng River from Kajang to Simi Hill. As for whether the "Chua" in Sungai Chua is the Malay spelling of the surname "Cai" of the Chinese (from Fujian or Teochew) is still unknown. However, after summarizing the existing data and research results, it is found that there was no prominent or influential Chua clan in the early days of Simi Mountain, which was enough for later generations to name the place after their surname. Therefore, the view that Sungai Chua originated from the "Cai surname" is a bit far-fetched."// (何启才 / Ho Kee Chye, 2016: {{ :lampiran:no.17_004.pdf ||}}[[|"锡米山华人社区的形成 与变述初探 / A Preliminary Study of the Formation and Development of Chinese Community in Sungai Chuah"]]).
-Kemungkinan besar, asal-usul nama "Jalan Sungai Chua" (malah "Kampung Sungai Chua" di Kajang)bermula setelah siap fasa jalan Kajang-Sungai Chuau ini (iaitu "jalan ke Sungai Chua, dari Kajang"). Beberapa ulasan mengenainya:-+//"既然无关蔡氏,Sungai Chua究竟出自何处?首先必须说明,锡米山虽是1950年紧急状态时组建的新村,但早在此前至少半个世纪锡米山已然存在,新加坡报业新闻库1917年已有Sungei Chua Estate(锡米山园)之报道。如此说来,Sungai Chua之得名确实因为一条河?仔细翻查手上各个年代的英殖民地图,终在1950年地图中发现这条河道的踪迹。根据这张地图,原来这条Sungai Chua压根没有流经锡米山,更无流经加影,而是发源自沙登园(Serdang Estate)南部,从新街场路旧路南下至14英里丁字岔路口,也即“双邦”(Sempang Serdang),今国能大学Uniten交通圈。双邦,又称新邦或先邦,而Sempang为洋人对Simpang(岔路口)的拼写法。锡米山园也是在沙登园南部,就在这条河旁边,故取河名为园名。"// Terjemahan Google Translate: //"Since it has nothing to do with the Chua family, where did Sungai Chua come from? First of allit must be explained that although Simi Hill was a new village established during the state of emergency in 1950, Simi Hill had already existed for at least half a century before that. The Singapore Newspaper News Library had reported on Sungei Chua Estate in 1917. So, was Sungai Chua really named after a river? After carefully checking the British colonial maps of various periods, I finally found the trace of this river on the 1950 map. According to this map, it turns out that this Sungai Chua does not flow through Bukit Timahlet alone Kajang. Instead, it originates from the south of Serdang Estate, and flows south from the old road of Sungai Besi Road to the T-junction at Mile 14, which is "Sempang Serdang", now the Uniten traffic circle of Tenaga Nasional University. Sempang is also called Sempang or Sempang, and Sempang is the foreign spelling of Simpang (fork in the road). Bukit Timah Estate is also in the south of Serdang Estate, right next to this river, so the name of the estate is taken from the river."// (雷子健 / Lei Zijian @ Oriental Daily, 7 April 2024{{ :akhbar:雷子健_锡米山误当朱湖_东方文荟_评论_東方網_馬來西亞東方日報.pdf ||}}[[|"雷子健:锡米山误当朱湖 / Lei Zijian: Ximi Mountain was mistaken for Zhuhu Lake"]]). 
