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taman_cempaka [2024/10/05 16:47] – [2001: Fasa Pertama Siap] sazlitaman_cempaka [2024/10/07 07:36] (kini) – [Taman Tasik Cempaka (1997-2003)] sazli
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-====== Taman Tasik Cempaka (1997-2003) ======+====== Taman Tasik Cempaka (1997-2008) ======
 {{:gambar:20240814_083213.jpg?600|}} {{:gambar:20240814_083213.jpg?600|}}
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 ===== 1999: Pembinaan ===== ===== 1999: Pembinaan =====
 +Jumlah keluasan yang ditetapkan untuk taman tasik di Seksyen 9 Bandar Baru Bangi ini ialah 16.8 hektar. Pembinaan dimulakan dengan tasik seluas 6 hektar di lembangan Sungai Air Hitam, yang menelan kos sebanyak RM6 juta. Tasik ini turut berfungsi sebagai kolam takungan air bagi kawasan ini.
 //"Bandar Baru Bangi is bent on being known as a 'Garden City'. To make this a reality, the Selangor Development Corporation is building a 16.8-hectare lake garden to be situated the Section 9 commercial centre. A six-hectare lake is to be created near Sungai Air Hitam and its banks at a cost of RM6 million. It is in the final stage of construction. The public park of about 10.8 hectares will be developed by the National Landscape Department at a cost of about RM3 million. To enhance Bangi's reputation as a 'University Town', the lake gardens will have a public library built on the grounds to encourage more people to use the park as place to do some reading. The lake garden will be the first comprehensive public park in the township with the planting of local fragrant flowers such as cempaka as well as various species of trees. A clock tower and a Bangi Square for public gathering and other facilities will also be built. According to PKNS Bangi development controller Raihani Sulaiman, the public park, to be named Taman Awam Tasik Cempaka, is set to become a premier recreational spot for the more than 100,000 residents in the township, as well as nearby areas. She said the lake garden would enhance the status of the township. Bangi has two universities - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten) - and two colleges - Ikram College and Maktab Perguruan Islam. 'The artificial lake will also be a water retention pond for the township, besides being a recreation area,' Raihani said. 'The lake surrounds the town centre, facing the Hulu Langat District Offices Complex, the Bangi Golf Resort, Bangi Utama Business Park, and the PKNS Complex.' She added that the garden would be one of the biggest lake gardens in any township in the country. The lake will have special cooling effect to the surrounding areas. Raihani stressed that although the land price in the Section 9 commercial centre was expensive, the corporation felt the sentimental value for the environment was more important. The park can be a regulator to city life as well as maintain the good name of Bandar Baru Bangi as a garden city. Among the recreational facilities to be provided at the park are fountains, a bird viewing tower, a boathouse, waterfront restaurant, children's play ground and a football field. A fish observation platform also will be built for children to look at the various species of fish being reared in the lake. There will also be basic facilities such as public toilets, police posts and prayer rooms. There will be a Plaza Cempaka to sell handicraft and a food court."//  //"Bandar Baru Bangi is bent on being known as a 'Garden City'. To make this a reality, the Selangor Development Corporation is building a 16.8-hectare lake garden to be situated the Section 9 commercial centre. A six-hectare lake is to be created near Sungai Air Hitam and its banks at a cost of RM6 million. It is in the final stage of construction. The public park of about 10.8 hectares will be developed by the National Landscape Department at a cost of about RM3 million. To enhance Bangi's reputation as a 'University Town', the lake gardens will have a public library built on the grounds to encourage more people to use the park as place to do some reading. The lake garden will be the first comprehensive public park in the township with the planting of local fragrant flowers such as cempaka as well as various species of trees. A clock tower and a Bangi Square for public gathering and other facilities will also be built. According to PKNS Bangi development controller Raihani Sulaiman, the public park, to be named Taman Awam Tasik Cempaka, is set to become a premier recreational spot for the more than 100,000 residents in the township, as well as nearby areas. She said the lake garden would enhance the status of the township. Bangi has two universities - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Tenaga Nasional (Uniten) - and two colleges - Ikram College and Maktab Perguruan Islam. 