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j_r_o_aldworth [2022/05/05 11:44] – [Sejarah Ringkas] sazli | j_r_o_aldworth [2022/05/05 15:35] (kini) – sazli |
| ====== John Richard Oliver (J.R.O.) Aldworth (1866-1948) ====== |
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| ===== Dirujuk oleh ===== |
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| * [[rekoh#pampasan_tanah_landasan|Rekoh: 1900-05-05: Pampasan Tanah Landasan]] |
| * [[landasan_rekoh_bangi#pampasan_tanah_landasan_di_jalan_reko|Landasan Rekoh-Bangi: 1900-05-05: Pampasan Tanah Landasan di Jalan Reko]] |
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| ===== Sejarah Ringkas ===== |
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| * **1866 (18 September)**: Dilahirkan (YAKULT @ BillionGraves, 2018: {{ :laman:john_richard_oliver_aldworth_j.p._1866_-_1948_billiongraves_record.pdf ||}}[[|"John Richard Oliver Aldworth J.p."]]). Bapanya Col. Robert Aldworth, ibunya Olivia Catherine Morton: //"B. Sept 18, 1866, s. of late Col Robert ALDWORTH ... He was the youngest son of Col. Robert Aldworth & Olivia Catherine MORTON."// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1889 (Disember)**: Setelah tamat pengajian di Cheltenham College, memulakan kerjaya pentadbiran Selangor sebagai pembantu majistret di Klang pada Disember 1889: //"Educated: Cheltenham College. Entered Selangor civil-service 1889 [age 23]; passed in Malay 1889; first assistant collector magistrate, Klang, December 1889"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1890 (Ogos)**: Pemangku Pegawai Daerah Kuala Selangor: //"acting District Officer, Kuala Selangor, August 1890"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1892 (Julai-November)**: Pemangku Bendahari Pahang: //"Acting Treasurer of Pahang, July to November 1892"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1893-1894,1895**: Pegawai Daerah Klang (Admin ICT @ PEJABAT DAERAH/TANAH KLANG, 2013-10-07: {{ :laman:portal_rasmi_pdt_klang_senarai_mantan_pegawai_daerah_klang.pdf ||}}[[|"SENARAI MANTAN PEGAWAI DAERAH KLANG"]]). Dianggap antara pegawai daerah terbaik pada zaman itu: //"It is said that one of the best of the earlier District Officers J. R. O. Aldworth, who ultimately became Resident of Negri Sembilan, came out to Malaya merely on the chance of finding a career here."// (J.H.M. Robson, 1934: {{ :buku:recordsrecollections.pdf ||}}[[|"Records and Recollections (1889-1934)"]], m.s.10). |
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| * **1895 (Disember)**: Pegawai Daerah Ulu Langat: //"District Officer, Ulu Langat, December 1895"// (Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7, m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]; PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 05/05/1900: {{ :arkib:19570092045d02.pdf ||}}[[|"AUDRIS HAMY'S PETITION RE LAND OFF THE REKO ROAD RESUMED FOR RAILWAY PURPOSES"]]). |
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| * **1896**: Pemeriksa Bahasa Melayu, Negri Sembilan: //"Examiner in Malay, Negri Sembilan, 1896"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1900 (Jun)**: Pemungut Hasil Tanah, Seremban, dan Pendaftar Hakmilik, Negeri Sembilan: //"Collector of Land Revenue, Seremban, and Registrar of Titles, Negeri Sembilan, June 1900"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1901 (25 September) - 1903**: Secretary to High Commissioner, F.M.S.: //"secretary to High Commissioner F.M.S. 1901 - 3"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]; PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 05/06/1903: {{ :arkib:19570109200d02.pdf ||}}[[|"Increment of Salary. J.R.O. Aldworth."]]). |
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| * **1903**: Pegawai Daerah Kuala Kangsar: //"District officer, Kuala Kangsar, 1903"// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]; PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 05/06/1903: {{ :arkib:19570109200d02.pdf ||}}[[|"Increment of Salary. J.R.O. Aldworth."]]). |
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| * **1904 (11 April)**: Sebelumnya Acting Secretary to Resident, Selangor, digantikan oleh Mr. E. Burnside (PEJABAT SETIAUSAHA KERAJAAN NEGERI SELANGOR, 11/04/1904: {{ :arkib:19570115348d02.pdf ||}}[[|"MR. E. BURNSIDE TO SUCCEED MR. J.R.O. ALDWORTH AS ACTING SECRETARY TO RESIDENT, SELANGOR"]]). |
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| * **1905**: Berkahwin dengan Dorothea Anne Harvey: //"married 1905, Dorothea Anne Harvey, daughter of late Richard Drew."// ({{ :lampiran:whoswhoinfareast00hongrich_bw.pdf ||}}[[|"Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7"]], m.s. 3 @ [[|Sharon Oddie Brown]]: {{ :laman:who_s_who_in_the_far_east_1906-7.pdf ||}} [['s%20Who%20in%20the%20Far%20East%201906-7.htm|"The Silver Bowl"]]). |
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| * **1912-1917**: Controller of Labour, Malaya (Kernial Singh Sandhu, 1969: [[|"Indians in Malaya: Some Aspects of Their Immigration and Settlement (1786-1957)"]], m.s.93-94; 20/3/1917: {{ :buku:annualreportsfor1916stra.pdf ||}}[[|"Annual Departmental Reports of the Straits Settlements for the year 1916"]], m.s.159; Malaya Tribune., 22 December 1917, Page 2: {{ :akhbar:maltribune19171222-1-2-3.pdf ||}}[[|"The P.A.M."]]). |
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| * **1917 (7 Jun-28 Disember)**: Residen Selangor (acting) (Ben Cahoon @ WORLD {{ :laman:malaysian_states.pdf ||}}[[|"Malay States"]]). |
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| * **1919 (1 Jul) - 1920 (21 Mei)**: Residen Negeri Sembilan (Ben Cahoon @ WORLD {{ :laman:malaysian_states.pdf ||}}[[|"Malay States"]]). |
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| * **1948 (9 Jun)**: Meninggal dunia dan dikebumikan di Haselbury Plucknett (St. Michael all Angels) Churchyard, South Somerset, Somerset, England (The Straits Times, 11 June 1948, Page 1: {{ :akhbar:straitstimes19480611-1-2-14.pdf ||}}[[|FORMER NEGRI RESIDENT DIES"]]; YAKULT @ BillionGraves, 2018: {{ :laman:john_richard_oliver_aldworth_j.p._1866_-_1948_billiongraves_record.pdf ||}}[[|"John Richard Oliver Aldworth J.p."]]). |
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