-//"既然无关蔡氏,Sungai Chua究竟出自何处?首先必须说明,锡米山虽是1950年紧急状态时组建的新村,但早在此前至少半个世纪锡米山已然存在,新加坡报业新闻库1917年已有Sungei Chua Estate(锡米山园)之报道。如此说来,Sungai Chua之得名确实因为一条河?仔细翻查手上各个年代的英殖民地图,终在1950年地图中发现这条河道的踪迹。根据这张地图,原来这条Sungai Chua压根没有流经锡米山,更无流经加影,而是发源自沙登园(Serdang Estate)南部,从新街场路旧路南下至14英里丁字岔路口,也即“双邦”(Sempang Serdang),今国能大学Uniten交通圈。双邦,又称新邦或先邦,而Sempang为洋人对Simpang(岔路口)的拼写法。锡米山园也是在沙登园南部,就在这条河旁边,故取河名为园名。"// (雷子健 @ Oriental Daily7 April 2024: {{ :akhbar:雷子健_锡米山误当朱湖_东方文荟_评论_東方網_馬來西亞東方日報.pdf ||}}[[|"雷子健:锡米山误当朱湖"]]). +{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-1904-berturap.png?440|Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itam, berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1900-an}}{{:peta:jalan-ayer-itam-1950-berturap.png?460|Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itam, berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1950}} \\ 
 +**Kiri**: Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itam, berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1900-an. Bahagian yang telah siap diturap dikenali sebagai "Jalan Sungai Chua" (Jalan Kajang-Sungai Chuau Chua Chiow / Cheow, ditandakan ungu). (Edinburgh Geographical Institute1904 @ Yale University Library - Digital Collections: {{ :laman:selangor_federated_malay_states_1904_john_bartholomew_co_w.t._wood_chief_draftman._-_yale_university_library.pdf ||}}[[|"Selangor, Federated Malay States, 1904 John Bartholomew & Co ; W.T. Wood, chief draftman"]]). \\ 
 +**Kanan**: Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itam, berdasarkan peta negeri Selangor, tahun 1950. Bahagian yang telah siap diturap (hingga sekitar Sungai Chuau Chua Chiow Cheow, ditandakan biru), dikenali sebagai "Jalan Sungai Chua" (Jalan Kajang-Sungai Chuau / Chua / Chiow / Cheow, ditandakan ungu) (Surveyor General, Malaya, 1950 @ Australian National University: {{ :laman:open_research_malaysia_malaya_selangor_1950_land_use_south_sheet_1950_1_126_720.pdf ||}}[[|"Malaysia, Malaya, Selangor 1950, Land Use, South Sheet, 1950, 1:126 720"]]).
-Terjemahan Google Translate//"Since it has nothing to do with the Chua family, where did Sungai Chua come fromFirst of allit must be explained that although Simi Hill was a new village established during the state of emergency in 1950, Simi Hill had already existed for at least half a century before thatThe Singapore Newspaper News Library had reported on Sungei Chua Estate in 1917. So, was Sungai Chua really named after a riverAfter carefully checking the British colonial maps of various periodsI finally found the trace of this river on the 1950 map. According to this map, it turns out that this Sungai Chua does not flow through Bukit Timah, let alone Kajang. Instead, it originates from the south of Serdang Estate, and flows south from the old road of Sungai Besi Road to the T-junction at Mile 14which is "Sempang Serdang"now the Uniten traffic circle of Tenaga Nasional UniversitySempang is also called Sempang or Sempang, and Sempang is the foreign spelling of Simpang (fork in the road). Bukit Timah Estate is also in the south of Serdang Estateright next to this river, so the name of the estate is taken from the river."// (Lei Zijian @ Oriental Daily7 April 2024: {{ :akhbar:lei_zijian_mount_simi_was_mistaken_for_lake_zhu_oriental_literature_comments_oriental_daily_news_malaysia.pdf ||}}[[|"Lei ZijianXimi Mountain was mistaken for Zhuhu Lake"]]).+{{:peta:jalan-ayer-itam-1962-berturap.png?450|Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itamberdasarkan peta tahun 1962}}{{:peta:jalan-ayeritam-berturap-kini.png?450|Lakaran kasar jalan berturap yang samakini}} \\ 
 +**Kiri**: Peta Jalan Kajang - Ayer Itamberdasarkan peta negeri Selangortahun 1962Bahagian yang telah siap diturap (hingga sekitar Sungai Chuau / Chua / Chiow / Cheow, ditandakan biru), dikenali sebagai "Jalan Sungai Chua" (Jalan Kajang-Sungai Chuau Chua Chiow / Cheow, ditandakan ungu) (Director of National Mapping, Malaysia1962: {{ :laman:open_research_malaysia_selangor_kuala_lumpur_series_l7010_sheet_94_1962_1_63_360.pdf ||}}[[|"Malaysia, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, SeriesL7010, Sheet 94, 1962, 1:63 360"]]). \\  
 +**Kanan**: Lakaran kasar jalan berturap yang sama, kini: Dari Kajang hingga kawasan IOI Resort City, Putrajaya (ditandakan ungu) ([[|Mapcarta]]).
 ===== 1905-08-02: Hutan Simpan Ayer Itam ===== ===== 1905-08-02: Hutan Simpan Ayer Itam =====
jalan_ayer_itam.1742257684.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/18 08:28 by sazli