'The artificial lake will also be a water retention pond for the township, besides being a recreation area,' Raihani said. 'The lake surrounds the town centre, facing the Hulu Langat District Offices Complex, the Bangi Golf Resort, Bangi Utama Business Park, and the PKNS Complex.' She added that the garden would be one of the biggest lake gardens in any township in the country. The lake will have special cooling effect to the surrounding areas. Raihani stressed that although the land price in the Section 9 commercial centre was expensive, the corporation felt the sentimental value for the environment was more important. The park can be a regulator to city life as well as maintain the good name of Bandar Baru Bangi as a garden city. Among the recreational facilities to be provided at the park are fountains, a bird viewing tower, a boathouse, waterfront restaurant, children's play ground and a football field. A fish observation platform also will be built for children to look at the various species of fish being reared in the lake. There will also be basic facilities such as public toilets, police posts and prayer rooms. There will be a Plaza Cempaka to sell handicraft and a food court."// 
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 {{:gambar:nst-1999-06-09-tamancempaka-dibina-sgairhitam.png?500|Taman Tasik Cempaka ketika dalam pembinaan}}{{:gambar:nst-1999-06-09-tamancempaka-dibina-sgairhitam-kini.jpg?400|Taman Tasik Cempaka kini, diambil di lokasi yang sama}} \\ {{:gambar:nst-1999-06-09-tamancempaka-dibina-sgairhitam.png?500|Taman Tasik Cempaka ketika dalam pembinaan}}{{:gambar:nst-1999-06-09-tamancempaka-dibina-sgairhitam-kini.jpg?400|Taman Tasik Cempaka kini, diambil di lokasi yang sama}} \\
-**Kiri**: Taman Tasik Cempaka ketika dalam pembinaan. Gambar mungkin diambil di jambatan Sungai Air Hitam,  Persiaran Bangi, menghadap ke selatan: //"Work in progress ... to level the river bed of Sungai Air Hitam and developed it into a lake garden."// \\+**Kiri**: Tasik yang hampir siap dibina. Gambar mungkin diambil di jambatan Sungai Air Hitam, Persiaran Bangi, menghadap ke selatan: //"Work in progress ... to level the river bed of Sungai Air Hitam and developed it into a lake garden."// \\
 **Kanan** Taman Tasik Cempaka kini, kemungkinan di lokasi yang sama (21 September 2024). **Kanan** Taman Tasik Cempaka kini, kemungkinan di lokasi yang sama (21 September 2024).
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 ===== 2000: Pewartaan ===== ===== 2000: Pewartaan =====
-Diwartakan sebagai taman rekreasi oleh PKNS pada tahun 2000//"Taman Tasik Cempaka is a famous recreational park among Bandar Baru Bangi residents. This park was gazetted as a recreational park in year 2000 by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) under the township development project. The park covers an area of 16.8 hectares which 6 hectares is reserved for manmade lake development project. The main objective of development of this park is mainly for social activities for residents either from Bandar Baru Bangi or nearby districts. According to Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj), total development cost estimated for this park is RM6 million. Simultaneously, National Landscape Department (NLD) was approved with an additional budget worth RM3 million for creating an attractive landscape. Overall, the total cost for developing this park is worth RM9 million. The park maintenance is managed by MPKj. The park has a habitat of 20 species of flower plants including bunga Cempaka where this park’s name was inspired from. All the trees planted in the park are served primarily for ornamental landscaping purpose."// (Mohd Syauqi Nazmi, Muhammad Taufiqurrahman Ramli dan Nik Nor Rahimah Nik Ab Rahim @ Economic and Technology Management Review, Vol 12 (2017): {{ :lampiran:vol12_4.pdf ||}}[[|"The economic valuation of environmental resources in Malaysia: A case study of Taman Tasik Cempaka in Bandar Baru Bangi"]], m.s.30).+Diwartakan sebagai taman rekreasi oleh PKNS pada tahun 2000. Selain kos pembinaan tasik sebanyak RM6 juta, RM3 juta bakal dibelanjakan bagi pembinaan taman di sekitarnya, menjadikan kos keseluruhan sebanyak RM9 juta. Rekabentuknya disediakan oleh Jabatan Landskap Negara. 
 +//"Taman Tasik Cempaka is a famous recreational park among Bandar Baru Bangi residents. This park was gazetted as a recreational park in year 2000 by Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Selangor (PKNS) under the township development project. The park covers an area of 16.8 hectares which 6 hectares is reserved for manmade lake development project. The main objective of development of this park is mainly for social activities for residents either from Bandar Baru Bangi or nearby districts. According to Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj), total development cost estimated for this park is RM6 million. Simultaneously, National Landscape Department (NLD) was approved with an additional budget worth RM3 million for creating an attractive landscape. Overall, the total cost for developing this park is worth RM9 million. The park maintenance is managed by MPKj. The park has a habitat of 20 species of flower plants including bunga Cempaka where this park’s name was inspired from. All the trees planted in the park are served primarily for ornamental landscaping purpose."// (Mohd Syauqi Nazmi, Muhammad Taufiqurrahman Ramli dan Nik Nor Rahimah Nik Ab Rahim @ Economic and Technology Management Review, Vol 12 (2017): {{ :lampiran:vol12_4.pdf ||}}[[|"The economic valuation of environmental resources in Malaysia: A case study of Taman Tasik Cempaka in Bandar Baru Bangi"]], m.s.30).
 //"A RM500,000 allocation has been set aside for the Kajang Municipal Council to fund more social development projects under its 2001 Budget. Council secretary Abdul Rani Mat Jali said the council would be spending on activities for youth, sports and recreation. ... Under the special allocation for new parks from the National Landscape Department, he said the council was developing the riverbank reserve land of Sungai Air Hitam in front of the Hulu Langat District Office complex in Bandar Baru Bangi. This will cater for residents of Bandar Baru Bangi, as well as those from other parts of the municipality. Abdul Rani said with the co-operation from the developer of Bandar Baru Bangi, the Selangor State Development Corporation, Sungai Air Hitam had been turned into a recreational lake with jogging tracks along its banks. The lake area also boasted a playground, fishing ponds, resting areas and picnic grounds, Abdul Rani added. The Kajang council also has an extra allocation for the management of the town park and lake garden once they are completed next year."//  //"A RM500,000 allocation has been set aside for the Kajang Municipal Council to fund more social development projects under its 2001 Budget. Council secretary Abdul Rani Mat Jali said the council would be spending on activities for youth, sports and recreation. ... Under the special allocation for new parks from the National Landscape Department, he said the council was developing the riverbank reserve land of Sungai Air Hitam in front of the Hulu Langat District Office complex in Bandar Baru Bangi. This will cater for residents of Bandar Baru Bangi, as well as those from other parts of the municipality. Abdul Rani said with the co-operation from the developer of Bandar Baru Bangi, the Selangor State Development Corporation, Sungai Air Hitam had been turned into a recreational lake with jogging tracks along its banks. The lake area also boasted a playground, fishing ponds, resting areas and picnic grounds, Abdul Rani added. The Kajang council also has an extra allocation for the management of the town park and lake garden once they are completed next year."// 
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 ===== 2001: Fasa Pertama Siap ===== ===== 2001: Fasa Pertama Siap =====
-Fasa pertama Taman Tasik Cempaka siap dibina pada tahun 2001. Menurut catatan 2001-2002, antara yang tersedia  ialah kemudahan meletak kenderaan, pondok-pondok rehat, tempat mainan kanak-kanak (sebelah timur), tandas, pavilion, binaan jam, ruang pameran plak-plak sejarah daerah-daerah Selangor, dan gelanggang luncur (skateboard). +Fasa pertama Taman Tasik Cempaka di sebelah timur sepanjang Persiaran Pusat Bandar 1, siap dibina pada tahun 2001.  
 //"The corporation's (PKNS) Bandar Baru Bangi development controller Raihani Sulaiman said besides the completed Taman Cempaka lake garden at Section 9, another massive landscape project would be carried out along the one-kilometre stretch of the Sungai Ramal riverbank that cuts through Section 7 of the township. ... The second phase will be carried out with the National Landscape Department and Kajang Municipal Council. It will include a public library, hawker centre and beautification work on the Sungai Air Hitam riverbank nearest the PKNS Complex."// //"The corporation's (PKNS) Bandar Baru Bangi development controller Raihani Sulaiman said besides the completed Taman Cempaka lake garden at Section 9, another massive landscape project would be carried out along the one-kilometre stretch of the Sungai Ramal riverbank that cuts through Section 7 of the township. ... The second phase will be carried out with the National Landscape Department and Kajang Municipal Council. It will include a public library, hawker centre and beautification work on the Sungai Air Hitam riverbank nearest the PKNS Complex."//
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 **Kanan**: Gambar lokasi yang sama, kini (2024). **Kanan**: Gambar lokasi yang sama, kini (2024).
-(Sumber: L.H. Lim @ New Straits Times, 17 Disember 2021: {{ :akhbar:nst-2001-12-18-tamancempaka-siap.pdf ||}}[[|"More parks for Bangi"]]). +(Sumber: L.H. Lim @ New Straits Times, 17 Disember 2001: {{ :akhbar:nst-2001-12-18-tamancempaka-siap.pdf ||}}[[|"More parks for Bangi"]]).
- +
-//"Salah satu taman rekreasi di daerah Hulu Langat, khususnya di Bandar Baru Bangi ialah di Taman Tasik Cempaka. Taman yang bernilai lebih RM2 juta ini menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan kepada para pengunjung seperti kemudahan meletak kenderaan, pondok-pondok rehat, tempat mainan kanak-kanak, tandas dan pavilion. Sejajar dengan matlamatnya untuk memberi keselesaan kepada pengunjung taman ini sentiasa dijaga kebersihannya oleh petugas yang disediakan. Berita gembira untuk kaki-kaki pancing bahawa taman ini mempunyai sebuah tasik yang mempunyai ikan dari pelbagai jenis yang menanti kedatangan anda. Sambil memancing mereka juga boleh menenangkan fikiran dan melihat keindahan taman ini. Terdapat satu ruang yang disediakan untuk remaja bermain skate-board. Dengan ini ibu bapa mereka tidak perlu bimbang keterlibatan anak-anak mereka dalam gejala yang tidak sihat. Taman ini telah dihiasi dengan pokok-pokok yang menghijau dan lampu-lampu yang menambahkan lagi keindahan terutama pada waktu malam. Di sini juga telah dibina plak-plak yang menerangkan asal-usul tempat-tempat di negeri ini. Ini secara tidak langsung akan menambahkan pengetahuan kepada para pengunjung. Terdapat sebuah binaan yang menempatkan sebuah jam besar yang akan berbunyi setiap setengah jam. Dengan adanya jam tersebut ia dapat menambahkan lagi keunikan taman ini. Paling menarik taman in menyediakan satu tempat senaman kaki yang terdiri daripada batu-batu pelbagai saiz. Untuk melancarkan peredaran darah pengunjung bolehlah berjalan dengan memijak batu-batu ini. Hari minggu adalah hari pilihan kebanyakan pengunjung. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika pada hari tu kelihatan seolah-olah ada pesta di Taman Tasik Cempaka."//+
 {{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam.png?470|Binaan jam dan plak sejarah di ruang legar di tebing sebelah timur (2002)}}{{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam-2009-09-06.png?430|Binaan yang sama (6 September 2009)}} \\ {{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam.png?470|Binaan jam dan plak sejarah di ruang legar di tebing sebelah timur (2002)}}{{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam-2009-09-06.png?430|Binaan yang sama (6 September 2009)}} \\
-**Kiri**: Binaan jam dan plak sejarah di ruang legar di tebing sebelah timur (2002): //"Salah satu landskap yang terdapat di Tasik Cempaka"//. \\ +**Kiri**: Binaan jam dan plak sejarah di ruang legar di tebing sebelah timur (2002): //"Salah satu landskap yang terdapat di Tasik Cempaka"// (Mohd. Mustakim Ramli @ Nadi Bangi, Januari 2002 @ Koleksi Arkib & Khas, Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang, UKM: [[|"Taman Tasik Cempaka: Pusat riadah warga Bandar Baru Bangi"]]). \\ 
-**Kanan**: Binaan yang sama (6 September 2009) +**Kanan**: Binaan yang sama (6 September 2009) (AbeDinMerbau @ Flickr, 6 September 2009: [[|"The end of roll...."]].
 {{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam-2012-sazli.jpg?420|Binaan yang sama (2 September 2012)}}{{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam-2012.jpg?480|Binaan yang sama (18 November 2012)}} \\ {{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam-2012-sazli.jpg?420|Binaan yang sama (2 September 2012)}}{{:gambar:nadibangi-2002-01-tamancempaka-jam-2012.jpg?480|Binaan yang sama (18 November 2012)}} \\
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 Binaan yang sama kini. Jam dan plak sejarah tidak kelihatan lagi (2024). Binaan yang sama kini. Jam dan plak sejarah tidak kelihatan lagi (2024).
-(Sumber: Mohd. Mustakim Ramli @ Nadi Bangi, Januari 2002: [[|"Taman Tasik Cempaka: Pusat riadah warga Bandar Baru Bangi"]]).+ 
 +===== 2002Pembinaan Fasa Kedua ===== 
 +Nadi Bangi merekodkan antara catatan terawal mengenai binaan-binaan Fasa Kedua Taman Tasik Cempaka pada tahun 2002 (ketika itu Fasa 2 masih belum siap sepenuhnya). Menurutnya, antara yang telah siap ketika itu ialah kemudahan meletak kenderaan, pondok-pondok rehat, tempat mainan kanak-kanak (sebelah timur), tandas, pavilion, binaan jam, ruang pameran plak-plak sejarah daerah-daerah Selangor, dan gelanggang luncur (skateboard). 
 +//"Salah satu taman rekreasi di daerah Hulu Langat, khususnya di Bandar Baru Bangi ialah di Taman Tasik Cempaka. Taman yang bernilai lebih RM2 juta ini menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan kepada para pengunjung seperti kemudahan meletak kenderaan, pondok-pondok rehat, tempat mainan kanak-kanak, tandas dan pavilion. Sejajar dengan matlamatnya untuk memberi keselesaan kepada pengunjung taman ini sentiasa dijaga kebersihannya oleh petugas yang disediakan. Berita gembira untuk kaki-kaki pancing bahawa taman ini mempunyai sebuah tasik yang mempunyai ikan dari pelbagai jenis yang menanti kedatangan anda. Sambil memancing mereka juga boleh menenangkan fikiran dan melihat keindahan taman ini. Terdapat satu ruang yang disediakan untuk remaja bermain skate-board. Dengan ini ibu bapa mereka tidak perlu bimbang keterlibatan anak-anak mereka dalam gejala yang tidak sihat. Taman ini telah dihiasi dengan pokok-pokok yang menghijau dan lampu-lampu yang menambahkan lagi keindahan terutama pada waktu malam. Di sini juga telah dibina plak-plak yang menerangkan asal-usul tempat-tempat di negeri ini. Ini secara tidak langsung akan menambahkan pengetahuan kepada para pengunjung. Terdapat sebuah binaan yang menempatkan sebuah jam besar yang akan berbunyi setiap setengah jam. Dengan adanya jam tersebut ia dapat menambahkan lagi keunikan taman ini. Paling menarik taman in menyediakan satu tempat senaman kaki yang terdiri daripada batu-batu pelbagai saiz. Untuk melancarkan peredaran darah pengunjung bolehlah berjalan dengan memijak batu-batu ini. Hari minggu adalah hari pilihan kebanyakan pengunjung. Jadi tidak hairanlah jika pada hari tu kelihatan seolah-olah ada pesta di Taman Tasik Cempaka."// (Mohd. Mustakim Ramli @ Nadi Bangi, Januari 2002 @ Koleksi Arkib & Khas, Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang, UKM: [[|"Taman Tasik Cempaka: Pusat riadah warga Bandar Baru Bangi"]]).
 {{:peta:peta-bbb-2002-ttc.png?400|Peta sekitar Taman Tasik Cempaka, 2002}}{{:peta:peta-bbb-2002-legend-tanah.png?500|}} \\ {{:peta:peta-bbb-2002-ttc.png?400|Peta sekitar Taman Tasik Cempaka, 2002}}{{:peta:peta-bbb-2002-legend-tanah.png?500|}} \\
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 ===== 2003: Fasa Kedua Siap ===== ===== 2003: Fasa Kedua Siap =====
 +Fasa kedua Taman Tasik Cempaka yang menelan belanja sebanyak RM3.9 juta, siap dibina pada tahun 2003. Sebuah jambatan konkrit dibina bagi menghubungkan Fasa kedua (sebelah barat, sehingga ke Kompleks PKNS Bangi) dengan fasa pertama (sebelah timur, sepanjang Persiaran Pusat Bandar 1). Keluasannya telah mencapai 10 hektar. Keseluruhan lembangan Sungai Ayer Hitam telah dijadikan tasik, dikelilingi sebuah trek joging sepanjang 4 kilometer. Antara kemudahan yang tersedia ialah gelanggang luncur (skating rink), kafeteria, pondok dan terowong istirahat, serta ruang-ruang aktiviti terbuka. Perpustakaan Daerah Hulu Langat, dibina bersebelahan taman ini di sebelah selatan, turut dibuka pada tahun yang sama.
 //"Phase Two of Tasik Chempaka in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor was completed and opened to the public recently. The project, costing about RM3.9 million, is linked to Phase One by a beautiful concrete bridge. The lake garden project was funded by the National Landscape Department and will be managed by Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) with land and river beautification works provided by Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS). During the recent Bangi Department Day celebration, PKNS Bangi development controller Raihani Sulaiman said the lake garden, which also included the banks of Sungai Ayer Hitam next to the PKNS Bangi Complex, covered a total area about 10ha. With completion of Phase Two, she said, the whole river basin of Sungai Ayer Hitam had been fully converted into a lake garden to provide comprehensive recreational facilities such as a jogging track, skating rink, cafeteria, lake view rest huts, rest tunnel, open air amphitheatre, and open space for group activities. A unique feature of the lake is the four-kilometre jogging track that goes around the garden, taking joggers through several beautiful landscaped areas on both sides of the river. 'The lake garden is the fulfillment of the promise made by the PKNS in developing Bandar Baru Bangi into a university town,' Raihani said. 'PKNS has also allocated funds for the widening and beautification of part of the river by turning it into a water retention cum recreational lake covering over four hectares in total.' PKNS has also allocated funds for the widening and beautification of part of the river by turning it into a water retention cum recreational lake covering over four hectares in total.' PKNS had also allocated land for the building of a new library, just beside the lake garden, by the Selangor Public Library Department."// //"Phase Two of Tasik Chempaka in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor was completed and opened to the public recently. The project, costing about RM3.9 million, is linked to Phase One by a beautiful concrete bridge. The lake garden project was funded by the National Landscape Department and will be managed by Kajang Municipal Council (MPKj) with land and river beautification works provided by Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS). During the recent Bangi Department Day celebration, PKNS Bangi development controller Raihani Sulaiman said the lake garden, which also included the banks of Sungai Ayer Hitam next to the PKNS Bangi Complex, covered a total area about 10ha. With completion of Phase Two, she said, the whole river basin of Sungai Ayer Hitam had been fully converted into a lake garden to provide comprehensive recreational facilities such as a jogging track, skating rink, cafeteria, lake view rest huts, rest tunnel, open air amphitheatre, and open space for group activities. A unique feature of the lake is the four-kilometre jogging track that goes around the garden, taking joggers through several beautiful landscaped areas on both sides of the river. 'The lake garden is the fulfillment of the promise made by the PKNS in developing Bandar Baru Bangi into a university town,' Raihani said. 'PKNS has also allocated funds for the widening and beautification of part of the river by turning it into a water retention cum recreational lake covering over four hectares in total.' PKNS has also allocated funds for the widening and beautification of part of the river by turning it into a water retention cum recreational lake covering over four hectares in total.' PKNS had also allocated land for the building of a new library, just beside the lake garden, by the Selangor Public Library Department."//
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 Ruang legar yang sama, kini (2024). Ruang legar yang sama, kini (2024).
-{{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-sculpturedwall.png?470|Kawasan dinding berhias arca (2023)}}{{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-sculpturedwall-kini.jpg?430|Kawasan dinding berhias arca, kini (2024)}} \\ +{{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-sculpturedwall.png?470|Kawasan dinding berhias arca (2003)}}{{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-sculpturedwall-kini.jpg?430|Kawasan dinding berhias arca, kini (2024)}} \\ 
-**Kiri**: Kawasan dinding berhias arca (2023): //"Interesting: Part of the park decorated with a unique sculptured wall."// \\+**Kiri**: Kawasan dinding berhias arca (2003): //"Interesting: Part of the park decorated with a unique sculptured wall."// \\
 **Kanan**: Kawasan dinding berhias arca, kini (2024). **Kanan**: Kawasan dinding berhias arca, kini (2024).
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 **Kiri**: Sekitar perpustakaan awam di sebelah selatan tasik. Gambar mungkin diambil dari atas jambatan (2003): //"New facility: The public library (left) beside Tasik Chempaka on the banks of Sungai Ayer Hitam."// \\ **Kiri**: Sekitar perpustakaan awam di sebelah selatan tasik. Gambar mungkin diambil dari atas jambatan (2003): //"New facility: The public library (left) beside Tasik Chempaka on the banks of Sungai Ayer Hitam."// \\
 **Kanan**: Lokasi yang sama kini (2024). **Kanan**: Lokasi yang sama kini (2024).
 +Perpustakaan ini siap dibina dan dibuka pada tahun yang sama: //"Perpustakaan Daerah Hulu Langat mula beroperasi pada tahun 2003 di Bandar Baru Bangi."// (Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Selangor (PPAS), 2015: {{ :lampiran:laporan-tahunan-ppas-2015.pdf ||}}[[|"Laporan Tahunan PPAS 2015"]], m.s. 48).
 {{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-foodcourt.png?450|Di jambatan, menghadap bangunan kafeteria di sebelah utaranya (2003)}}{{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-foodcourt-2004-07-11.jpg?450|Sekitar lokasi yang sama (11 Julai 2004)}} \\ {{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-foodcourt.png?450|Di jambatan, menghadap bangunan kafeteria di sebelah utaranya (2003)}}{{:gambar:nst-2003-07-01-tasikcempaka-foodcourt-2004-07-11.jpg?450|Sekitar lokasi yang sama (11 Julai 2004)}} \\
taman_cempaka.1728118023.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/05 16:47 by sazli